Are you ready to supercharge your Slovak listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition...
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Are you ready to supercharge your Slovak listening comprehension?
Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.
That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovak, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovak and English.
This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.
Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.
Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bratislava, Košice, or High Tatras? Maybe you want to speak Slovak with your grandparents from Banská Bystrica?
Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in Slovakia, the heartland where the Slovak language is primarily spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovak listening comprehension.
Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Zlepšte svoje počúvacie schopnosti s našimi slovenskými príbehmi ešte dnes!
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Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.
That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovak, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovak and English.
This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.
Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.
Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bratislava, Košice, or High Tatras? Maybe you want to speak Slovak with your grandparents from Banská Bystrica?
Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in Slovakia, the heartland where the Slovak language is primarily spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovak listening comprehension.
Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Zlepšte svoje počúvacie schopnosti s našimi slovenskými príbehmi ešte dnes!

Episodes & Posts
16 FEB 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Blooming Hope: A Winter's Tale from Bratislava's Market
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Sk: Na okraji Bratislavy, kde kopce jemne obkresľuje inovať, leží farma Jozefa.
En: On the outskirts of Bratislava, where the hills are gently outlined by frost, lies Jozef's farm.
Sk: Jeho srdce bije pre zem, pre zeleninu, ktorú tu pestuje.
En: His heart beats for the land, for the vegetables he grows there.
Sk: Mierna zima prikryla pole tenkou vrstvou mrazu.
En: The mild winter covered the field with a thin layer of frost.
Sk: Marek a Katarína už cestou na trh cítili teplo svojich šálov a rukavíc.
En: Marek and Katarína already felt the warmth of their scarves and gloves on their way to the market.
Sk: Obloha bola jasná, ale studená.
En: The sky was clear but cold.
Sk: Trh bol útulný, stojany stáli blízko seba, ako by chceli chrániť ľudí pred vetrom.
En: The market was cozy, the stalls stood close together as if wanting to protect people from the wind.
Sk: Ľudia sa túlili v teplých kabátoch, dýchali paru do studeného vzduchu.
En: People huddled in warm coats, breathing steam into the cold air.
Sk: Jozefov stánok bol jednoduchý, ale jeho vášeň žiarila aj tak.
En: Jozef's stall was simple, but his passion shone through nonetheless.
Sk: "Musím vymyslieť niečo výnimočné," premýšľal Jozef.
En: "I need to come up with something special," Jozef thought.
Sk: Bolo len pár dní do Valentína.
En: There were only a few days until Valentine's Day.
Sk: Rozhodol sa skombinovať zimnú zeleninu s malými kvetmi.
En: He decided to combine winter vegetables with small flowers.
Sk: "Možno sa niekto zastaví, keď uvidí niečo nové," uvažoval.
En: "Maybe someone will stop when they see something new," he pondered.
Sk: Keď prišla sobota trhového dňa, priestor zíval prázdnotou viac než obvykle.
En: When Saturday market day arrived, the space yawned emptier than usual.
Sk: Počasie ľudí odrádzalo.
En: The weather discouraged people.
Sk: Jozef začal pochybovať.
En: Jozef began to doubt.
Sk: Potom sa objavili Marek a Katarína.
En: Then Marek and Katarína appeared.
Sk: Ich zvonivý smiech a odhodlanie rýchlo rozohnali jeho pochmúrnu náladu.
En: Their ringing laughter and determination quickly dispelled his gloomy mood.
Sk: "Jozef, to je skvelý nápad!
En: "Jozef, this is a great idea!"
Sk: " zvolala Katarína, keď videla kombináciu zeleniny a kvetov.
En: exclaimed Katarína, when she saw the combination of vegetables and flowers.
Sk: "Podeľme sa o to s ostatnými!
En: "Let's share it with others!"
Sk: " dodal Marek.
En: added Marek.
Sk: Začali rozprávať ostatným o krásnych darčekových balíčkoch, ktoré Jozef pripravil.
En: They began telling others about the beautiful gift packages that Jozef had prepared.
Sk: Týmto síce nenaplnili celý trh, ale pohli ľadom.
En: Though they didn't fill the entire market, they did break the ice.
Sk: Prišli noví ľudia, ktorí chceli vidieť tie originálne narodeninové nápady.
En: New people came, wanting to see those original birthday ideas.
Sk: Jozef sa usmieval.
En: Jozef smiled.
Sk: "Vďaka vám sa mi podarí udržať farmu do jari," povedal vďačne.
En: "Thanks to you, I will manage to keep the farm running until spring," he said gratefully.
Sk: S podporou komunity a chuťou vymýšľať nové veci Jozef pochopil, že aj v zime kvitne jeho budúcnosť.
En: With the support of the community and a desire to create new things, Jozef understood that even in winter, his future blossomed.
Sk: Farma bola v bezpečí a jeho viera v ľudskosť štedrého srdca bola posilnená.
En: The farm was safe, and his faith in the human kindness of generous hearts was strengthened.
Sk: V nedeľu večer sedel pri krbe, dúfajúc v budúcnosť plnú možností, zatiaľ čo vonku sa zima pomaly blížila ku koncu.
En: On Sunday evening, he sat by the fireplace, hoping for a future full of possibilities, while outside, winter was slowly coming to an end.
Vocabulary Words:
- outskirts: okraji
- gently: jemne
- layer: vrstva
- frost: inovať
- scarf: šál
- gloves: rukavice
- market: trh
- huddled: túlili
- passion: vášeň
- shone: žiarila
- special: výnimočné
- days: dní
- pondered: uvažoval
- empty: prázdnotou
- discouraged: odrádzalo
- doubt: pochybovať
- laughter: smiech
- determination: odhodlanie
- gloomy: pochmúrna
- break the ice: pohli ľadom
- origin: originálne
- faith: viera
- kindness: ľudskosť
- generous: štedrého
- strengthened: posilnená
- fireplace: krbe
- blossomed: kvitne
- gratefully: vďačne
- future: budúcnosť
- possibilities: možností
15 FEB 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Matej's Heartfelt Quest: The Perfect Valentine's Gift
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Sk: Matej sa prechádzal po trhoch v mestskom závoji.
En: Matej was strolling through the markets in the city veil.
Sk: Vzduch bol chladný, plný vôní škorice a ružového korenia.
En: The air was chilly, filled with the scents of cinnamon and rose pepper.
Sk: Ľudia sa tlačili okolo stánkov, každý hľadal niečo zvláštne.
En: People crowded around the stalls, each searching for something special.
Sk: Matej mal dnes zvláštny cieľ.
En: Matej had a special purpose today.
Sk: Mal nájsť darček na Valentína pre svoju partnerku.
En: He had to find a Valentine's gift for his partner.
Sk: Pre Mateja nebolo ľahké vybrať darček.
En: For Matej, choosing a gift wasn't easy.
Sk: Trh bol plný možností – šperky, kvety, sladkosti.
En: The market was full of options—jewelry, flowers, sweets.
Sk: Ale všetko sa mu zdalo obyčajné.
En: But everything seemed ordinary to him.
Sk: Chcel niečo jedinečné, niečo, čo by vyjadrilo jeho city.
En: He wanted something unique, something that would express his feelings.
Sk: Bol si neistý.
En: He was uncertain.
Sk: Pristúpil k stánku s ručnými výrobkami.
En: He approached a stall with handmade products.
Sk: Každý predmet bol krásny, no Matej stále váhal.
En: Each item was beautiful, yet Matej still hesitated.
Sk: Spomínal si na momenty, ktoré zažil so svojou partnerkou.
En: He recalled moments he had experienced with his partner.
Sk: Raz na lavičke v parku hrala pieseň, ktorú obaja milovali.
En: Once on a bench in the park, a song played that they both loved.
Sk: To bola chvíľa, ktorá ich spojila ešte viac.
En: It was a moment that bonded them even more.
