
Chanced Melodies: A Ljubljana Tale

Mar 27, 2024 · 12m 1s
Chanced Melodies: A Ljubljana Tale

01 · Main Story

1m 40s

02 · Vocabulary Words

9m 42s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Chanced Melodies: A Ljubljana Tale Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Nekega sončnega popoldneva je Ana sprehajala po živahnih...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Chanced Melodies: A Ljubljana Tale
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Nekega sončnega popoldneva je Ana sprehajala po živahnih ulicah Ljubljane.
En: One sunny afternoon, Ana was taking a walk through the lively streets of Ljubljana.

Sl: Mesto je bilo polno glasbe, barv in vonjev, in Ana je z užitkom opazovala množico ljudi, ki so se gibali okoli nje.
En: The city was full of music, colors, and scents, and Ana enjoyed watching the crowd of people moving around her.

Sl: Med sprehajanjem po Copovi ulici je opazila množico ljudi, ki so se zbrali okrog mladega moškega.
En: While walking along Copova street, she noticed a crowd of people gathered around a young man.

Sl: Mladenič, po imenu Luka, je stal pri postaji za avtobus in z zamišljenim pogledom opazoval urnik prihodov avtobusa.
En: The young man, named Luka, was standing at the bus stop, lost in thought as he looked at the bus schedule.

Sl: Nosil je čudovit klobuk in široko zabrisan nasmeh, medtem ko je z nogami tleskal po tleh, kot da bi sledil ritmu nevidne melodije.
En: He wore a wonderful hat and a broad, carefree smile, tapping his feet on the ground as if following the rhythm of an invisible melody.

Sl: V rokah je vrtel ključe, tako spretno in zanimivo, da je Ana pomislila, da je to del njegove ulične predstave.
En: He twirled his keys in his hands with such skill and interest that Ana thought it was part of his street performance.

Sl: Ana se je nenadoma počutila navdušeno in začela ploskati Luki, verjameč, da je ulični umetnik.
En: Ana suddenly felt excited and began applauding Luka, believing him to be a street artist.

Sl: Luka je dvignil pogled, jasno presenečen nad nenadnim aplavzom, a hitro je razumel, kako je prišlo do te zabavne zmešnjave.
En: Luka raised his gaze, clearly surprised by the sudden applause, but quickly understood how this amusing mix-up had occurred.

Sl: Mladi moški je z rahlim nasmehom prikimal Ani in se zahvalil za njen aplavz.
En: With a slight smile, the young man nodded at Ana and thanked her for her applause.

Sl: Vendar je vedel, da mora razjasniti situacijo.
En: However, he knew he had to clarify the situation.

Sl: Pogumno je stopil do Ane in z nasmeškom pojasnil, da ni umetnik, samo čaka na avtobus, ki ga bo odpeljal domov.
En: Bravely, he approached Ana and with a smile explained that he was not an artist; he was just waiting for the bus to take him home.

Sl: Ana, ki se je najprej počutila nerodno, se je nato smejala sami sebi.
En: At first feeling awkward, Ana laughed at herself.

Sl: Začela sta klepetati, in med njima je vladala prijetna, sproščena atmosfera.
En: They started chatting, and a pleasant, relaxed atmosphere pervaded between them.

Sl: Kmalu je prišel avtobus, a Luka in Ana sta se odločila, da bosta namesto vožnje raje nadaljevala s prijetnim pogovorom in skupnim sprehodom ob reki Ljubljanici.
En: Soon the bus arrived, but Luka and Ana decided to continue their pleasant conversation and take a walk along the Ljubljanica river instead of taking the bus.

Sl: Spoznala sta, da imata veliko skupnega, in to naključno srečanje je postalo začetek globokega prijateljstva.
En: They discovered they had a lot in common, and this chance encounter became the beginning of a deep friendship.

Sl: Ana je vedno gojila strast do ulične umetnosti in Luka ji je pomagal odkriti, da v vsakem trenutku in vsaki osebi tiči nekaj čarobnega.
En: Ana had always been passionate about street art, and Luka helped her discover that there is something magical in every moment and every person.

Sl: Od tistega dne naprej, ko sta skupaj raziskovala mestne zanimivosti, sta bila Ana in Luka nerazdružljiva, povezana z močjo smeha in naključnega nesporazuma, ki je vodil do neskončne vrste dogodivščin v srcu Ljubljane.
En: From that day forward, as they explored the city's attractions together, Ana and Luka became inseparable, connected by the power of laughter and a random misunderstanding that led to an endless series of adventures in the heart of Ljubljana.

Vocabulary Words:
  • lively: živahnih
  • scents: vonjev
  • gathered: zbrali
  • lost in thought: zamišljen
  • carefree: brezskrben
  • twirled: vrtel
  • applauding: ploskati
  • amusing: zabavne
  • bravely: pogumno
  • suddenly: nenadoma
  • clarify: razjasniti
  • awkward: nerodno
  • inseparable: nerazdružljiva
  • passionate: strast
  • magical: čarobnega
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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