
Climb of Remembrance: Megan's Journey to Honor Her Father

Jul 8, 2024 · 16m 26s
Climb of Remembrance: Megan's Journey to Honor Her Father

01 · Main Story

1m 42s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 48s


Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Climb of Remembrance: Megan's Journey to Honor Her Father Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Cy: Megan edrychodd i fyny...

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Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Climb of Remembrance: Megan's Journey to Honor Her Father
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Story Transcript:

Cy: Megan edrychodd i fyny at y mynydd o flaen hi.
En: Megan looked up at the mountain in front of her.

Cy: Roedd yr haul haf yn wresogi ei hwyneb, a'r awyr yn llwydlas a chlir.
En: The summer sun warmed her face, and the sky was a clear, pale blue.

Cy: Roedd hi yn y fan yma er mwyn cofio ei thad, John, y dyn a charai gerdded a theithio, ond a fu farw cyn iddo weld y copa o ben ei hun.
En: She was here to remember her father, John, the man who loved walking and traveling, but who died before he could see the summit himself.

Cy: "Rydw i'n herefor ti, Dad," meddai Megan yn dawel, gan godi ei bag i'w hysgwydd.
En: "I'm here for you, Dad," Megan said quietly, lifting her bag to her shoulder.

Cy: Roedd y llwybr yn edrych yn serth a hir, ond roedd hi'n benderfynol.
En: The path looked steep and long, but she was determined.

Cy: Ymhen hir a hwyr, Megan a gychwynodd ar y llwybr.
En: Eventually, Megan set out on the path.

Cy: Roedd rhywbeth hudolus am y cerdded hwn.
En: There was something magical about this walk.

Cy: Roedd y coed yn stondio'n dawel, a'r dŵr yn glistio ar bwll.
En: The trees stood quietly, and the water sparkled in a pool.

Cy: Drwy gyfrwng y gwersi a dysgodd oddi wrth ei thad, Megan roedd yn parhau i gerdded hyd yn oed pan oedd y gofebion yn ei dal.
En: Through the lessons she had learned from her father, Megan kept walking even when the memories held her back.

Cy: Ar y ffordd, Megan cyfarfu â Rhys, dyn cyfeillgar oedd hefyd yn mynd i fyny'r copa.
En: On the way, Megan met Rhys, a friendly man who was also going up the summit.

Cy: Roedd Rhys yn gweiddi, "Shwmae! Wyt ti'n iawn? Mae'r tir yma yn anodd!"
En: Rhys shouted, "Hey! Are you okay? This terrain is tough!"

Cy: Megan gwenu. "Mae'n eithaf serth, ond dw i'n iawn, diolch. Dw i'n gwneud hyn i gofio fy nhad."
En: Megan smiled. "It's pretty steep, but I'm okay, thanks. I'm doing this to remember my dad."

Cy: Rhys a da nodded. "Mae hynny'n arbennig. Gad i ni cerdded gyda’n gilydd."
En: Rhys nodded. "That's special. Let's walk together."

Cy: Gyda Rhys wrth ei hochr, Megan parhau i gerdded.
En: With Rhys by her side, Megan continued walking.

Cy: Ond wrth iddynt esgyn y mynydd, roedd hi'n dechrau ymdeimlo â'r blinder, corfforol ac emosiynol.
En: But as they ascended the mountain, she began to feel the physical and emotional weariness.

Cy: Unrhyw gam roedd yn teimlo fel garreg anferthol.
En: Every step felt like a huge stone.

Cy: Roedd ei thad, yr athro ysbrydol, yn absenol heddiw.
En: Her father, her spiritual guide, was absent today.

Cy: Wrth iddi nesáu at y copa, roedd haid o gymylau du yn dod i mewn.
En: As she approached the summit, a flock of dark clouds rolled in.

Cy: Roedd hi'n dechrau ofni na fyddai'n gallu cwblhau'r daith.
En: She began to fear she wouldn’t be able to complete the journey.

Cy: Ond gyda Rhys yn rhoi anogaeth iddi, canodd Megan wrth ei thad.
En: But with Rhys encouraging her, Megan sang to her father.

Cy: "Mi wn i y medra’r dydd," meddai Megan yn annog ei hun.
En: "I know the day will come," Megan said, urging herself on.

Cy: Yn y diwedd, cyn i'r glaw ddechrau bwrw, Megan oedd ynddo mynd at y copa.
En: In the end, before the rain started to pour, Megan reached the summit.

Cy: Roedd y storm yn ymddangos yn swnio fel cryfder ei thad, gan ffurfio haenau o chwerthin a chryn.
En: The storm seemed to resound with the strength of her father, creating layers of laughter and tears.

Cy: "O Dad, dw i'n teimlo dy bresenoldeb," Mikegan meddai, gyda dail yn cael eu lluchio o'i chwmpas.
En: "Oh Dad, I feel your presence," Megan said, with leaves swirling around her.

Cy: Roedd hi'n teimlo chwerthin trwy'r holl fraw.
En: She felt laughter through all the fear.

Cy: Gwefryn oedd heb syllu i’r copa fel arall.
En: She would not have looked at the summit otherwise.

Cy: Yna Megan gollwng carreg bach, a oedd hi wedi bod yn cario.
En: Then Megan dropped a small stone she had been carrying.

Cy: “Heddwch i ti, Dad,” meddai hi.
En: "Peace be with you, Dad," she said.

Cy: Pan ddaeth y sgerbydion sero sgrechud, Megan gwybod fe fydd hi a Rhys yn rhaid i ddioddef tywydd tanc lleol am sbelhaliad.
En: When the skeletons of the clouds screamed zero, Megan knew she and Rhys would have to endure some local weather a while longer.

Cy: Roedd Rhys yn syllu i’r selog, gan pigwyd. "Fe wnaethon ni e,"
En: Rhys looked into the sky, squinting. "We made it," he said.

Cy: Wrth i Megan disgyn o'r copa roedd hi'n teimlo gyda chalon ysgafnach ac yn gwybod fod ei thad yn ddiogel tu mewn i’r cofion pob cornel hu fyd.
En: As Megan descended from the summit, she felt lighter-hearted and knew her father was safe within the memories in every corner of her world.

Cy: Roedd hi'n wirioneddol teimlo'n rhydd yn wreiddiol, mewn helaeth dad.
En: She truly felt free, with a deep sense of liberation.

Cy: Y diwedd.
En: The end.

Vocabulary Words:
  • summit: copa
  • terrain: tir
  • weariness: blinder
  • spiritual: ysbrydol
  • flock: haid
  • clouds: cymylau
  • fear: ofni
  • journey: daith
  • encouraging: anogaeth
  • pour: bwrw
  • resound: swnio
  • presence: presenoldeb
  • laughter: chwerthin
  • stones: carrgew
  • endure: dioddef
  • local: lleol
  • weather: tywydd
  • clear: clir
  • trees: coed
  • pool: pwll
  • steep: serth
  • magical: hudolus
  • lessons: gwersi
  • liberation: dad
  • corner: cornel
  • freedom: rhyddid
  • father: tad
  • memories: cofiou
  • tough: anodd
  • quietly: yn dawel
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