Sk: Matej sa náhle zastavil.
En: Matej suddenly stopped.
Sk: Jeho pohľad sa uprel na malú hudobnú skrinku.
En: His gaze fell upon a small music box.
Sk: Bola drevená, ručne vyrezávaná, a hrala práve tú pieseň.
En: It was wooden, hand-carved, and played precisely that song.
Sk: Matej pocítil váhanie.
En: Matej felt hesitation.
Sk: "Je to správne?
En: "Is this the right choice?"
Sk: " pýtal sa sám seba.
En: he asked himself.
Sk: Mal pred sebou mnoho možností, ale jeho vnútro mu našepkávalo, že práve toto je tá pravá.
En: He had many options ahead of him, but his intuition whispered that this was the right one.
Sk: Rozhodol sa veriť svojim pocitom.
En: He decided to trust his feelings.
Sk: Kúpil hudobnú skrinku.
En: He bought the music box.
Sk: Na Valentína, keď ju odovzdával, bol nervózny.
En: On Valentine's Day, when he presented it, he was nervous.
Sk: Ale keď sa jeho partnerka usmiala a objala ho, vedel, že urobil správnu voľbu.
En: But when his partner smiled and hugged him, he knew he had made the right choice.
Sk: Bola dojatá a pieseň v skrinke vo vzduchu znela ako ich tichá hymna.
En: She was moved, and the song from the box sounded in the air like their silent anthem.
Sk: Matej získal novú dôveru vo svoje rozhodnutia.
En: Matej gained new confidence in his decisions.
Sk: Uvedomil si, že krása vzťahov nespočíva v materiálnych veciach, ale v spoločných zážitkoch a spomienkach.
En: He realized that the beauty of relationships doesn't lie in material things, but in shared experiences and memories.
Sk: V ten deň bol mestský závoj menej hektický a trochu magickejší.
En: That day, the city veil was less hectic and somewhat more magical.
Vocabulary Words:
- strolling: prechádzal
- city veil: mestský závoj
- chilly: chladný
- scents: vôní
- rose pepper: ružového korenia
- crowded: tlačili
- stall: stánok
- unique: jedinečné
- express: vyjadrilo
- uncertain: neistý
- handmade: ručný
- hesitated: váhal
- recalled: spomínal
- bonded: spojila
- gaze: pohľad
- hand-carved: ručne vyrezávaná
- intuition: vnútro
- presented: odovzdával
- nervous: nervózny
- hugged: objala
- moved: dojatá
- anthem: hymna
- confidence: dôveru
- realized: uvedomil
- shared experiences: spoločných zážitkoch
- memories: spomienkach
- hectic: hektický
- magical: magickejší
- choices: výber
- partner: partnerka
14 FEB 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Love and Survival: A Valentine's Day in the Bunker
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Sk: Pod silným snehom stála malá lesná chatka.
En: Under the heavy snow stood a small forest cabin.
Sk: Pod ňou viedli tajné schody do bunkra.
En: Beneath it, secret stairs led to a bunker.
Sk: Bunker bol vystavaný z betónu a plnili ho núdzové zásoby a staré generátory.
En: The bunker was built from concrete and filled with emergency supplies and old generators.
Sk: Ticho vnútri prerušoval len mierny bzukot elektriny.
En: The silence inside was broken only by the gentle hum of electricity.
Sk: Matej, Zuzana a Ladislav trávili Valentín v tomto chladnom príbytku.
En: Matej, Zuzana, and Ladislav spent Valentine’s Day in this chilly abode.
Sk: Hoci vonku zúrila zima, teplo priateľstva zahrievalo ich srdcia.
En: Although winter raged outside, the warmth of friendship heated their hearts.
Sk: Zuzana sa usmievala na Mateja, ale vnútri skrývala tajomstvo.
En: Zuzana smiled at Matej, but she hid a secret inside.
Sk: Tajomstvo, ktoré túžila povedať, no bála sa.
En: A secret she longed to tell but was scared to.
Sk: Zrazu sa Matej zrútil na zem.
En: Suddenly, Matej collapsed to the ground.
Sk: Jeho tvár zbledla, a srdce mu začalo biť nepravidelne.
En: His face turned pale, and his heart began to beat irregularly.
Sk: Zuzana vykřikla. "Matej! Čo sa deje?"
En: Zuzana screamed, "Matej! What’s happening?"
Sk: Ladislav vedel, že čas je vzácny.
En: Ladislav knew that time was of the essence.
Sk: "Musíme konať rýchlo," povedal odhodlane.
En: "We have to act quickly," he said determinedly.
Sk: "Nemáme veľa lekárskych zásob."
En: "We don’t have many medical supplies."
Sk: V bunkri mali len základné vybavenie.
En: In the bunker, they had only basic equipment.
Sk: Zuzana vedela, že musia niečo improvizovať.
En: Zuzana knew they had to improvise something.
Sk: Pozrela na Ladislava.
En: She looked at Ladislav.
Sk: "Skúsim niečo, čo som videla na kurze prvej pomoci.
En: "I’ll try something I saw in a first aid course.
Sk: Môže to fungovať."
En: It might work."
Sk: Ladislav ju podporil.
En: Ladislav supported her.
Sk: "Máme jednu šancu. Pomôžem ti, Zuzana."
En: "We have one chance. I’ll help you, Zuzana."
Sk: Zuzana vzala hlboký nádych.
En: Zuzana took a deep breath.
Sk: Potom začala konať.
En: Then she began to act.
Sk: Zo svojich vedomostí sa pokúsila stabilizovať Matejov stav.
En: Using her knowledge, she tried to stabilize Matej's condition.
Sk: Ladislav jej podával všetko, čo potrebovala.
En: Ladislav handed her everything she needed.
Sk: Spoločne držali Mateja pri vedomí.
En: Together they kept Matej conscious.
Sk: Hodiny ubiehali pomaly.
En: The hours passed slowly.
Sk: Napätie v bunkri by sa dalo krájať.
En: The tension in the bunker was palpable.
Sk: Nakoniec sa stav zlepšil.
En: Finally, Matej's condition improved.
Sk: Matej začal pravidelne dýchať.
En: He started breathing regularly.
Sk: Zuzana si uľahčene sadla vedľa neho.
En: Zuzana sat down next to him with relief.
Sk: Lapala po dychu a cítila vďačnosť.
En: She was gasping for breath, feeling grateful.
Sk: "Dokázali sme to!" povedala a zo srdca jej padla veľká ťarcha.
En: "We did it!" she said, and a great weight lifted from her heart.
Sk: Keď sa Matej prebudil, zobral Zuzaninú ruku do svojej.
En: When Matej woke up, he took Zuzana's hand in his own.
Sk: "Ďakujem, Zuzana. Bez teba by som to nezvládol."
En: "Thank you, Zuzana. I couldn't have made it without you."
Sk: Jeho pohľad bol vďačný a dojatý.
En: His gaze was grateful and moved.
Sk: Zuzana sa rozhodla, že už nemôže ďalej mlčať.
En: Zuzana decided she could no longer remain silent.
Sk: "Matej, je niečo, čo ti musím povedať.
En: "Matej, there’s something I have to tell you.
Sk: Mám ťa rada."
En: I like you."
Sk: Matej bol prekvapený.
En: Matej was surprised.
Sk: "Zuzana, ani neviem, čo povedať.
En: "Zuzana, I don’t even know what to say.
Sk: Nikdy som nečakal, že cítiš to isté.
En: I never expected you to feel the same.
Sk: Aj ja ťa mám rád."
En: I like you too."
Sk: Zuzana sa usmiala.
En: Zuzana smiled.
Sk: Pocítila, ako sa jej vnútro otvorilo.
En: She felt her heart open up.
Sk: Ladislav sa na nich pozrel s úsmevom.
En: Ladislav looked at them with a smile.
