Ep 158 | SeaQuest DSV: "Hide and Seek"

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Ep 158 | SeaQuest DSV: "Hide and Seek"
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Last week when we first checked out SeaQuest DSV we learned about a man named The Regulator who had an ape friend named Verne (whom The Regulator tried to surgically...
show moreNow if you just read that you probably figured there was no way this show could get weirder. Well it turns out you're wrong. DEAD WRONG. And that's because of today's episode of SeaQuest, season one's Hide and Seek, which among other weird things includes William Shatner playing a Saddam Hussein-esque dictator who believes the same dolphin The Regulator tried to steal can heal his son, who may or may not have autism. And by the way, he ends up being right about that last thing
Anyway this thing is insane. I suggest you all listen in if for no other reason than for William Shatner talk about weaponized war dolphins
Author | Bootu Inc |
Organization | Bootu Inc |
Website | bootuinc.com |
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