Bat Encounters and Cave Laughter: A Tour to Remember
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Bat Encounters and Cave Laughter: A Tour to Remember
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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Bat Encounters and Cave Laughter: A Tour to Remember Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Matej je stal na...
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Story Transcript:
Sl: Matej je stal na vhodu v Postojnsko jamo z nasmehom na obrazu.
En: Matej stood at the entrance of the Postojna Cave with a smile on his face.
Sl: Njegova svetilka je osvetlila pot.
En: His flashlight lit up the path.
Sl: Okrog njega so hodili žuboreči obiskovalci.
En: Around him bustled chattering visitors.
Sl: Med njimi je bila Ana, radovedna turistka z rdečim klobukom.
En: Among them was Ana, a curious tourist with a red hat.
Sl: Matej je želel biti očarljiv vodič, čeprav je bil znan po svoji nerodnosti.
En: Matej wanted to be a charming guide, even though he was known for his clumsiness.
Sl: Ko so vstopili v jamo, so obiskovalci začutili hladen zrak.
En: As they entered the cave, the visitors felt the cool air.
Sl: Na stropu so viseli čudoviti kapniki, videti kot zamrznjeni slapovi.
En: Beautiful stalactites hung from the ceiling, looking like frozen waterfalls.
Sl: Zrak je imel zemeljski vonj, skrivnosten in osvežujoč.
En: The air had an earthy scent, mysterious and refreshing.
Sl: Ana je bila navdušena, a tudi nekoliko zaskrbljena.
En: Ana was excited but also a bit anxious.
Sl: Njen strah pred netopirji je bil prisoten.
En: Her fear of bats was present.
Sl: Matej je začel razlagati o zgodovini jame.
En: Matej began explaining the history of the cave.
Sl: Njegov glas je odmeval med stenami.
En: His voice echoed off the walls.
Sl: "Postojnska jama je..." In nato – aaačiih!
En: "The Postojna Cave is..." And then – achoo!
Sl: Matej je glasno kihnil.
En: Matej sneezed loudly.
Sl: Glasno kihanje je prekinilo molk.
En: The loud sneeze broke the silence.
Sl: Tišina se je pogreznila v vsem prostoru.
En: The quiet settled over the entire space again.
Sl: Nenadoma je majhen netopir poletel iz teme in pristal naravnost na Anin klobuk.
En: Suddenly, a small bat flew out of the darkness and landed right on Ana's hat.
Sl: Ona je otrpnila in zakričala.
En: She froze and screamed.
Sl: Panika jo je zajela.
En: Panic seized her.
Sl: Matej je vedel, da mora ukrepati hitro.
En: Matej knew he had to act quickly.
Sl: Poskusil je ostati sproščen.
En: He tried to stay calm.
Sl: Pogledal je po skupini, ki se je zbrala okoli Ane.
En: He looked at the group gathered around Ana.
Sl: "Vidim, da si našla prijatelja," je poskušal narediti šalo.
En: "I see you've found a friend," he tried to joke.
Sl: Približal se je Ani in previdno prijel netopirja, ga nežno odstranil s klobuka.
En: He approached Ana and gently grabbed the bat, carefully removing it from the hat.
Sl: Netopir je le vzletel nazaj v temo, kot da se ni zgodilo nič.
En: The bat simply flew back into the darkness as if nothing had happened.
Sl: Ana je počasi zadihala.
En: Ana slowly caught her breath.
Sl: Matej je spet govoril.
En: Matej spoke again.
Sl: "Nekateri pravijo, da so netopirji prinašalci sreče! Mislim, da ti je ta res prinesel pogum."
En: "Some say bats bring good luck! I think this one really brought you courage."
Sl: Njegov humor je končno razbremenil napetost.
En: His humor finally eased the tension.
Sl: Skupina se je zasmejala.
En: The group laughed.
Sl: Ko je potekal preostanek tura, je bil Matej previdnejši.
En: As the rest of the tour went on, Matej was more cautious.
Sl: Ni več kihal, ampak njegova naravna nerodnost je dala turam osebnost, ki so je turisti oboževali.
En: He didn't sneeze again, but his natural clumsiness added a charm to the tours that tourists loved.
Sl: Ana je sledila Mateju z večjim zaupanjem, ponosna na sebe.
En: Ana followed Matej with more confidence, proud of herself.
Sl: Tistega dne sta se oba nekaj naučila.
En: They both learned something that day.
Sl: Matej je spoznal, da njegova nerodnost ni ovira, ampak del njegovega šarma.
En: Matej realized that his clumsiness wasn't a hindrance but part of his charm.
Sl: Ana pa je začutila, da lahko premaga svoj strah in celo vidi lepoto tam, kjer je prej videla le grožnjo.
En: Ana felt she could overcome her fear and even see beauty where she once saw only a threat.
Sl: Po turah skozi jamo, ki so bile zdaj polne smeha in novih prijateljstev, je Matej ponosno videl, kako Ana odhaja z nasmehom.
En: After tours filled with laughter and new friendships, Matej proudly watched Ana leave with a smile.
Sl: Počasi se je sončilo zunaj jame.
En: The sun was slowly setting outside the cave.
Sl: Matej je vedel, da bo njegov naslednji dan v jami še lepši.
En: Matej knew that his next day in the cave would be even better.
Vocabulary Words:
- entrance: vhodu
- flashlight: svetilka
- bustled: žuboreči
- charming: očarljiv
- clumsiness: nerodnosti
- stalactites: kapniki
- earthy: zemeljski
- mysterious: skrivnosten
- anxious: zaskrbljena
- sneezed: kihnil
- quiet: tišina
- darkness: tema
- froze: otrpnila
- panic: panika
- grabbed: prijel
- carefully: previdno
- breath: zadihala
- joke: šalo
- tension: napetost
- cautious: previdnejši
- hindrance: ovira
- overcome: premaga
- threat: grožnjo
- friendships: prijateljstev
- curious: radovedna
- visitors: obiskovalci
- ceiling: stropu
- fear: strah
- landed: pristal
- seized: zajela
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