Sk: "Ani neviete, ako rád vás oboch vidím šťastných."
En: "You don’t know how happy I am to see you both so happy."
Sk: V bunkri bolo zrazu teplejšie.
En: Suddenly, it was warmer in the bunker.
Sk: Svetelné žiarovky jemne blikali, keď dorazilo profesionálne zdravotnícke auto.
En: The light bulbs flickered gently as a professional medical vehicle arrived.
Sk: Pomoc bola na ceste.
En: Help was on the way.
Sk: V tej malej chladnej miestnosti Zuzana pochopila hodnotu otvorenosti a Matej pochopil hlavu priateľstva.
En: In that small cold room, Zuzana understood the value of openness, and Matej understood the essence of friendship.
Sk: Každý z nich našiel niečo, čo im navždy zmení životy.
En: Each of them found something that would change their lives forever.
Vocabulary Words:
- bunker: bunker
- concrete: betón
- emergency supplies: núdzové zásoby
- generators: generátory
- hum: bzukot
- abode: príbytok
- raged: zúrila
- secret: tajomstvo
- collapsed: zrútil
- irregularly: nepravidelne
- essence: vzácny
- determinedly: odhodlane
- improvise: improvizovať
- stabilize: stabilizovať
- palpable: krájať
- relief: uľahčene
- grateful: vďačnosť
- gasping for breath: lapala po dychu
- conscious: pri vedomí
- flickered: blikali
- professional: profesionálne
- vehicle: auto
- openness: otvorenosť
- friendship: priateľstva
- remained silent: mlčať
- moved: dojatý
- weight lifted: ťarcha
- heart: srdce
- surprised: prekvapený
- value: hodnotu
13 FEB 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Heartfelt Choices: A Snowy Slovakian Orphanage Tale
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Sk: Na okraji malej dedinky v Slovensku, obklopený nekonečnými bielymi poliami snehu, stál starý sirotinec.
En: On the edge of a small village in Slovensko, surrounded by endless white fields of snow, stood an old orphanage.
Sk: Drevená stavba bola ako domov pre deti bez rodiny.
En: The wooden building was like a home for children without families.
Sk: Každý kút bol útulný, vyplnený smiechom detí a rajčou farbou sŕdc visiacich na stenách.
En: Every corner was cozy, filled with the laughter of children and the bright red color of hearts hanging on the walls.
Sk: Vonku panovala zima, ale vo vnútri bolo teplo a priateľská atmosféra.
En: Outside, it was cold, but inside, it was warm and had a friendly atmosphere.
Sk: Medzi všetkými deťmi boli Marek a Zuzana.
En: Among all the children were Marek and Zuzana.
Sk: Marek bol premýšľavý a láskavý chlapec.
En: Marek was a thoughtful and kind boy.
Sk: Hoci túžil po vlastnej rodine, jeho srdce vždy myslelo na Zuzanu, jeho najlepšiu kamarátku.
En: Although he longed for his own family, his heart always thought of Zuzana, his best friend.
Sk: Zuzana, vždy veselá a radostná, sa však v koutku duše obávala, že zostane v sirotinci sama.
En: Zuzana, always cheerful and joyful, secretly feared that she would remain in the orphanage alone.
Sk: Jedného dňa, keď vonku padal hustý sneh, matka domu priviedla do izby návštevníkov.
En: One day, when thick snow was falling outside, the home's mother brought visitors into the room.
Sk: Bola to sympatická dvojica, ktorá mala záujem adoptovať Mareka.
En: It was a sympathetic couple who were interested in adopting Marek.
Sk: Marek sa cítil rozpoltený.
En: Marek felt torn.
Sk: Veľmi túžil po novom domove, ale obával sa, čo sa stane so Zuzanou, ak odíde.
En: He greatly desired a new home but was worried about what would happen to Zuzana if he left.
Sk: Dni plynuli a blížil sa Deň svätého Valentína.
En: Days passed, and St. Valentine's Day was approaching.
Sk: Každé dieťa v sirotinci dostalo sladkosti a malé kartičky s červenými srdiečkami.
En: Every child in the orphanage received sweets and little cards with red hearts.
Sk: No Marek neprestával rozmýšľať o svojej situácii.
En: But Marek couldn't stop thinking about his situation.
Sk: Chcel sa rozhodnúť srdcom, ale nebolo to jednoduché.
En: He wanted to decide with his heart, but it wasn't easy.
Sk: Ráno na Valentína prišla matka domu znovu s párom, ktorí chceli Mareka adoptovať okamžite.
En: On the morning of Valentine's Day, the home's mother came again with the couple who wanted to adopt Marek immediately.
Sk: Marek vedel, že nastal čas pre rozhodnutie.
En: Marek knew it was time to make a decision.
Sk: Skryl sa na chvíľku do tichej izby a premýšľal.
En: He hid in a quiet room for a moment to think.
Sk: Potom sa vrátil a položil jednoduchú, no dôležitú otázku: "A čo Zuzana?
En: Then he returned and asked a simple but important question: "And what about Zuzana?
Sk: Mohla by ísť so mnou?
En: Could she come with me?"
Sk: "Pár sa na seba pozrel a usmial sa.
En: The couple looked at each other and smiled.
Sk: "Rádi ju spoznáme," povedali.
En: "We'd love to meet her," they said.
Sk: "Môžme ju zvážiť tiež.
En: "We can consider her too."
Sk: "Marek cítil, ako mu srdce poskočilo.
En: Marek felt his heart leap.
Sk: To bolo všetko, čo potreboval počuť.
En: That was all he needed to hear.
Sk: Zistil, že stačí skúsiť hovoriť o svojich želaniach a niekto možno nájde riešenie.
En: He realized that sometimes, you just need to speak your wishes, and someone might find a solution.
Sk: Zuzana stála vedľa neho, trochu prekvapená, ale cítila veľkú úľavu.
En: Zuzana stood next to him, a bit surprised, but she felt great relief.
Sk: Už nebola sama.
En: She was no longer alone.
Sk: Tým sa začala nová kapitola ich života.
En: Thus began a new chapter in their lives.
Sk: Obaja opustili sirotinec s párom, ktorí sa rozhodli dať im šancu na nový domov.
En: Both left the orphanage with the couple who decided to give them a chance at a new home.
Sk: Marek sa naučil, že hovoriť o svojich túžbach môže zmeniť veci a Zuzana pochopila, že pre niekoho stále znamená svet.
En: Marek learned that speaking about your desires can change things, and Zuzana understood that she still meant the world to someone.
Sk: V snežnej krajine svietil sirotinec už len z diaľky, ale v ich srdciach bude domovom navždy.
En: In the snowy landscape, the orphanage shone only from a distance, but in their hearts, it would forever be a home.
Vocabulary Words:
- orphanage: sirotinec
- surrounded: obklopený
- endless: nekonečnými
- fields: poliami
- cozy: útulný
- laughter: smiech
- thoughtful: premýšľavý
- longed: túžil
- cheerful: veselá
- joyful: radostná
- secretly: v koutku duše
- feared: obávala
- sympathetic: sympatická
- adopting: adoptovať
- torn: rozpoltený
- desired: túžil
- approaching: blížil sa
- received: dostalo
- consider: zvážiť
- leap: poskočilo
- relief: úľava
- surprised: prekvapená
- chapter: kapitola
- realized: zistil
- desires: túžbach
- landscape: krajine
- opportunity: šancu
- decision: rozhodnutie
- quiet: tichej
- atmosphere: atmosféra
12 FEB 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Whispers of Love: A Valentine's Eve in Bratislava
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Sk: Bratislava, nádherný večer na Valentína.
En: Bratislava, a beautiful evening on Valentine's Day.
Sk: Sneh padal jemne na strechy starého mesta a vyzdoboval krásny Bratislavský hrad.
En: Snow fell gently on the roofs of the old town and decorated the beautiful Bratislavský hrad.
