
Chance & Laughter: Dubrovnik Encounter

Mar 1, 2024 · 16m 2s
Chance & Laughter: Dubrovnik Encounter

01 · Main Story

1m 44s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 14s


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Chance & Laughter: Dubrovnik Encounter Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Hr: Sunce se polako spuštalo nad starim gradom Dubrovnikom,...

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Chance & Laughter: Dubrovnik Encounter
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Story Transcript:

Hr: Sunce se polako spuštalo nad starim gradom Dubrovnikom, osvjetljavajući uske kamene ulice i stare zidine toplim zlatnim sjajem.
En: The sun was slowly setting over the old city of Dubrovnik, illuminating the narrow stone streets and old walls with a warm golden glow.

Hr: U tom čarobnom trenutku, dok je stari grad živnuo u večernjim satima, Ivana je šetala popločanim trgom, uživajući u prizorima i zvukovima oko sebe.
En: In that magical moment, as the old city came alive in the evening hours, Ivana strolled through the paved square, enjoying the sights and sounds around her.

Hr: Prolaznici su žamorili, ulični glazbenici su svirali, a zrak je bio ispunjen mirisom svježe pečenih delicija iz obližnjih pekarnica.
En: Passersby chattered, street musicians played, and the air was filled with the scent of freshly baked treats from nearby bakeries.

Hr: Među gomilom turista, Ivana je primijetila jednog čovjeka koji se činio posebno zanimljiv.
En: Among the crowd of tourists, Ivana noticed a man who seemed particularly interesting.

Hr: Stajao je ispred očaravajuće fontane s fotoaparatom u ruci i širokim osmjehom na licu.
En: He stood in front of a charming fountain with a camera in hand and a wide smile on his face.

Hr: Bio je to Mateo, turist kao i ona, ali Ivana to još nije znala.
En: It was Mateo, a tourist just like her, but Ivana didn't know that yet.

Hr: Mateo je namjestio svoj telefon na selfie štap i krenuo pozirati, spreman uhvatiti savršeni trenutak sa sobom u centru starog grada.
En: Mateo set up his phone on a selfie stick and began to pose, ready to capture the perfect moment with himself at the center of the old city.

Hr: Ivana, koja je u daljini promatrala, pomislila je da Mateo zapravo izvodi neku vrstu ulične predstave, misleći da je njegovo pretjerano poziranje dio glumačkog čina.
En: As Ivana watched from a distance, she thought that Mateo was actually putting on some kind of street performance, thinking that his exaggerated posing was part of an act.

Hr: Odlučila je pokazati svoje poštovanje prema onome što je mislila da je ulična umjetnost i prišla je Mateu, stavljajući nekoliko kovanica u šalicu za kavu koju je on postavio pokraj sebe ne misleći ništa posebno.
En: She decided to show her appreciation for what she thought was street art and approached Mateo, putting a few coins in the coffee cup he had set up next to him without thinking much of it.

Hr: Mateo je bio zbunjen, ali i uzbuđen, jer nije shvaćao što se događa.
En: Mateo was puzzled but also excited, not understanding what was happening.

Hr: "Izvolite?
En: "May I help you?"

Hr: " upitao je Mateo, gledajući Ivana zbunjeno.
En: Mateo asked, looking at Ivana in confusion.

Hr: "Oh, jako mi se svidjela vaša predstava!
En: "Oh, I really enjoyed your performance!"

Hr: " rekla je Ivana s osmijehom.
En: Ivana said with a smile.

Hr: "Vaša mimika je odlična, baš kao pravi ulični umjetnik.
En: "Your expression is great, just like a real street artist."

Hr: "Mateo se nasmijao kad je shvatio što se dogodilo.
En: Mateo laughed when he realized what had happened.

Hr: Objašnjavajući da nije ulični umjetnik nego samo turist koji je pokušavao uhvatiti lijepu uspomenu, počeli su zajedno nasmijavati njenoj zabuni.
En: Explaining that he wasn't a street artist, just a tourist trying to capture a beautiful memory, they began to laugh together at her mistake.

Hr: Ivana, pomalo postiđena ali i sretna zbog smiješne situacije, predložila je da se iskupe uz šetnju i razgledavanje starih zidina.
En: Ivana, feeling a little embarrassed but also happy about the funny situation, suggested they make up for it with a walk and a tour of the old walls.

Hr: Mateo je pristao, i dok su šetali, dijelili su priče i smijali se.
En: Mateo agreed, and as they walked, they shared stories and laughter.

Hr: Ivana je pokazala Mateu svoja omiljena mjesta u Dubrovniku, a Mateo je podijelio priče sa svojih putovanja.
En: Ivana showed Mateo her favorite spots in Dubrovnik, and Mateo shared stories from his travels.

Hr: Do kraja dana, ne samo da su postali prijatelji, već su planirali zajedno istražiti još mnogo čarobnih mjesta širom Hrvatske.
En: By the end of the day, they had not only become friends but had also planned to explore many more magical places across Croatia together.

Hr: Na kraju, Ivana i Mateo su se oprostili pod zvijezdama koje su sjale nad Dubrovnikom, zahvalni na neobičnom susretu koji ih je spojio.
En: In the end, Ivana and Mateo bid farewell under the stars shining over Dubrovnik, grateful for the unusual encounter that brought them together.

Hr: Ivana više nije samo gledala predstave na ulicama, a Mateo se uvijek sjetio osjećaja kad je na kratko bio, iako nenamjerno, ulični umjetnik.
En: Ivana no longer just watched performances on the streets, and Mateo always remembered the feeling of briefly being, albeit unintentionally, a street artist.

Vocabulary Words:
  • sunset: zalazak sunca
  • illuminating: osvjetljavajući
  • narrow: uske
  • brick: cigla
  • magical: čaroban
  • strolled: šetala
  • charming: očaravajući
  • exaggerated: pretjeran
  • performance: predstava
  • appreciation: poštovanje
  • confusion: zbunjenost
  • embarrassed: postiđena
  • encounter: susret
  • bakeries: pekarnice
  • selfie stick: selfie štap
  • paved: popločanim
  • puzzled: zbunjen
  • scent: miris
  • baked treats: svježe pečeni delikatesi
  • street artist: ulični umjetnik
  • entertained: zabavljala
  • tourist: turist
  • capture: uhvatiti
  • grateful: zahvalni
  • bid farewell: oprostiti se
  • encounter: susret
  • performances: predstave
  • laughter: smijeh
  • explore: istražiti
  • unintentionally: nenamjerno
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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