
Braving the Arctic: Jozef's Journey Through Fog and Fear

Aug 21, 2024 · 15m 3s
Braving the Arctic: Jozef's Journey Through Fog and Fear

01 · Main Story

1m 41s

02 · Vocabulary Words

11m 25s


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Braving the Arctic: Jozef's Journey Through Fog and Fear Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: V letnej arktickej tundre,...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Braving the Arctic: Jozef's Journey Through Fog and Fear
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Story Transcript:

Sk: V letnej arktickej tundre, pod nekonečným slnkom, bola krajina neľútostná a krásna.
En: In the summer Arctic tundra, under the endless sun, the land was unforgiving and beautiful.

Sk: Študenti sa zhromaždili na mieste, kde začínala ich školská exkurzia.
En: Students gathered at the starting point of their school excursion.

Sk: Medzi nimi bol aj Jozef, chlapec s iskravou túžbou po dobrodružstve.
En: Among them was Jozef, a boy with a sparkling desire for adventure.

Sk: Vedľa neho stála Katarina, priateľská dievčina, ktorá bol jeho oporou.
En: Next to him stood Katarina, a friendly girl who was his support.

Sk: Jozef bol napätý.
En: Jozef was tense.

Sk: Túžil dosiahnuť obdiv svojich spolužiakov, ale vedel, že nie je tak silný ako ostatní.
En: He longed to earn the admiration of his classmates but knew he wasn't as strong as the others.

Sk: Pred ním sa rozprestiera nekonečná pláň, kde sa šepkalo o tajomnej jaskyni.
En: Ahead of him stretched an endless plain, where rumors spoke of a mysterious cave.

Sk: Skupina sa pohla.
En: The group set off.

Sk: Všetci nasledovali učiteľa, ako sledovali pôsobivé ľadové útvary.
En: Everyone followed the teacher as they observed the impressive ice formations.

Sk: Jozef sa usmieval naoko, no v hlave mal plán.
En: Jozef wore a smile, but in his mind, a plan formed.

Sk: Rozhodol sa, že sa odvážne oddelí od skupiny a nájde jaskyňu.
En: He decided he would bravely separate from the group and find the cave.

Sk: Chcel ukázať, že má odvahu a zručnosť.
En: He wanted to prove that he had courage and skill.

Sk: Zrazu, keď sa ostatní nedívali, sa vydal mimo trasy.
En: Suddenly, when the others weren't looking, he ventured off the path.

Sk: Srdce mu bilo vzrušením.
En: His heart beat with excitement.

Sk: Kráčal ďalej a ďalej, kým ho neobklopil nový svet – obrovské ľadové kryhy a tiché, tajuplné ticho.
En: He walked further and further until he was enveloped by a new world—enormous ice floes and a silent, mysterious stillness.

Sk: Odrazu však prišla hmla.
En: However, suddenly a fog rolled in.

Sk: Záplava mliečne bielej mu skryla pohľad.
En: A flood of milky white obscured his view.

Sk: Jozef sa zastavil, dezorientovaný a vystrašený.
En: Jozef stopped, disoriented and frightened.

Sk: Bol stratený.
En: He was lost.

Sk: Bez orientácie a vedomia, ktorým smerom sa vrátiť.
En: Without orientation or any knowledge of which direction to return.

Sk: Jozef sa nadýchol, snažil sa utíšiť svoju myseľ.
En: Jozef took a deep breath, trying to calm his mind.

Sk: Spomenul si, ako mu Katarina povedala, že hmla nie je trvalá.
En: He remembered Katarina telling him that the fog wasn't permanent.

Sk: Rozpoznal zvuky, ktoré sa niesli priestormi.
En: He discerned sounds echoing through the spaces.

Sk: A ako sa hmla začala riediť, Jozef pocítil vnútornú silu.
En: And as the fog began to thin, Jozef felt an inner strength.

Sk: Zameral sa na vzdialené hlasy priateľov.
En: He focused on the distant voices of his friends.

Sk: Nasledoval ich až dovtedy, kým opäť nezahliadol obrysy skupiny.
En: He followed them until he once again glimpsed the outlines of the group.

Sk: Vrátil sa s úsmevom aj hrdo pozdvihnutou hlavou.
En: He returned with a smile and his head held proudly high.

Sk: Učiteľ ho privítal s neskrývanou úľavou a ostatní mu tlieskali.
En: The teacher welcomed him with undisguised relief, and the others applauded.

Sk: Katarina sa na neho radostne usmiala.
En: Katarina greeted him with a joyful smile.

Sk: Jozef sa cítil inak.
En: Jozef felt different.

Sk: Bol naplnený hrdosťou.
En: He was filled with pride.

Sk: Všetko, čo prekonal, prinieslo svoje ovocie.
En: Everything he had overcome bore fruit.

Sk: Jeho spolužiaci ho teraz obdivovali.
En: His classmates now admired him.

Sk: Jozef sa už nebál, že bude ponechaný v pozadí.
En: Jozef no longer feared being left in the background.

Sk: Našiel cestu späť nielen k skupine, ale aj k sebe samému.
En: He had found his way back not only to the group but also to himself.

Sk: Na tundre, kde bol skúšaný mrazivým labyrintom a neistotou, našiel svoju skutočnú silu a odvahu.
En: On the tundra, where he was tested by the frozen labyrinth and uncertainty, he discovered his true strength and courage.

Vocabulary Words:
  • unforgiving: neľútostná
  • admiration: obdiv
  • plain: pláň
  • rumors: šepkalo
  • ventured: vydal
  • enormous: obrovské
  • silent: tiché
  • stillness: ticho
  • fog: hmla
  • obscured: skryla
  • disoriented: dezorientovaný
  • discerned: rozpoznal
  • echoing: niesli
  • inner strength: vnútornú silu
  • focused: zameral
  • glimpsed: zahliadol
  • undisguised: neskrývanou
  • welcomed: privítal
  • pride: hrdosť
  • overcome: prekonal
  • admired: obdivovali
  • background: pozadí
  • tested: skúšaný
  • labyrinth: labyrintom
  • uncertainty: neistotou
  • strength: silu
  • courage: odvahu
  • endless: nekonečným
  • sparkling: iskravou
  • excursion: exkurzia
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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