Sk: Lukáš kráčal nervózne, jeho srdce bilo rýchlejšie než zvyčajne.
En: Lukáš walked nervously, his heart beating faster than usual.
Sk: Vedľa neho kráčala Mária, jeho spolužiačka, o ktorej sníval už dlho.
En: Next to him walked Mária, his classmate, whom he had long dreamed about.
Sk: Ani netušila, ako veľmi sa mu páčila.
En: She had no idea how much he liked her.
Sk: „Ako sa ti páči hrad?“ spýtal sa neisto Lukáš, keď kráčali po ceste k hradnej veži.
En: "How do you like the castle?" Lukáš asked uncertainly as they walked up the path to the castle tower.
Sk: Snažil sa utajiť svoju nervozitu.
En: He was trying to conceal his nervousness.
Sk: „Je to tu krásne,“ odpovedala Mária s úsmevom.
En: "It's beautiful here," Mária replied with a smile.
Sk: „Nikdy som tu nebola v zime.“
En: "I've never been here in winter."
Sk: „Ani ja,“ priznal sa Lukáš, hoci už tu bol s Petrom, svojím najlepším priateľom.
En: "Me neither," admitted Lukáš, although he had been here with Peter, his best friend.
Sk: Peter, ktorý sa držal trochu vzadu, sledoval ich obaja.
En: Peter, who was hanging back a little, watched both of them.
Sk: Bol tam ako podpora, pripravený pomôcť Lukášovi.
En: He was there as support, ready to help Lukáš.
Sk: Ale Lukáš sa rozhodol tento večer zvládnuť sám.
En: But Lukáš decided to handle this evening on his own.
Sk: Keď vystúpili na vrchol veže, vietor jemne fúkal a hviezdy zažiarili nad nimi.
En: When they reached the top of the tower, the wind blew gently and the stars shone above them.
Sk: Výhľad na mesto bol úchvatný.
En: The view of the city was breathtaking.
Sk: Videli svetlá Bratislavy rozsypané ako hviezdy na zemi.
En: They saw the lights of Bratislava scattered like stars on the ground.
Sk: „To je nádherné,“ povedala Mária do ticha a obdivovala pohľad.
En: "This is beautiful," said Mária into the silence, admiring the view.
Sk: Lukáš sa odhodlal.
En: Lukáš gathered his courage.
Sk: „Vieš, Mária, vždy som mal rád večery ako tento.
En: "You know, Mária, I've always liked evenings like this.
Sk: Pohľad na Bratislavu mi pripomína budúcnosť.
En: The view of Bratislava reminds me of the future.
Sk: A...“ Zaváhal.
En: And..." He hesitated.
Sk: Tento moment bol ten pravý.
En: This moment was the right one.
Sk: „A môžem si predstaviť, že si tu so mnou,“ dokončil rýchlo.
En: "And I can imagine you here with me," he finished quickly.
Sk: Mária sa otočila k nemu, jej oči sa stretli s jeho.
En: Mária turned to him, her eyes meeting his.
Sk: „Vždy si mi bol sympatický, Lukáš,“ priznal sa Mária ticho.
En: "I've always found you likable, Lukáš," Mária admitted quietly.
Sk: „Myslím, že by sme to mali skúsiť.“
En: "I think we should give it a try."
Sk: Lukáš pocítil, ako sa mu uľavilo.
En: Lukáš felt a wave of relief wash over him.
Sk: Jeho obavy sa rozplynuli ako sneh.
En: His worries melted away like snow.
Sk: „Ja by som to chcel viac ako čokoľvek,“ usmial sa šťastne.
En: "I would like that more than anything," he smiled happily.
Sk: Peter sa zodvihol od zábradlia, kde ich nenápadne sledoval, a široko sa usmial.
En: Peter got up from the railing, where he had been watching them discreetly, and smiled widely.
Sk: Vedel, že Lukáš konečne našiel odvahu, ktorú potreboval.
En: He knew that Lukáš had finally found the courage he needed.
Sk: Spoločne, ruka v ruke, Lukáš a Mária odišli z veže.
En: Together, hand in hand, Lukáš and Mária left the tower.
Sk: Zanechali za sebou magický večer, ktorý zmenil ich priateľstvo na niečo oveľa krajšie.
En: They left behind a magical evening that transformed their friendship into something much more beautiful.
Sk: Večer na hradbách bol len začiatok ich spoločnej cesty.
En: The evening on the battlements was just the beginning of their journey together.
Vocabulary Words:
- breathtaking: úchvatný
- nervousness: nervozita
- conceal: utajiť
- roofs: strechy
- beautiful: nádherný
- gathered: odhodlal
- admiring: obdivovala
- relief: uľavilo
- hesitated: zaváhal
- discreetly: nenápadne
- transformed: zmenil
- scattered: rozsypané
- journey: cesta
- magical: magický
- courage: odvahu
- sympathetic: sympatický
- support: podpora
- battlements: hradby
- friendship: priateľstvo
- gently: jemne
- blow: fúkal
- handle: zvládnuť
- view: pohľad
- heart: srdce
- likable: sympatický
- uncertainly: neisto
- melting: rozplynuli
- try: skúsiť
- blown: padal
- dreamed: sníval
11 FEB 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Slovak: From Safe to Bold: Lukáš's Startup Journey in Bratislava
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Sk: V Bratislave, v srdci moderného technologického distriktu, raste každý deň rušný inkubátor pre začínajúce firmy.
En: In Bratislava, in the heart of a modern technological district, a bustling incubator for startup companies grows every day.
Sk: V zime sú ulice okolo neho pokryté tenkou vrstvou snehu, ale vo vnútri inkubátora panuje teplá a motivujúca atmosféra.
En: In winter, the streets around it are covered with a thin layer of snow, but inside the incubator, there is a warm and motivating atmosphere.
Sk: Miesto je plné inovatívnych vynálezov, bizarných pomôcok a zanietencov, ktorí snívajú o veľkých veciach.
En: The place is full of innovative inventions, bizarre gadgets, and enthusiasts who dream of big things.
Sk: Lukáš stál nalepený pred presklenou stenou, ruky vreckách, v očiach odhodlanosť.
En: Lukáš stood glued to the glass wall, hands in his pockets, determination in his eyes.
Sk: Valentín, hoci o ňom dnes málokto hovoril, kontrastoval s jeho vnútornými pocitmi.
En: Valentín, though hardly anyone talked about it today, contrasted with his inner feelings.
Sk: Jeho cieľom bolo získať miesto v prestížnom stážovom programe tohto inkubátora, ktoré by mu otvorilo dvere k vlastnej firme.
En: His goal was to secure a spot in the prestigious internship program at this incubator, which would open the door to his own company.
Sk: Po boku mu stála Zuzana, jeho dlhoročná priateľka.
En: By his side was Zuzana, his long-time friend.
Sk: Zuzana mala na tvári úsmev, jej vlastné projekty však teraz čelili mnohým výzvam.
En: Zuzana had a smile on her face, though her own projects were now facing many challenges.
Sk: „Lukáš, nemôžeš tu stáť večne,“ zažartovala, snažiac sa dodať priateľovi odvahu.
En: "Lukáš, you can't stand here forever," she joked, trying to give her friend some courage.
Sk: Hoci sama mala plné ruky práce, verila vo Lukášove schopnosti.
En: Although she was busy with her own work, she believed in Lukáš's abilities.
Sk: Lukáš si povzdychol a pozrel na papier, kde mal zhrnuté dve biznis plány – jeden bezpečný, tradičný, druhý basniaci o ešte nerealizovanej myšlienke.
En: Lukáš sighed and looked at the paper where he had summarized two business plans—one safe, traditional, the other brimming with an unrealized idea.
Sk: Vedel, že Marek, skúsenejší mentor a hlavný rozhodca, má ostrú a skeptickú povahu.
