
Coffee Spills & Friendship Thrills

Dec 1, 2023 · 13m 56s
Coffee Spills & Friendship Thrills

01 · Main Story

1m 39s

02 · Vocabulary Words

10m 36s


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Coffee Spills & Friendship Thrills Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Hr: Jednoga sunčanog popodneva, u malenom kafiću u srcu...

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Coffee Spills & Friendship Thrills
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Story Transcript:

Hr: Jednoga sunčanog popodneva, u malenom kafiću u srcu grada, sve je mirisalo na svježe mljevenu kavu.
En: One sunny afternoon, in a small café in the heart of the city, the air was filled with the aroma of freshly ground coffee.

Hr: Ivana, djevojka s loknama poput proljetnih lastavica, sjedila je za svojim stolom čekajući prijatelja.
En: Ivana, a girl with curls like spring swallows, sat at her table, waiting for her friend.

Hr: Imala je plavu haljinu i osmijeh koji je mogao osvijetliti sobu.
En: She wore a blue dress and a smile that could light up the room.

Hr: Ugao je ugledala Marka koji je ulazio.
En: She spotted Marko entering the corner.

Hr: Bio je visok i uvijek je nosio svoj prepoznatljivi šešir.
En: He was tall and always wore his distinctive hat.

Hr: Sjeli su za stol, a ona je uzela svoju šalicu da popije gutljaj dragocjenog napitka.
En: They sat down, and she took her cup to savor the precious drink.

Hr: No, iznenada, Marko je nešto rekao što ju je nasmijalo toliko jako da je kavu prsnula po stolu, a kapljice su skočile pravo na Markovu bijelu košulju.
En: Suddenly, Marko said something that made her laugh so hard that she sprayed coffee on the table, and droplets jumped onto Marko's white shirt.

Hr: Crne mrlje na bijelini izgledale su kao mali otočići u moru.
En: The black stains on the white looked like small islands in the sea.

Hr: "Oh, Marko, oprosti!
En: "Oh, Marko, I'm so sorry!"

Hr: " povika Ivana, dok joj se lice crvenjelo poput jagode.
En: Ivana exclaimed, her face turning as red as a strawberry.

Hr: "Ma nema problema," reče Marko smijući se, iako se vidjelo da mu je košulja važna.
En: "No problem," Marko said, smiling, though it was clear that his shirt was important to him.

Hr: Ivana je brzo uzela salvete i počela tapkati po njegovoj košulji.
En: Ivana quickly grabbed napkins and started dabbing at his shirt.

Hr: U tom trenutku izgledalo je kao da čine neki čudan ples.
En: At that moment, it looked like they were doing a strange dance.

Hr: Svi u kafiću su gledali, a neki su čak i snimali.
En: Everyone in the café was watching, some even recording.

Hr: "Bit će dobro, Marko, zar ne?
En: "It will be okay, Marko, won't it?"

Hr: " rekla je sa zabrinutim pogledom, no u njenom glasu osjetila se trag nade.
En: she said with a worried look, but a trace of hope could be sensed in her voice.

Hr: Marko je shvatio da je to bio samo nespretni, ali iskreni trenutak i počeo se smijati.
En: Marko realized it was just an awkward but sincere moment and began laughing.

Hr: "Hoćemo li sada naručiti još jednu kavu ili prijeći na nešto manje rizično, recimo, čaj?
En: "Shall we order another coffee now or switch to something less risky, like tea?"

Hr: " predložio je s bljeskom vedrine u očima.
En: he suggested, with a glint of cheer in his eyes.

Hr: Nasmijali su se zajedno, sprijateljili se s konobarom koji je bio svjedokom njihovog malog incidenta, i proveli ostatak popodneva planirajući kako će ukloniti mrlju iz Markove košulje.
En: They laughed together, befriended the waiter who witnessed their small mishap, and spent the rest of the afternoon planning how to remove the stain from Marko's shirt.

Hr: Dok je zalazak sunca bojio nebo u nježne nijanse ružičaste i ljubičaste, Ivana i Marko su napustili kafić, sada ne samo kao prijatelji, već kao suučesnici u maloj svakodnevnoj avanturi.
En: As the sunset painted the sky in gentle shades of pink and purple, Ivana and Marko left the café, now not just as friends, but as co-conspirators in a small everyday adventure.

Hr: Kad se večer spustila nad gradom, shvatili su da male nespretnosti čine život zanimljivijim i da je uvijek moguće pronaći razlog za smijeh.
En: As the evening descended over the city, they realized that little mishaps make life more interesting and that there's always a reason to smile.

Hr: I tako, kava koja se prolila pretvorila se u prvi čin u priči o prijateljstvu koje će trajati još mnogo popodneva i mnogo prolivenih šalica.
En: And so, the spilled coffee turned into the first act in the story of a friendship that would last for many more afternoons and many more spilled cups.

Vocabulary Words:
  • sunny: sunčano
  • café: kafić
  • heart: srce
  • aroma: miris
  • freshly: svježe
  • ground: mljevenu
  • curls: lokne
  • swallows: lastavice
  • table: stol
  • blue: plavu
  • dress: haljinu
  • smile: osmijeh
  • light up: osvijetliti
  • room: sobu
  • spotted: ugledala
  • entering: ulazio
  • corner: ugao
  • distinctive: prepoznatljivi
  • hat: šešir
  • cup: šalicu
  • savor: popije
  • precious: dragocjenog
  • sprayed: prsnula
  • droplets: kapljice
  • jumped: skočile
  • white: bijelu
  • stains: mrlje
  • islands: otočići
  • sea: moru
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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