
Banana Blunder to Festival Wonder!

May 2, 2024 · 16m 23s
Banana Blunder to Festival Wonder!

01 · Main Story

1m 41s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 37s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Banana Blunder to Festival Wonder! Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Nekoč, na sončen dan, je v srcu Ljubljane...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Banana Blunder to Festival Wonder!
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Sl: Nekoč, na sončen dan, je v srcu Ljubljane živela deklica po imenu Maja.
En: Once, on a sunny day, a girl named Maja lived in the heart of Ljubljana.

Sl: Njena majhna roka se je nežno dotaknila svežih sadov na Osrednji ljubljanski tržnici.
En: Her small hand gently touched the fresh fruits at the Central Ljubljana Market.

Sl: Ljudje so se smejali, vrabci pa so čivkali in letali med pisanimi stojnicami.
En: People laughed, sparrows chirped and flew among the colorful stalls.

Sl: Maja je imela poseben načrt: kupiti najboljše banane za piškote, ki jih je nameravala speči.
En: Maja had a special plan: to buy the best bananas for cookies she intended to bake.

Sl: A ker je bila še začetnica v nakupovanju, ni opazila, da so banane, ki jih je izbrala, bile že precej zrele, skoraj trohne.
En: But since she was still a novice in shopping, she didn't notice that the bananas she chose were already quite ripe, almost rotten.

Sl: V svojem navdušenju je plačala za celo zaboj banan in odšla domov.
En: In her excitement, she paid for a whole box of bananas and went home.

Sl: Ko je prispela domov, jo je že pričakala najboljša prijateljica Ana in njen brat Luka.
En: When she arrived home, her best friend Ana and her brother Luka were already waiting for her.

Sl: "Poglejte, kaj sem kupila!
En: "Look what I bought!"

Sl: " je veselo zavpila Maja in odprla zaboj, iz katerega se je valil sladek, a premočan vonj prezrelih banan.
En: Maja exclaimed happily and opened the box, from which a sweet but overpowering scent of overripe bananas wafted.

Sl: Ana in Luka sta si izmenjala zaskrbljena pogleda.
En: Ana and Luka exchanged worried looks.

Sl: Vedela sta, da Maja ne more uporabiti teh banan za piškote.
En: They knew that Maja couldn't use these bananas for cookies.

Sl: Maja je obupano strmela v kup banan, njeno srce pa je potonilo.
En: Maja gazed despairingly at the pile of bananas, her heart sinking.

Sl: A kaj, ko je v Ljubljani ravno ta vikend potekal lokalni festival, kjer so se vsi našemili v različne kostume.
En: But just that weekend, a local festival was taking place in Ljubljana, where everyone dressed up in different costumes.

Sl: Luka, ki je vedno bil poln zanimivih idej, je nenadoma zavpil: "Imam idejo!
En: Luka, who was always full of interesting ideas, suddenly shouted, "I have an idea!

Sl: Zakaj ne bi naredili kostuma iz teh banan?
En: Why don't we make a costume out of these bananas?

Sl: Lahko si izmisliva bananin kostum!
En: We could come up with a banana costume!"

Sl: "Ana, ki je rada risala in ustvarjala, je bila navdušena.
En: Ana, who loved drawing and creating, was thrilled.

Sl: "Lahko bi bila Banana Kraljica!
En: "I could be the Banana Queen!"

Sl: " je dodala.
En: she added.

Sl: Maja je ugotovila, da bi to lahko bila rešitev tudi za njene presezrele banane.
En: Maja realized that this could also be a solution for her overripe bananas.

Sl: Skupaj so se lotili dela.
En: They set to work together.

Sl: Zavrgli so trohne dele, a vse uporabne banane spremenili v delčke kostuma.
En: They discarded the rotten parts and turned all the usable bananas into costume pieces.

Sl: Ana je risala, Luka je rezal in oblikoval, Maja pa je vse skupaj sestavljala.
En: Ana drew, Luka cut and shaped, and Maja assembled everything.

Sl: Počasi se je oblikovala rumena obleka, posuta z "bananinimi" nakitki in "bananinim" plaščem.
En: Slowly, a yellow dress adorned with "banana" ornaments and a "banana" cloak took shape.

Sl: Dan festivala je bil kot iz pravljice.
En: The day of the festival was like something out of a fairytale.

Sl: Mesto je bilo polno glasbe, plesa in barvitih kostumov.
En: The city was full of music, dance, and colorful costumes.

Sl: Maja, oblečena v bananin kostum, je bila prava atrakcija.
En: Maja, dressed in a banana costume, was a real attraction.

Sl: Ljudje so se za njo ozirali, ji ploskali in se slikali z njo.
En: People looked at her, clapped for her, and took pictures with her.

Sl: Na koncu dneva, ko se je množica razšla in ulice so postale tiše, je Maja svoji prijateljema rekla z iskrico v očeh: "Nikoli ne bom pozabila tega dne.
En: At the end of the day, when the crowd dispersed and the streets became quieter, Maja said to her friends with a twinkle in her eyes, "I will never forget this day.

Sl: Hvala vama, da sta iz nečesa pokvarjenega naredila čudež.
En: Thank you for turning something spoiled into a miracle."

Sl: "Tisti večer je na trgih Ljubljane še vedno odzvanjal smeh in veselje.
En: That evening, laughter and joy still echoed through the squares of Ljubljana.

Sl: In sredi te radosti, pod milo nebo, ki je bdelo nad starim mestom, so Maja, Ana in Luka vedeli, da je vsak prevrat lahko priložnost za nekaj novega, nekaj čudovitega.
En: And in the midst of this joy, under the mild sky watching over the old city, Maja, Ana, and Luka knew that every upheaval could be an opportunity for something new, something wonderful.

Sl: Bananin ples je postal legenda in vsi so vedeli, da ima vsaka napaka moč, da se spremeni v nekaj čarobnega.
En: The banana dance became a legend, and everyone knew that every mistake has the power to turn into something magical.

Vocabulary Words:
  • laughter: smeh
  • sparrows: vrabci
  • overripe: prezreli
  • despairingly: obupno
  • adorned: posuta
  • cloak: plašč
  • attraction: atrakcija
  • miracle: čudež
  • upheaval: prevrat
  • opportunity: priložnost
  • wonderful: čudovito
  • legend: legenda
  • magical: čaroben
  • novice: začetnica
  • overpowering: premočan
  • intended: nameravala
  • excitement: navdušenje
  • sth: something
  • spoiled: pokvarjen
  • whiff: veil
  • ripe: zrel
  • lavish: pisana
  • disperse: razširiti
  • gladly: veselo
  • piece: kos
  • cheerfully: iskrico
  • twinkle: iskrico
  • exchange: izmenjati
  • assemble: sestavljala
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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