En: He knew that Marek, a more experienced mentor and the main judge, had a sharp and skeptical nature.
Sk: Pod jeho prísnym pohľadom sa cítil nepripravený.
En: Under his strict gaze, he felt unprepared.
Sk: Došiel deň prezentácií.
En: The day of presentations arrived.
Sk: Diskusná miestnosť bola plná nervóznych kandidátov.
En: The discussion room was filled with nervous candidates.
Sk: Všetci túžili po špeciálnom mieste v inkubátore – po príležitosti získať skúsenosti a premeniť svoje sny na skutočnosť.
En: Everyone longed for the special spot in the incubator—the opportunity to gain experience and turn their dreams into reality.
Sk: Marek sedel za dlhým stolom, súdiac každého s analytickým hodnotením.
En: Marek sat behind a long table, judging everyone with analytical scrutiny.
Sk: Lukáš vystúpil na podium.
En: Lukáš stepped onto the podium.
Sk: „Dobrý deň,“ začal, hlas sa mu mierne triasol.
En: "Good day," he began, his voice slightly trembling.
Sk: Plánoval prečítať si predradudu, bezpečnú možnosť, ale niečo v ňom vzbĺklo.
En: He planned to read out the safe option, but something sparked within him.
Sk: Uprostred viet sa zastavil.
En: Mid-sentence, he stopped.
Sk: „Ospravedlňujem sa...“ začal znova.
En: "I apologize..." he started again.
Sk: A potom, s ohromným nasadením, predstavil svoj pôvodný, no surový nápad.
En: Then, with tremendous enthusiasm, he presented his original, yet raw idea.
Sk: Jeho oči žiarili nadšením a jeho reči sprevádzali spontánne gestá.
En: His eyes shone with excitement, and his speech was accompanied by spontaneous gestures.
Sk: Bol úprimný, odvážny, s nefalšovanou vášňou pre svoju myšlienku, ktorá ešte potrebovala doladiť.
En: He was sincere, bold, with an unfeigned passion for his idea, which still needed refining.
Sk: Keď skončil, sála na chvíľu stíchla.
En: When he finished, the hall fell silent for a moment.
Sk: Lukáš cítil, ako mu tep stúpa a nervy ho zamrazili.
En: Lukáš felt his heart rate rise and nerves tingle.
Sk: Potom Marek, so začudovaným ale úsmevným pohľadom, ďakoval za úprimnosť a nové myšlienky.
En: Then Marek, with a puzzled but smiling look, thanked him for his honesty and fresh ideas.
Sk: „Vidím veľký potenciál,“ povedal, priznaðujúc mu miesto v programe.
En: "I see great potential," he said, granting him a place in the program.
Sk: Lukáš, s úľavou a vďakou, sa usmial na Zuzanu, ktorá ho sledovala s lesknúcimi očami.
En: Lukáš, with relief and gratitude, smiled at Zuzana, who watched him with gleaming eyes.
Sk: Cítil, ako sa mu roztriasli ramenná od pocitu radosti a sebadôvery.
En: He felt his shoulders tremble from the feeling of joy and self-confidence.
Sk: Uvedomil si hodnotu zostať verným samému sebe, aj vo chvíľach, keď sa zdá, že by bolo jednoduchšie ustúpiť.
En: He realized the value of staying true to himself, even in moments when it seemed easier to back down.
Sk: Teraz tu mal príležitosť, o akej sníval.
En: Now he had the opportunity he dreamed of.
Sk: A tak sa rozžiaril deň svätého Valentína nie len láskou v srdciach dvojíc, ale aj víziou a snami mladých inovátorov v inkubátore, každým dňom bližšie k naplneniu svojich túžob.
En: And so, Valentín's Day brightened not only with love in the hearts of couples but also with the vision and dreams of young innovators in the incubator, each day closer to fulfilling their desires.
Vocabulary Words:
- technological: technologického
- district: distriktu
- bustling: rušný
- incubator: inkubátor
- enthusiasts: zanietencov
- bizarre: bizarných
- determination: odhodlanosť
- prestigious: prestížnom
- internship: stážovom
- contrast: kontrastoval
- secure: získať
- summarized: zhrnuté
- traditional: tradičný
- skeptical: skeptickú
- trembling: triasol
- spontaneous: spontánne
- enthusiasm: nadšením
- sincere: úprimný
- unfeigned: nefalšovanou
- potential: potenciál
- gleaming: lesknúcimi
- gratitude: vďakou
- self-confidence: sebadôvery
- refining: doladiť
- opportunity: príležitosť
- analytical: analytickým
- scrutiny: hodnotením
- tremendous: ohromným
- unrealized: nerealizovanej
- raw: surový
10 FEB 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Finding Inspiration: A Valentine's Day Tale in the Tatras
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Sk: Marek stál na terase rekreačného strediska v Tatranskej Lomnici.
En: Marek stood on the terrace of the recreational resort in Tatranská Lomnica.
Sk: Sneh jemne padal.
En: Snow gently fell.
Sk: Bolo Valentína a lyžiarske stredisko bolo plné usmievavých párov.
En: It was Valentine's Day, and the ski resort was full of smiling couples.
Sk: Marek však prišiel sám.
En: However, Marek had come alone.
Sk: Mal pocit, že jeho život potrebuje zmenu.
En: He felt his life needed a change.
Sk: Inšpirácia pre prácu mladého architekta sa vytratila.
En: The inspiration for the work of the young architect had vanished.
Sk: Jana bola vo vedľajšej miestnosti s kamerou pripravenou na ďalšie dobrodružstvo.
En: Jana was in the next room with a camera ready for another adventure.
Sk: Ako cestovateľská fotografka navštívila mnoho miest, ale Tatry boli jej srdcová záležitosť.
En: As a travel photographer, she had visited many places, but the Tatry were dear to her heart.
Sk: Tentokrát chcela zistiť niečo nové, niečo magické.
En: This time she wanted to discover something new, something magical.
Sk: Marek a Jana sa stretli na úpätí zjazdovky.
En: Marek and Jana met at the foot of the ski slope.
Sk: Bambusové lyže Jana prilákali Mareka, ktorý miloval tradičné remeslá.
En: Jana's bamboo skis attracted Marek, who loved traditional crafts.
Sk: "Ahoj, to sú krásne lyže," povedal a pohľadom narazil na Janinu láskavú tvár.
En: "Hi, those are beautiful skis," he said as his gaze met Jana's kind face.
Sk: Ona sa usmiala.
En: She smiled.
Sk: "Ďakujem, začínam nový fotoprojekt," vysvetlila.
En: "Thank you, I'm starting a new photo project," she explained.
Sk: Obaja sa rýchlo zladili.
En: The two quickly hit it off.
Sk: Lyžovanie ich spojilo.
En: Skiing brought them together.
Sk: Hore vlekmi, dole zasneženými svahmi.
En: Up the lifts, down the snowy slopes.
Sk: V chate sedeli s horúcou čokoládou.
En: In the chalet, they sat with hot chocolate.
Sk: Zdalo sa, že obaja hľadajú niečo podobné — stratenú tvorivú iskru.
En: It seemed they were both looking for something similar—lost creative spark.
Sk: Marek bol zdržanlivý.
En: Marek was reserved.
Sk: Hanbil sa priznať svoj tvorivý blok.
En: He was shy to admit his creative block.
Sk: Jana cítila, že musí prelomiť bariéru.
En: Jana felt she needed to break the barrier.
Sk: Pozvala ho na rannú fotovýpravu.
En: She invited him on a morning photo expedition.
Sk: "Skúsme to na svitaní," navrhla.
En: "Let's try it at sunrise," she suggested.
Sk: "Možno to prinesie inšpiráciu.
En: "Maybe it will bring inspiration."
Sk: "Ráno bolo chladné, ale čisté.
En: The morning was cold, but clear.
