
Coffee Spill & Dance Moves: A Love Story

Dec 10, 2023 · 16m 23s
Coffee Spill & Dance Moves: A Love Story

01 · Main Story

1m 39s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 49s


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Coffee Spill & Dance Moves: A Love Story Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Hr: Sunce je sjajilo nad krovovima...

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Coffee Spill & Dance Moves: A Love Story
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Story Transcript:

Hr: Sunce je sjajilo nad krovovima stare jezgre Zagreba, kada je Luka odlučio odvesti Anu na prvu šalicu kave u novootvorenom kafiću "Plesna kava".
En: The sun was shining over the rooftops of the old town center of Zagreb, when Luka decided to take Ana for their first coffee in the newly opened café "Dance Coffee."

Hr: Ana je hodala pored njega, sportski obučena i spremna za dan pun smijeha i ugodnih razgovora.
En: Ana walked alongside him, dressed sportily and ready for a day full of laughter and pleasant conversations.

Hr: Luka je nosio svoju omiljenu plavu košulju, želeći ostaviti dobar dojam.
En: Luka wore his favorite blue shirt, wanting to make a good impression.

Hr: Ulicama su se širili mirisi proljeća i tople kave.
En: The scents of spring and warm coffee filled the streets.

Hr: Čim su stigli, Luka je pokazao Ani maleni stol u kutu, odakle se pružao prekrasan pogled na vrevu grada.
En: As soon as they arrived, Luka showed Ana a small table in the corner, offering a beautiful view of the city bustle.

Hr: Kafić je bio uređen u retro stilu, s pločicama na podu koje su podsjećale na šahovnicu.
En: The café was decorated in a retro style, with tiled floors reminiscent of a checkerboard.

Hr: Muzika se lagano vrtjela u pozadini, a Luka je osjetio kako ritam polako teče kroz njegovo tijelo.
En: Soft music played in the background, and Luka felt the rhythm slowly flowing through his body.

Hr: Dok su čekali narudžbu, Luka je započeo razgovor o plesu.
En: While they waited for their order, Luka started a conversation about dancing.

Hr: Ana je bila oduševljena, nije znala da Luka voli plesati.
En: Ana was thrilled, she didn't know that Luka loved to dance.

Hr: Kada su kave stigle, Luka je ustanovio kako bi bilo sjajno pokazati joj par plesnih koraka.
En: When the coffees arrived, Luka suggested it would be great to show her a few dance steps.

Hr: Ustao je i pružio joj ruku, a Ana je kroz osmijeh pristala.
En: He stood up and offered her his hand, and with a smile, Ana accepted.

Hr: No dok je započeo plesati, iznenada je izgubio ravnotežu.
En: But as he started to dance, he suddenly lost his balance.

Hr: Ruka mu se trgnula, a šalica kave se prevrnula direktno na njegovu plavu košulju, ostavljajući veliku smeđu mrlju.
En: His hand twitched, and the coffee cup spilled directly onto his blue shirt, leaving a large brown stain.

Hr: Luka se zacrvenio od srama, a Ana nije mogla zadržati smijeh.
En: Luka blushed with embarrassment, and Ana couldn't hold back her laughter.

Hr: Luka je u tom trenutku mogao odustati, osjetivši kako mu je ponos povrijeđen.
En: At that moment, Luka could have given up, feeling his pride wounded.

Hr: Ali umjesto toga, zagledao se u Anin smiješak i shvatio kako je to prava prilika da pokaže svoju pravu osobnost.
En: But instead, he looked at Ana's smile and realized that it was the perfect opportunity to show his true personality.

Hr: Nasmijao se i šaljivo rekao, "Izgleda da se moja košulja odlučila za omiljeni espresso.
En: He smiled and jokingly said, "It seems like my shirt has chosen its favorite espresso."

Hr: "Ana je njen smijeh postao još glasniji, a atmosfera je postala opuštenija.
En: Ana's laughter became even louder, and the atmosphere became more relaxed.

Hr: Luka je zatražio od konobara maramice, i dok je čistio mrlju, lagano je zaplesao sam, uzimajući cijelu situaciju s humorom.
En: Luka asked the waiter for napkins, and as he cleaned the stain, he jokingly danced by himself, taking the whole situation in good humor.

Hr: Ana je bila očarana njegovom sposobnošću da se našali na vlastiti račun.
En: Ana was captivated by his ability to make light of the situation.

Hr: Kako je vrijeme prolazilo, njih dvoje su nastavili razgovarati i smijati se, zaboravljajući na neugodnu situaciju s kavom.
En: As time passed, the two of them continued to talk and laugh, forgetting about the awkward coffee incident.

Hr: Na kraju, Luka je zaključio da zapravo i ne treba plesne pokrete da impresionira Anu – njegova iskrenost i humor bili su dovoljni.
En: In the end, Luka concluded that he didn't really need dance moves to impress Ana – his sincerity and humor were enough.

Hr: S izlaskom zadnjih gostiju, konobar je prišao stolu s komplimentima upućenima Luki za njegov pozitivan stav i pristup.
En: As the last guests left, the waiter approached their table with compliments for Luka's positive attitude and approach.

Hr: Ana i Luka su napustili "Plesnu kavu" nasmejani i s rukama isprepletenim.
En: Ana and Luka left "Dance Coffee" smiling and with their hands intertwined.

Hr: Iako je početak dana donio neočekivane izazove, Luka je shvatio da nije važno koliko suavno može plesati ili kako bez mrlja drži svoju košulju.
En: Although the beginning of the day brought unexpected challenges, Luka realized that it didn't matter how smoothly he could dance or how spotless he could keep his shirt.

Hr: Važno je bilo da je s Anom mogao podijeliti iskrenu radost i smijeh.
En: What mattered was that he could share genuine joy and laughter with Ana.

Hr: To je bio dan koji će oboje pamtiti po dobroj energiji i ležernoj vezi koja je između njih procvjetala.
En: It was a day they would both remember for the good energy and the relaxed connection that blossomed between them.

Vocabulary Words:
  • rooftops: krovovi
  • center: jezgra
  • café: kafić
  • sportily: sportski
  • laughter: smijeh
  • conversations: razgovori
  • impression: dojam
  • scents: mirisi
  • tiled: pločice
  • reminiscent: podsjećajući
  • checkerboard: šahovnica
  • rhythm: ritam
  • suddenly: iznenada
  • balance: ravnoteža
  • twitched: trgnula
  • spilled: prevrnula
  • directly: direktno
  • stain: mrlja
  • blushed: zacrvenio
  • embarrassment: sram
  • laughter: smijeh
  • jokingly: šaljivo
  • atmosphere: atmosfera
  • napkins: maramice
  • humor: humor
  • captivated: očarana
  • light of: na račun
  • awkward: neugodnu
  • incident: situacija
  • impress: impresionira
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