
Castle Quirks: A Guide’s Historic Mishap

May 12, 2024 · 14m 43s
Castle Quirks: A Guide’s Historic Mishap

01 · Main Story

1m 40s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 46s


Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Castle Quirks: A Guide’s Historic Mishap Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Cy: Yn nhref arfordirol brydferth Conwy, lle mae...

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Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Castle Quirks: A Guide’s Historic Mishap
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Story Transcript:

Cy: Yn nhref arfordirol brydferth Conwy, lle mae ei chastell yn codi fel gwarchodwr hynafol, roedd diwrnod heulog braf yn dechrau.
En: In the beautiful coastal town of Conwy, where its castle stands as an ancient guardian, a sunny day was beginning.

Cy: Eleri, tywysydd llawn brwdfrydedd gyda gwallt arian a llygaid disglair, oedd yn barod i arwain grŵp o ymwelwyr trwy'r adfeilion hanesyddol.
En: Eleri, a passionate guide with silver hair and bright eyes, was ready to lead a group of visitors through the historical ruins.

Cy: Roedd hi mor gyffrous, fel plentyn yn y siop losin.
En: She was so excited, like a child in a candy shop.

Cy: Wrth gerdded drwy'r neuaddau a'r cynteddau, dechreuodd Eleri ei stori gyda'r eiriau "Croeso i Gastell Conwy, perl y canol oesoedd ac un o'r toliad o gestyll a adeiladwyd gan Edward I.
En: As they walked through the halls and courtyards, Eleri began her story with the words, "Welcome to Conwy Castle, jewel of the middle ages and one of the castles built by Edward I."

Cy: "Yn eu plith roedd Rhys, dyn ifanc doniol gyda gwên llydan, a Gwen, fenyw glyfar sy'n mwynhau hwyliau da.
En: Among them was Rhys, a young funny man with a broad smile, and Gwen, an intelligent woman who enjoys good times.

Cy: Roedd y ddau yn ffrindiau i Eleri a phenderfynasant ymuno â'r daith hanesyddol i gymdeithasu ac i ddysgu mwy am y castell lleol.
En: They were both friends of Eleri and decided to join the historical tour to socialize and learn more about the local castle.

Cy: Wrth i'r daith fynd yn ei blaen, daethant i'r dungeon tywyll a helyg.
En: As the tour progressed, they came to the dark dungeon and dungeon.

Cy: "Yma," meddai Eleri, gan oleuo'r gofod gyda'i flashlight, "gallwch ddychmygu'r oesau a fu, pan fyddai carcharorion yn cael eu cadw yma dan amodau erchyll.
En: "Here," said Eleri, illuminating the space with her flashlight, "you can imagine the ages past, when prisoners would be kept here under cruel conditions."

Cy: " Wrth iddi ddysgu'r grŵp, aeth Gwen a Rhys ar drywydd hwyl eu hunain.
En: While she educated the group, Gwen and Rhys went off on their own adventure.

Cy: Fel jôc, penderfynodd Rhys gau drws y dungeon, gan adael i Eleri siarad i'r muriau cerrig.
En: As a joke, Rhys decided to close the dungeon door, leaving Eleri talking to the stone walls.

Cy: Pan orffenodd Eleri ei siarad, trodd i wynebu wynebau gwag.
En: Once Eleri finished her talk, she turned to face empty faces.

Cy: Sylweddolodd yn sydyn nad oedd y drws yn agor.
En: She suddenly realized that the door was not opening.

Cy: "Ffrindiau?
En: "Friends?"

Cy: " Galwodd hi, ond nid oedd sain yn dychwelyd.
En: she called, but no sound returned.

Cy: Arhosodd yn llonydd am funud, yn deall y sefyllfa.
En: She waited quietly for a moment, understanding the situation.

Cy: Roedd wedi ei gloi i mewn.
En: She had been locked inside.

Cy: Yn y cyfamser, dechreuodd Rhys a Gwen poeni.
En: Meanwhile, Rhys and Gwen began to worry.

Cy: "Rhaid i ni achub Eleri," meddai Gwen, yn pendroni.
En: "We have to save Eleri," said Gwen, pondering.

Cy: "Ond sut?
En: "But how?"

Cy: " Rhys, yn teimlo'n euog iawn, aeth i chwilio am help.
En: Rhys, feeling very guilty, went to seek help.

Cy: Roedd hi'n dipyn o ysbrydoliaeth, a Rhys a Gwen yn gwneud yn siŵr i ddod o hyd i'r castellwraig.
En: It was a bit of an ordeal, and Rhys and Gwen ensured they found the castle keeper.

Cy: Ond roedd hi'n ginio ac roedd yn rhaid i Gwen eu twyllo hi trwy ddweud iddi fod 'na gath fach wedi ei cholli yn y castell.
En: But she was crafty and had to deceive Gwen by telling her that there was a little lost cat in the castle.

Cy: Ar ôl peth amser, daeth help, ac agorodd y castellwraig y drws i ryddhau Eleri.
En: After some time, help arrived, and the castle keeper opened the door to release Eleri.

Cy: Gydag wyneb goch gyda embaras, diolchodd hi iddi a cherddodd allan yn falch.
En: With a red face from embarrassment, she thanked her and walked out proudly.

Cy: Roedd Rhys yn edrych yn euog ac yn cyfaddef y drwg jôc.
En: Rhys looked guilty and confessed the bad joke.

Cy: Eleri, er ei holl fraw, oedd yn gallu chwerthin ar y peth.
En: Eleri, despite all the concern, could laugh at the situation.

Cy: "Wel, rhaid i mi ddweud," chwarddodd, "mae hyn yn sicr yn wers hanes ni fydd y grŵp yma yn ei anghofio.
En: "Well, I have to say," she chuckled, "this will surely be a history lesson this group won't forget."

Cy: "A beth bynnag am y digwyddiad, roedd pob un yn cytuno fod hi wedi bod yn antur fythgofiadwy.
En: And whatever about the incident, everyone agreed it had been an unforgettable adventure.

Cy: Ac o'r diwrnod hwnnw ymlaen, gwelodd Eleri gwir werth ffrindiau - nid yn unig i arwain teithiau hanesyddol ond hefyd i'w hachub hi pan fydd hi'n sownd mewn mannau anodd.
En: And from that day on, Eleri saw the true value of friends - not only to lead historical tours but also to rescue her when she's stuck in difficult places.

Cy: Ac yn bwysicach fyth, dysgodd Rhys a Gwen byth eto i chwarae jôcs mewn castell.
En: And most importantly, Rhys and Gwen learned never to play jokes in a castle again.

Vocabulary Words:
  • guardian: hynafol
  • passionate: brwdfrydedd
  • ruins: adfeilion
  • jewel: perl
  • broad: llydan
  • intelligent: glyfar
  • dungeon: dungeon
  • cruel: erchyll
  • deceive: twyllo
  • embarrassment: embaras
  • confessed: cyfaddef
  • unforgettable: fythgofiadwy
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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