
Eco Adventure: How a Team Transformed a National Park Day

Jun 19, 2024 · 14m 2s
Eco Adventure: How a Team Transformed a National Park Day

01 · Main Story

1m 45s

02 · Vocabulary Words

9m 56s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Eco Adventure: How a Team Transformed a National Park Day Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Skozi hladno jutro,...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Eco Adventure: How a Team Transformed a National Park Day
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Skozi hladno jutro, sveži zrak je dišal po borovcih.
En: Through the cold morning, the fresh air smelled of pine trees.

Sl: V Triglavskem narodnem parku so ptice pele in potoki žuboreli.
En: In the Triglav National Park, birds were singing, and streams were babbling.

Sl: Matej, Ana in Luka so stali na jasi, polni navdušenja.
En: Matej, Ana, and Luka stood in a meadow, full of excitement.

Sl: Pripravljali so se na organizacijo ekološko prijaznega turističnega dogodka.
En: They were preparing to organize an eco-friendly tourist event.

Sl: "Moramo zaščititi naravo," je dejal Matej, "in pokazati ljudem, kako živeti trajnostno.
En: "We have to protect nature," said Matej, "and show people how to live sustainably."

Sl: " Ana se je strinjala in že imela pripravljene ideje.
En: Ana agreed and already had ideas prepared.

Sl: "Luka, ti boš poskrbel za reciklažne koše.
En: "Luka, you will take care of the recycling bins.

Sl: Jaz bom nadzorovala dejavnosti.
En: I will oversee the activities.

Sl: Matej, ti vodiš pohod.
En: Matej, you lead the hike."

Sl: "Luka je postavil pisane reciklažne koše na strateška mesta.
En: Luka placed colorful recycling bins in strategic locations.

Sl: Ana je organizirala delavnice za izdelavo ekoloških izdelkov.
En: Ana organized workshops for making eco-friendly products.

Sl: Matej je preverjal poti, po katerih bodo hodili turisti.
En: Matej checked the paths where the tourists would walk.

Sl: Vsi so delali z energijo in nasmehom.
En: They all worked with energy and a smile.

Sl: Ob dvanajstih so začeli prihajati prvi obiskovalci.
En: By twelve o'clock, the first visitors started arriving.

Sl: Malčki so se smejali in tekali naokrog, njihovi starši so vpijali informacije o ekoloških rešitvah.
En: Children were laughing and running around, and their parents were absorbing information about ecological solutions.

Sl: Delavnice so bile polne.
En: The workshops were full.

Sl: Ana je bila zadovoljna.
En: Ana was satisfied.

Sl: "Poglej," je rekla Mateju, "vsi se učijo in zabavajo.
En: "Look," she said to Matej, "everyone is learning and having fun."

Sl: "Matej je vodil skupino po hribovitih poteh.
En: Matej led a group along the hilly paths.

Sl: "Glej, ta smreka je stara sto let," je povedal.
En: "Look, this spruce tree is a hundred years old," he said.

Sl: Turisti so tiho poslušali in snemali fotografije.
En: The tourists listened quietly and took photos.

Sl: Luka se je prepričal, da je vsak vrgel smeti v pravilen koš.
En: Luka made sure everyone threw their waste into the correct bin.

Sl: Dogodek je potekal gladko.
En: The event went smoothly.

Sl: Ko je sonce zahajalo, so se obiskovalci začeli poslavljati.
En: As the sun was setting, the visitors began to say goodbye.

Sl: Vsakdo je s seboj odnesel nekaj novega znanja o naravi.
En: Everyone took away something new about nature.

Sl: Matej je čutil ponos.
En: Matej felt proud.

Sl: "Uspelo nam je," je rekel.
En: "We did it," he said.

Sl: Ana in Luka sta prikimala.
En: Ana and Luka nodded.

Sl: "Dan je bil popoln.
En: "The day was perfect."

Sl: "Vsak je bil utrujen, a srečen.
En: Everyone was tired but happy.

Sl: Triglavski narodni park je bil še bolj čist in spoštovan.
En: Triglav National Park was cleaner and more respected than before.

Sl: Matej, Ana in Luka so ob koncu dneva posedli na jasi, občudovali zvezde in vedeli, da so naredili nekaj dobrega za svet.
En: At the end of the day, Matej, Ana, and Luka sat in the meadow, admired the stars, and knew they had done something good for the world.

Vocabulary Words:
  • morning: jutro
  • national park: narodni park
  • singing: pele
  • streams: potoki
  • babbling: žuboreli
  • meadow: jasa
  • excitement: navdušenja
  • eco-friendly: ekološko prijaznega
  • protect: zaščititi
  • sustainably: trajnostno
  • recycling bins: reciklažne koše
  • oversee: nadzorovala
  • activities: dejavnosti
  • colorful: pisane
  • strategic: strateška
  • workshops: delavnice
  • products: izdelkov
  • paths: poti
  • energy: energijo
  • visitors: obiskovalci
  • ecological solutions: ekoloških rešitev
  • satisfied: zadovoljna
  • hilly: hribovitih
  • spruce tree: smreka
  • waste: smeti
  • smoothly: gladko
  • something new: nekaj novega
  • proud: ponos
  • perfect: popoln
  • tired: utrujen
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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