
Festival Rivalries and Cooperation: Ayu's Journey to Leadership

Jul 18, 2024 · 19m 28s
Festival Rivalries and Cooperation: Ayu's Journey to Leadership

01 · Main Story

1m 40s

02 · Vocabulary Words

15m 28s


Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Festival Rivalries and Cooperation: Ayu's Journey to Leadership Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Id: Di SMA Jakarta, suasana sibuk...

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Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Festival Rivalries and Cooperation: Ayu's Journey to Leadership
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Story Transcript:

Id: Di SMA Jakarta, suasana sibuk sekali.
En: At Jakarta High School, the atmosphere was very busy.

Id: Siswa-siswa berjalan cepat, membawa dekorasi warna-warni.
En: Students walked quickly, carrying colorful decorations.

Id: Suara tertawa dan obrolan memenuhi udara, diiringi sinar matahari musim kemarau.
En: The sound of laughter and chatter filled the air, accompanied by the dry season's sunlight.

Id: Di tengah keramaian itu, Ayu berdiri dengan muka serius.
En: Amidst the hustle and bustle, Ayu stood with a serious face.

Id: "Budi, aku ingin memimpin festival ini.
En: "Budi, I want to lead this festival.

Id: Aku harus membuktikan diriku," kata Ayu tegas.
En: I have to prove myself," Ayu said firmly.

Id: Budi, sahabat setia Ayu, hanya bisa mengangguk.
En: Budi, Ayu's loyal friend, could only nod.

Id: "Aku yakin kamu bisa, Ayu.
En: "I believe you can do it, Ayu.

Id: Tapi, kamu harus hati-hati dengan Citra.
En: But, you have to be careful with Citra.

Id: Dia juga ingin memimpin.
En: She also wants to lead."

Id: "Citra, siswa populer dengan banyak teman, memang kompetitif.
En: Citra, a popular student with many friends, was indeed competitive.

Id: Dia selalu ingin jadi yang terbaik.
En: She always wanted to be the best.

Id: Namun, Citra juga ramah.
En: However, Citra was also friendly.

Id: Dia sering tersenyum dan menyapa semua orang.
En: She often smiled and greeted everyone.

Id: Ayu mulai merencanakan festival.
En: Ayu began planning the festival.

Id: Dia pikir mungkin lebih mudah jika bekerja sama dengan Citra.
En: She thought it might be easier to work with Citra.

Id: Tapi, dalam hatinya, Ayu ingin membuktikan bahwa dia bisa melakukannya sendiri.
En: But deep down, Ayu wanted to prove that she could do it on her own.

Id: Dia memutuskan untuk mengambil risiko dan memimpin sendiri.
En: She decided to take the risk and lead by herself.

Id: Hari-hari berlalu dengan cepat.
En: The days passed quickly.

Id: Ayu sibuk dengan persiapan festival dan tugas sekolah.
En: Ayu was busy with festival preparations and school assignments.

Id: Kepalanya penuh dengan ide-ide untuk dekorasi dan acara.
En: Her head was full of ideas for decorations and events.

Id: Budi selalu ada di sampingnya, memberi dukungan.
En: Budi was always by her side, offering support.

Id: Namun Citra, yang juga mengerjakan tugas sekolah, sering memberikan komentar yang sedikit sarkastik.
En: However, Citra, who was also busy with schoolwork, often made slightly sarcastic comments.

Id: "Kamu yakin bisa melakukannya sendiri, Ayu?
En: "Are you sure you can do it alone, Ayu?"

Id: " tanya Citra suatu hari.
En: asked Citra one day.

Id: Ayu hanya menjawab dengan senyuman.
En: Ayu just replied with a smile.

Id: Menjelang akhir persiapan, Ayu mulai merasa lelah dan stres.
En: As the preparations neared their end, Ayu began to feel tired and stressed.

