
Chaos at Caerphilly: A Boy's Sheepish Tale

Feb 28, 2024 · 15m 52s
Chaos at Caerphilly: A Boy's Sheepish Tale

01 · Main Story

1m 39s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 15s


Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Chaos at Caerphilly: A Boy's Sheepish Tale Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Cy: Un diwrnod braf oedd hi yn...

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Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Chaos at Caerphilly: A Boy's Sheepish Tale
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Story Transcript:

Cy: Un diwrnod braf oedd hi yn y castell hynafol Caerphilly, lle mae awyr yn las a'r gwynt yn berwi gyda chwedlau a straeon.
En: It was a lovely day at the ancient Caerphilly Castle, where the sky is blue and the wind is filled with legends and stories.

Cy: Yn y lle hwn, roedd bachgen ifanc o'r enw Rhys yn crwydro, ei lygaid yn syllu ar y muriau cerrig trwchus a'r tŵr sy'n pwyso tuag at yr awyr.
En: In this place, there was a young boy named Rhys wandering, his eyes gazing at the rugged stone walls and the tower that reaches towards the sky.

Cy: Wrth iddo fforio, cyfarfu â Bethan, merch gyda gwên gynnes a'i chroen fel eira gwyn.
En: As he wandered, he met Bethan, a girl with a warm smile and skin as white as snow.

Cy: Ar ei hochr, roedd defaid bach, pluen gwyn ac ar ei benyn mae clochyn arian yn canu wrth iddi bori.
En: By her side were little sheep, white as wool, and on her head was a silver bell singing as she wandered.

Cy: Enw'r defaid oedd Sian, ac roedd hi'n anifail anwes Bethan, mor annwyl iddi fel bod ei chalon yn glynu wrth y creadur bach.
En: The sheep's name was Sian, and she was Bethan's beloved pet, so dear to her that her heart stuck to the little creature.

Cy: "Helô, Rhys!
En: "Hello, Rhys!"

Cy: " galwodd Bethan wrth iddi godi'i llaw mewn cyfarch.
En: called out Bethan, raising her hand in greeting.

Cy: "Helô, Bethan!
En: "Hello, Bethan!"

Cy: " atebodd Rhys.
En: Rhys replied.

Cy: "Beth rydych chi a Sian yn ei wneud yma heddiw?
En: "What are you and Sian doing here today?"

Cy: ""Rydyn ni'n mwynhau'r haul a'r awyr agored," meddai Bethan gyda gwên.
En: "We're enjoying the sunshine and the open air," said Bethan with a smile.

Cy: "Ond mae'n rhaid i mi fynd nawr.
En: "But I have to go now.

Cy: Fyddwch chi'n gofalu am Sian funud bach tra dwi'n mynd i'r siop?
En: Will you take care of Sian for a moment while I go to the shop?"

Cy: ""Cyfle gwych!
En: "Of course!"

Cy: " meddai Rhys.
En: said Rhys.

Cy: “Wrth gwrs, gallaf gadw cwmni i Sian nawr.
En: "I can keep Sian company for you."

Cy: ”Aeth Bethan i'r siop, gan adael Rhys a Sian yng nghanol gwyrddni'r caeau.
En: Bethan went to the shop, leaving Rhys and Sian in the middle of the green fields.

Cy: Ond Rhys, sydd heb brofiad gyda defaid a dim yn gwybod sut i ofalu am yr anifail, aeth ar goll mewn breuddwydion wrth edmygu'r castell.
En: But Rhys, who had no experience with sheep and didn't know how to care for the animal, got lost in daydreams admiring the castle.

Cy: Pan sylweddolodd, roedd Sian wedi rhedeg i blith y twristiaid, gan achosi penbleth mawr.
En: When he realized, Sian had run into the midst of the tourists, causing great confusion.

Cy: Plant yn gweiddi, dynion yn chwerthin a menywod yn gweiddi, "Edrychwch!
En: Children were screaming, men laughing, and women yelling, "Look!

Cy: Mae defaid yn y castell!
En: There's a sheep in the castle!"

Cy: " Cythraul o ddryswch oedd wedi codi, a Rhys yn canol pethau, ei wyneb mor goch â chegog.
En: Chaos had erupted, and Rhys in the middle of it, his face as red as a beet.

Cy: Teimlai Rhys yn ddigalon, ond roedd yn rhaid iddo ddatrys y sefyllfa.
En: Rhys felt discouraged, but he had to solve the situation.

Cy: Dilynodd e'r clochyn arian, a chwythu'n ysgafn ar ei fflwyt bach, gan obeithio tawelu Sian.
En: He followed the silver bell, waving gently on her little tail, hoping to calm Sian.

Cy: A dyma chi, daeth yr anifail llanw yn ôl ato, fel petai'n cael ei ddenu gan hud y gerddoriaeth.
En: And there it was, the creature flowed back to him, as if drawn by the magic of the music.

Cy: Ar ôl casglu Sian yn ôl, aeth Rhys yn gyflym i gwrdd â Bethan, yr ofn yn gorgyffwrdd ei galon fach.
En: After gathering Sian back, Rhys quickly went to meet Bethan, fear gripping his small heart.

Cy: Ond i'w rhyfeddod, pheint Bethan gyda gwên ac nid â dicter.
En: But to his surprise, Bethan painted with a smile and not with anger.

Cy: "Diolch, Rhys," meddai.
En: "Thank you, Rhys," she said.

Cy: "Rwy'n gweld bod Sian yn ddiogel, a dyna beth sy'n bwysig.
En: "I see that Sian is safe, and that's what matters."

Cy: "Gyda chalonnau'n ysgafnach a Sian yn eu plith, aeth y tri – Rhys, Bethan a Sian – am dro hamddenol o amgylch castell hanesyddol Caerphilly unwaith eto, y tro hwn yn ofalus i beidio â cholli'r defaid anwes eto.
En: With lighter hearts and Sian among them, the three – Rhys, Bethan, and Sian – went for a leisurely walk around the historical Caerphilly castle once again, this time careful not to lose the beloved sheep again.

Cy: Ac felly terfynodd eu hantur, gyda diogelwch ac undod, yn y lle lle mae muriau'n dal straeon, a chymuned yn dal at ei gilydd fel teulu.
En: And so their adventure ended, with safety and unity, in a place where the walls hold stories and the community sticks together like family.

Vocabulary Words:
  • day: diwrnod
  • ancient: hynafol
  • sky: awyr
  • legends: chwedlau
  • stories: straeon
  • wandering: crwydro
  • rugged: trwchus
  • tower: tŵr
  • glancing: syllu
  • smile: gwên
  • skin: croen
  • wool: pluen
  • silver: arian
  • singing: canu
  • beloved: anwes
  • greeting: cyfarch
  • sunshine: haul
  • open air: awyr agored
  • experience: profiad
  • admiring: edmygu
  • daydreams: breuddwydion
  • tourists: twristiaid
  • confusion: penbleth
  • discouraged: digalon
  • fear: ofn
  • unity: undod
  • historical: hanesyddol
  • careful: ofalus
  • adventure: antur
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