Sk: Slnko sa pomaly preberalo za vrcholcami hôr.
En: The sun slowly awoke behind the mountain peaks.
Sk: Marek sa po prvýkrát otvoril.
En: For the first time, Marek opened up.
Sk: Povedal Janke o svojich obavách.
En: He told Jana about his worries.
Sk: Jana aj napriek vlastným pochybnostiam zdieľala pár svojich techník.
En: Despite her own doubts, Jana shared some of her techniques.
Sk: Spoločne stávali na hrebeni nad dolinou, oči upreté na krásu tej chvíle.
En: Together they stood on the ridge over the valley, eyes fixed on the beauty of that moment.
Sk: A potom, ako sa slnko konečne objavilo nad obzorom, ticho ich spojilo.
En: And then, as the sun finally appeared over the horizon, silence connected them.
Sk: Kvapky strachu sa rozplynuli v trblietaniach snehu.
En: Drops of fear dissolved into the glimmers of snow.
Sk: Marek cítil nový príval energie.
En: Marek felt a new surge of energy.
Sk: Jana našla srdce svojho fotografického projektu.
En: Jana found the heart of her photographic project.
Sk: Keď sa štvorhodinová vychádzka skončila, obaja sa cítili omladení.
En: When the four-hour excursion ended, they both felt rejuvenated.
Sk: Marek mal v hlave nové nápady na stavby inšpirované tatranskými vrcholmi.
En: Marek had new ideas in his head for buildings inspired by the Tatra peaks.
Sk: Jana mala sériu fotografií, ktoré zachytivali tajomstvo a krásu zimných tatranských lesov.
En: Jana had a series of photographs capturing the mystery and beauty of the winter Tatra forests.
Sk: Návrat domov pre Mareka znamenal zmenu.
En: Returning home meant change for Marek.
Sk: Už sa nebál skúšať nové veci.
En: He was no longer afraid to try new things.
Sk: Jana pochopila, že spolupráca a súcit sú kľúčom k hlbšiemu dielu.
En: Jana realized that collaboration and empathy are the keys to deeper work.
Sk: Obaja si z Tatier odniesli viac, než len pekné spomienky.
En: They both took more from the Tatras than just pleasant memories.
Sk: Našli nový pohľad na svet a na seba samých.
En: They found a new perspective on the world and on themselves.
Vocabulary Words:
- terrace: terasa
- recreational: rekreačného
- vanished: vytratila
- expedition: fotovýprava
- ridge: hrebeň
- gaze: pohľad
- spark: iskra
- reserved: zdržanlivý
- adventurer: dobrodruh
- creative block: tvorivý blok
- photographic: fotografický
- sparkle: trblietania
- captures: zachytavali
- collaboration: spolupráca
- empathy: súcit
- rejuvenated: omladení
- perspective: pohľad
- awakens: preberalo
- dissolve: rozplynuli
- horizon: obzor
- sumptuous: srdcová
- terrific: krásne
- doubt: pochybnosti
- forest: lesy
- chalet: chata
- surge: príval
- paths: chodníky
- barrier: bariéru
- glistened: trblietania
- fascinating: tajomstvo
9 FEB 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Heart's Choice: Love and Belonging in a Tatry Snowstorm
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Sk: V malej dedinke v Tatrách padal sneh už tri dni.
En: In the small village in the Tatry, it had been snowing for three days.
Sk: Snehové vločky sa pomaly hromadili na strechách drevených chalúp a okolitých boroviciach.
En: Snowflakes were slowly accumulating on the roofs of wooden cottages and the surrounding pine trees.
Sk: Vzduch bol čistý a chladný, ale na obyvateľov dedinky i návštevníkov padla ťažoba—zamrznuté cesty ich uväznili uprostred zimnej búrky.
En: The air was clear and cold, but the weight of the frozen roads imprisoned the village's inhabitants and visitors alike amidst the winter storm.
Sk: Ladislav, miestny inštruktor lyžovania, stál pri okne svojej malej chaty a pozeral sa von.
En: Ladislav, a local skiing instructor, stood by the window of his small cabin, gazing out.
Sk: Sníval o ceste za horou, o veľkých mestách a nových zážitkoch.
En: He dreamed of traveling beyond the mountain, of big cities and new experiences.
Sk: Ale dnes boli myšlienky zmätené.
En: But today, his thoughts were confused.
Sk: Bol Valentín a jeho srdce bolo rozdelené.
En: It was Valentine's Day, and his heart was torn.
Sk: Martina, jeho blízka priateľka, organizovala oslavu pre dedinčanov i turistov.
En: Martina, his close friend, was organizing a celebration for the villagers and tourists.
Sk: Nikdy jej nepovedal, ako veľmi si cenil jej priateľstvo ani ako často premýšľal o dni, keď odíde.
En: He had never told her how much he valued her friendship or how often he thought about the day he would leave.
Sk: Katarina, energická turistka, bola opakom Martiny.
En: Katarina, an energetic tourist, was the opposite of Martina.
Sk: S radosťou rozprávala o dobrodružstvách a jednom večere spomenula, že by si vedela predstaviť život mimo dediny.
En: She happily talked about adventures and one evening mentioned that she could imagine living outside the village.
Sk: "Môžeme ísť spolu," navrhla Katarina s iskrou v očiach, "len my dvaja a svet pred nami."
En: "We could go together," Katarina suggested with a spark in her eyes, "just the two of us and the world ahead."
Sk: Ladislavovi sa zdalo, že búrka robí jeho rozhodnutie urgentným.
En: To Ladislav, the storm made his decision urgent.
Sk: Dramatické počasie on niekoľko rozhovorov spúšťalo v jeho vnútri—dobrodružstvo, tajné túžby, a opustenie niečoho dôležitého.
En: The dramatic weather sparked numerous conversations within him—adventure, secret desires, and abandoning something important.
Sk: Ale čím viac premýšľal o odchode, tým viac cítil ťarchu svedomia k Martine a jeho komunite.
En: But the more he thought about leaving, the more he felt the weight of his conscience towards Martina and his community.
Sk: V tú najhoršiu noc búrky Katarina urobila finálny návrh.
En: On the worst night of the storm, Katarina made a final proposal.
Sk: "Poďme teraz," šeptala s kľudom a sebavedomím.
En: "Let's go now," she whispered calmly and confidently.
Sk: Vonku zúrila búrka, zafúkané cesty by boli nebezpečné a zdanlivo nemožné na prekonanie.
En: Outside, the storm raged, and the snow-covered roads would be dangerous and seemingly impossible to conquer.
Sk: Ladislav cítil, ako mu srdce bije rýchlejšie.
En: Ladislav felt his heart beating faster.
Sk: Ale v tej chvíli si spomenul na spoločné chvíle s Martinou, na jej úsmev pri každodennej práci v dedine, na to, ako ho podporovala v každom smere.
En: But at that moment, he recalled the moments shared with Martina, her smile during daily work in the village, and how she supported him in every way.
Sk: Už nechcel vidieť len svet za Tatranskými vrchmi; nechcel opustiť svet, ktorý mu už patril.
En: He no longer wanted to see just the world beyond the Tatra peaks; he didn't want to leave the world that already belonged to him.
Sk: "Nemôžem," povedal Ladislav ticho, ale rozhodne.
En: "I can't," Ladislav said quietly but decisively.
Sk: "Nechcem teraz odísť."
En: "I don't want to leave now."
Sk: Keď sa búrka trochu upokojila, Ladislav pustil svetlo vo svojej chate a vyšiel do snehu.
En: When the storm calmed a bit, Ladislav turned off the light in his cabin and stepped out into the snow.
Sk: Dedina sa rozhodla pre improvizovanú oslavu Valentína v hostinci.
En: The village had decided on an impromptu Valentine's celebration at the inn.
Sk: Dedinčania i uviaznutí turisti sa zhrnuli do tepla krbu, kde ich čakal večer plný spomienok a srdečných rozhovorov.