Id: Dia kurang tidur dan nilai-nilainya mulai turun.
En: She was sleep-deprived, and her grades started to drop.

Id: Pada saat itu, dia sadar kalau dia tak bisa melakukannya sendiri.
En: At that moment, she realized she couldn't do it alone.

Id: Lalu, Ayu membuat keputusan penting.
En: Then, Ayu made an important decision.

Id: Dia mendekati Citra dan berkata, "Citra, kita harus bekerja sama.
En: She approached Citra and said, "Citra, we need to work together.

Id: Kamu punya ide-ide bagus dan kita bisa membuat festival ini sangat sukses jika kita bersama.
En: You have great ideas, and we can make this festival very successful if we do it together."

Id: "Citra tersenyum lebar.
En: Citra smiled broadly.

Id: "Akhirnya kamu mengerti, Ayu.
En: "Finally, you understand, Ayu.

Id: Ayo kita bekerja sama!
En: Let's work together!"

Id: "Dengan bantuan Citra dan dukungan Budi, mereka menyuntikkan energi baru ke dalam persiapan.
En: With Citra's help and Budi's support, they injected new energy into the preparations.

Id: Hari-hari menjelang festival terasa lebih ringan.
En: The days leading up to the festival felt lighter.

Id: Mereka berbagi tugas dan saling membantu, membuat semuanya berjalan lebih lancar.
En: They shared tasks and helped each other, making everything run more smoothly.

Id: Pada hari festival, sekolah penuh dengan warna dan kegembiraan.
En: On the day of the festival, the school was filled with color and excitement.

Id: Dekorasi terpasang sempurna.
En: Decorations were perfectly in place.

Id: Tarian dan musik berjalan lancar.
En: The dances and music went smoothly.

Id: Semua siswa gembira.
En: All the students were happy.

Id: Ayu melihat semuanya dengan penuh kebahagiaan.
En: Ayu watched it all with joy.

Id: Perjuangannya membuahkan hasil.
En: Her efforts had paid off.

Id: Setelah festival selesai, Budi mendekat dan memberi Ayu pujian.
En: After the festival ended, Budi approached and praised Ayu.

Id: "Kamu luar biasa, Ayu.
En: "You were amazing, Ayu.

Id: Aku tahu kamu bisa.
En: I knew you could do it."

Id: "Ayu tersenyum dan merasa percaya diri.
En: Ayu smiled and felt confident.

Id: "Terima kasih, Budi.
En: "Thank you, Budi.

Id: Aku juga belajar sesuatu.
En: I also learned something.

Id: Kerja sama membuat segalanya lebih baik.
En: Cooperation makes everything better."

Id: "Begitulah cerita Ayu, siswa yang tadinya merasa dibayangi oleh orang lain, kini menemukan kekuatannya sendiri.
En: That's the story of Ayu, a student who once felt overshadowed by others but eventually found her own strength.

Id: Festival itu sukses besar dan Ayu belajar nilai dari sebuah kerja sama.
En: The festival was a great success, and Ayu learned the value of cooperation.

Vocabulary Words:
  • atmosphere: suasana
  • decorations: dekorasi
  • chatter: obrolan
  • sunlight: sinar matahari
  • hustle and bustle: keramaian
  • firmly: tegas
  • loyal: setia
  • competitive: kompetitif
  • popular: populer
  • greeted: menyapa
  • risk: risiko
  • assignments: tugas
  • slightly: sedikit
  • sarcastic: sarkastik
  • tired: lelah
  • stressed: stres
  • sleep-deprived: kurang tidur
  • approached: mendekati
  • broadly: lebar
  • injected: menyuntikkan
  • smoothly: lancar
  • excitement: kegembiraan
  • confident: percaya diri
  • overshadowed: dibayangi
  • eventually: akhirnya
  • strength: kekuatan
  • efforts: perjuangan
  • cooperation: kerja sama
  • value: nilai
  • successful: sukses
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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