En: Villagers and stranded tourists gathered by the warmth of the fireplace, where they awaited an evening full of memories and heartfelt conversations.
Sk: Ladislav cítil, že jeho rozhodnutie bolo správne.
En: Ladislav felt that his decision was the right one.
Sk: Martina sa na neho usmievala zo schodov, kde viseli papierové srdcia, ktoré sama vyrobila.
En: Martina smiled at him from the stairs, where she had hung paper hearts she made herself.
Sk: Všetci boli spolu, a keď sa smiech a hudba vytrácali mimo chalupu, vedel, že nemusí ísť ďaleko, aby našiel svoje miesto vo svete.
En: Everyone was together, and as laughter and music drifted outside the cabin, he knew he didn't have to go far to find his place in the world.
Sk: Hocíkde môže byť domovom, pokiaľ pri ňom stoja tí, ktorých miluje.
En: Anywhere can be home, as long as those you love stand by you.
Sk: Búrka prechádzala, ale Ladislav vedel, že jeho srdce zostane doma, v malej dedinke pod majestátnymi Tatrami.
En: The storm was passing, but Ladislav knew that his heart would remain at home, in the small village beneath the majestic Tatry.
Sk: Valentín sa skončil, no skutočná oslava len začínala.
En: Valentine's Day had ended, but the real celebration was just beginning.
Sk: Dedina bola jeho svet a to, čo potreboval, mal pred svojimi očami po celý čas.
En: The village was his world, and what he needed had been right in front of him the entire time.
Vocabulary Words:
- accumulating: hromadili
- imprisoned: uväznili
- inhabitants: obyvatelia
- gazing: pozeral
- confused: zmätené
- adventures: dobrodružstvách
- dramatic: dramatické
- desires: túžby
- conscience: svedomia
- sparked: spúšťalo
- urgent: urgentným
- proposal: návrh
- conquer: prekonať
- recalled: spomenul
- impossible: nemožné
- impromptu: improvizovanú
- stranded: uviaznutí
- fireplace: krbu
- heartfelt: srdečných
- memories: spomienok
- smiled: usmievala
- spark: iskrou
- decisively: rozhodne
- majestic: majestátnymi
- celebration: oslava
- adventure: dobrodružstvo
- conquer: prekonať
- heartbeats: srdce bije
- calmly: s kľudom
- home: domov
8 FEB 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Slovak: From Chaos to Connection: Revamping Family Dynamics
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Sk: Z kuchyne sa šíril vôňa medovníkov, ale v obývacej izbe vládol chaos.
En: The scent of medovníkov was spreading from the kitchen, but chaos reigned in the living room.
Sk: Knihy a hračky boli rozhádzané po koberci ako víchrica, ktorá práve prešla.
En: Books and toys were scattered across the carpet like a whirlwind had just passed through.
Sk: Jozef sedel na pohovke a zízal na svoju úlohu.
En: Jozef was sitting on the couch, staring at his homework.
Sk: Okolo neho ležala Marekova porozhadzovaná lego stavba.
En: Around him lay Marek’s scattered lego construction.
Sk: Jozef vedel, že rodičovské združenie je za rohom.
En: Jozef knew that the parent-teacher meeting was just around the corner.
Sk: Nemal rád tieto stretnutia.
En: He didn't like these gatherings.
Sk: Vždy, keď rodičia prišli zo školy, neskrýval obavy z toho, čo povedia učitelia.
En: Every time the parents came back from school, he couldn't hide his worries about what the teachers would say.
Sk: Tentokrát bol viac nervózny, pretože Marek v poslednej dobe robil problémy.
En: This time he was more nervous because Marek had been causing problems lately.
Sk: Zima, ktorá prenikala cez staré okná, Jozefa ani netrápila.
En: The cold that penetrated through the old windows didn't even bother Jozef.
Sk: Jeho myseľ bola zaneprázdnená inými starosťami.
En: His mind was occupied with other concerns.
Sk: Chcel, aby jeho rodičia videli, že napriek problémom doma sa mu v škole darí.
En: He wanted his parents to see that despite the troubles at home, he was doing well at school.
Sk: Marek však neustále dráždil rodičov aj učiteľov.
En: However, Marek constantly irritated both parents and teachers.
Sk: „Prečo stále musíš vystrkovať rožky, Marek?
En: "Why do you always have to push your limits, Marek?"
Sk: “ spýtal sa Jozef s tichým povzdychom.
En: asked Jozef with a quiet sigh.
Sk: Jeho mladší brat, veselý a nebojácny, sa len usmial.
En: His younger brother, cheerful and fearless, just smiled.
Sk: „Len sa chcem baviť,“ odvetil Marek.
En: "I just want to have fun," replied Marek.
Sk: Preňho bolo ťažké zostať tichým a nepozorovateľným.
En: For him, it was hard to stay quiet and unnoticed.
Sk: Jozef sa rozhodol, že musí niečo urobiť.
En: Jozef decided he had to do something.
Sk: Vedel, že musí ukázať rodičom, že sa snaží byť najlepším.
En: He knew he had to show his parents that he was trying to be the best.
Sk: Večer pred konferenciou si sadol k písaciemu stolu a začal písať vlastnú správu.
En: The evening before the conference, he sat at his desk and began writing his own report.
Sk: Chcel, aby jeho rodičia videli jeho úspechy v škole aj to, ako sa snaží byť dobrým bratrom Marekovi.
En: He wanted his parents to see his achievements at school and how he tried to be a good brother to Marek.
Sk: Nasledujúci deň, keď rodičia dorazili do školy, učitelia pochválili Jozefa za jeho úspechy, ale tiež spomenuli Marekove nehody.
En: The next day, when the parents arrived at school, the teachers praised Jozef for his achievements, but they also mentioned Marek’s mishaps.
Sk: Keď rodičia počuli o Marekovi, ich pohľady boli plné starostí, ale aj trochu pochopenia.
En: When the parents heard about Marek, their expressions were full of worries, but also a bit of understanding.
Sk: „Možno sme doma až príliš prísni,“ povedala mama cestou domov.
En: "Maybe we're too strict at home," said Mom on the way home.
Sk: Otec prikývol.
En: Dad nodded.
Sk: Vedeli, že musia prísť na lepší spôsob, ako zvládať chaos v rodine.
En: They knew they had to find a better way to handle the chaos in the family.
Sk: Po stretnutí sa rozhodli, že budú viac načúvať obom chlapcom, aby pochopili ich pocity.
En: After the meeting, they decided they would listen more to both boys to understand their feelings.
Sk: Keď kráčali naspäť do svojho studeného a preplneného domova, Jozef si uvedomil, že nemusí všetko zvládať sám.
En: As they walked back to their cold and crowded home, Jozef realized he didn't have to manage everything alone.
Sk: Rodičia sľúbili, že budú pracovať na zlepšení rodinnej pohody.
En: The parents promised to work on improving the family atmosphere.
Sk: Marek tiež pochopil, že jeho brat sa na neho spolieha.
En: Marek also understood that his brother depended on him.
Sk: Tak, ako sa dni minuli, veci sa začali meniť k lepšiemu.
En: As the days went by, things started to change for the better.
Sk: Hoci chaos v obývačke nikdy nezmizol úplne, atmosféra sa zmenila.
En: Although the chaos in the living room never completely disappeared, the atmosphere changed.
Sk: Jozef vedel, že nemusí všetko zariadiť sám a že každý v rodine má svoj podiel na lepšom živote.
En: Jozef knew he didn't have to arrange everything on his own and that everyone in the family had their share in a better life.
Sk: A to bola pre neho veľká úľava.
En: And that was a great relief for him.
Vocabulary Words:
- scent: vôňa
- whirlwind: víchrica
- scattered: rozhádzané
- homework: úloha
- teacher: učiteľ
- corner: roh
- gatherings: stretnutia
- concerns: starosti
- irritated: dráždil
- fearless: nebojácny
- mishaps: nehody
- praised: pochválili
- nervous: nervózny
- strict: prísni
- chaos: chaos
- understanding: pochopenia
- atmosphere: atmosféra
- improving: zlepšení
- realized: uvedomil
- arrange: zariadiť
- relief: úľava
- conference: konferencia
- manage: zvládať
- occupied: zaneprázdnená
- understand: pochopiť
- apologize: ospravedlniť
- fearful: uľaknutý
- noticeable: nepozorovateľný
- promise: sľúbiť
- chaotic: chaotický
7 FEB 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Valentine's Day Delight: Chaos and Charm at the Aquarium
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Sk: Bratislavské akvárium žilo v ten zimný deň neobyčajným ruchom.
En: The Bratislavské akvárium was bustling with unusual activity on that winter day.
Sk: Všade okolo to žiarilo modrými a zelenými svetlami, pričom farebné koralové útesy vytvárali snové prostredie.
En: Everywhere around, it glowed with blue and green lights, while colorful coral reefs created a dreamlike environment.
Sk: Bol Valentín, deň lásky a neočakávaných prekvapení.
En: It was Valentine's Day, a day of love and unexpected surprises.
Sk: Miroslav si uvedomil príležitosť zapôsobiť na Janu práve v tento deň.
En: Miroslav realized the opportunity to impress Jana on this very day.
Sk: Rozhodol sa pozvať Janu a jej najlepšiu priateľku Petru do akvária.
En: He decided to invite Jana and her best friend Petra to the aquarium.
Sk: Miroslav nebol odborník na morské ryby, no vedel, že Jana ich zbožňuje.
En: Miroslav was not an expert on marine fish, but he knew that Jana adored them.
Sk: Dúfal, že návšteva poteší aj Petru, ktorá ho občas pozorne sledovala.
En: He hoped that the visit would please Petra as well, who occasionally watched him closely.
Sk: Ako vstúpili do akvária, Jana zajasala nad množstvom rýb, ktoré plávali okolo.
En: As they entered the aquarium, Jana exclaimed with joy at the multitude of fish swimming around.
Sk: Miroslav sa usmial, spokojný, že jej vybral niečo, čo sa jej páči.
En: Miroslav smiled, satisfied that he had chosen something she liked.
Sk: Prechádzali medzi obrovskými nádržami, kde plávali žraloky, farebné rybičky a ďalšie exotické druhy.
En: They walked among the huge tanks where sharks, colorful fishes, and other exotic species swam.
Sk: Petra, ktorá kráčala vedľa Jany, občas uvrhla ostrý pohľad na Miroslava, ako keby ho hodnotila.
En: Petra, who walked beside Jana, occasionally cast a sharp look at Miroslav, as if she were assessing him.
Sk: Miroslav vzal z poličky vedro s rybacím krmivom a pokúsil sa pôsobiť ako odborník.
En: Miroslav took a bucket of fish food from a shelf and tried to act like an expert.
Sk: Avšak, v dôsledku nervozity sa mu vedro vyšmyklo z rúk.
En: However, due to his nervousness, the bucket slipped from his hands.
Sk: Rybacie jedlo sa rozprsklo cez celú nádrž a ryby sa okamžite vrhli za jedlom, ktoré sa sypalo zhora ako sneh.
En: The fish food splattered across the entire tank, and the fish immediately swarmed for the food, raining from above like snow.
Sk: Spôsobilo to malú paniku medzi návštevníkmi, ktorí sa zhromaždili okolo.
En: It caused a minor panic among the visitors who gathered around.
Sk: Bol to neobvyklý pohyb v inom pokojnom svete akvária.
En: It was an unusual motion in the otherwise peaceful world of the aquarium.
Sk: Miroslav vedel, že sa to neobišlo bez nepohodlia, ale namiesto toho, aby sa hanbil, sa zasmial.
En: Miroslav knew it hadn't passed without some discomfort, but instead of being embarrassed, he laughed.
Sk: "No, aspoň teraz máme šou!
En: "Well, at least we have a show now!"
Sk: " povedal žartovne a kývol na Janu a Petru.
En: he joked, nodding to Jana and Petra.
Sk: Jana najprv otvorila oči dokorán, prekvapená Miroslavovou chybou, ale potom sa tiež začala smiať.
En: At first, Jana opened her eyes wide, surprised by Miroslav's mistake, but then she also started laughing.
Sk: Bola prekvapená jeho schopnosťou robiť z chaosu niečo zábavné.
En: She was surprised by his ability to make something fun out of chaos.
Sk: Petra, ktorá stála blízko, nakoniec jemne pokynula hlavou na znak súhlasu, že Miroslav možno naozaj priniesol Jany radostný deň.
En: Petra, standing nearby, finally nodded slightly in agreement that Miroslav really did bring Jana a joyful day.
Sk: Po chvíli pozerania na divoké ryby sa Jana obrátila k Miroslavovi a usmiala sa.
En: After a while of watching the wild fish, Jana turned to Miroslav and smiled.
Sk: "Máš pravdu, bola to zábavná šou," povedala.
En: "You're right, it was a fun show," she said.
Sk: "Ďakujem ti za dnešok.
En: "Thank you for today."
Sk: "Miroslav bol šťastný.
En: Miroslav was happy.
Sk: Uvedomil si, že nemusí byť dokonalý.
En: He realized he didn't need to be perfect.
Sk: Stačilo byť sám sebou a nájsť radosť v jednoduchých veciach a v zdanlivých chybách.
En: It was enough to be himself and find joy in simple things and apparent mistakes.
Sk: Prechádzajúc dverami k východu, cítil, že získal viac ako len Janinu priazeň - získal skutočné pochopenie toho, že niekedy je chaos len cestou k nájdeniu krásy.
En: As he walked through the exit doors, he felt that he had gained more than just Jana's favor—he had gained a genuine understanding that sometimes, chaos is just a way to find beauty.
Vocabulary Words:
- bustling: rušný
- unusual: neobyčajný
- glowed: žiarilo
- coral reefs: koralové útesy
- dreamlike: snové
- unexpected: neočakávaný
- impress: zapôsobiť
- realized: uvedomil si
- adored: zbožňovala
- multitude: množstvo
- exclaimed: zajasala
- exotic species: exotické druhy
- occasionally: občas
- sharp look: ostrý pohľad
- bucket: vedro
- swarmed: vrhli
- splattered: rozprsklo
- nervousness: nervozita
- discomfort: nepohodlie
- embarrassed: hanbil
- genuine: skutočné
- chaos: chaos
- beauty: krása
- simple: jednoduchý
- apparent: zdanlivé
- joyful: radostný
- explained: povedal
- mistake: chyba
- understanding: pochopenie
- surprised: prekvapená
Are you ready to supercharge your Slovak listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition...
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Are you ready to supercharge your Slovak listening comprehension?
Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.
That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovak, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovak and English.
This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.
Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.
Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bratislava, Košice, or High Tatras? Maybe you want to speak Slovak with your grandparents from Banská Bystrica?
Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in Slovakia, the heartland where the Slovak language is primarily spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovak listening comprehension.
Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Zlepšte svoje počúvacie schopnosti s našimi slovenskými príbehmi ešte dnes!
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Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.
That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovak, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovak and English.
This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.
Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.
Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bratislava, Košice, or High Tatras? Maybe you want to speak Slovak with your grandparents from Banská Bystrica?
Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in Slovakia, the heartland where the Slovak language is primarily spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovak listening comprehension.
Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Zlepšte svoje počúvacie schopnosti s našimi slovenskými príbehmi ešte dnes!
Author | FluentFiction.org |
Organization | Kameron Kilchrist |
Categories | Language Learning , Courses |
Website | fluentfiction.org |
hello@fluentfiction.org |