
Finding Connection: A Journey Through the High Tatras

Aug 28, 2024 · 16m 16s
Finding Connection: A Journey Through the High Tatras

01 · Main Story

1m 42s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 36s


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Finding Connection: A Journey Through the High Tatras Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: V neskotnej lete vyskúmal Marek...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Finding Connection: A Journey Through the High Tatras
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Story Transcript:

Sk: V neskotnej lete vyskúmal Marek úchvatnú krásu Vysokých Tatier.
En: In the countless summers, Marek explored the breathtaking beauty of the High Tatras.

Sk: Bol to jeho obľúbený čas na túry.
En: It was his favorite time for hiking.

Sk: Slnko zlacovalo lúče a stromy prekrývali jemný tieň.
En: The sun gilded the rays, and the trees cast a gentle shadow.

Sk: Hoci miloval samotu, tajne dúfal, že niekedy nájde niekoho, kto pochopí jeho záľubu pre hory.
En: Although he loved solitude, he secretly hoped to find someone who would understand his love for the mountains.

Sk: Lucia túžila po pokoji a spojení s prírodou.
En: Lucia longed for peace and a connection with nature.

Sk: Po nedávnej osobnej strate jej duša hľadala nový začiatok.
En: After a recent personal loss, her soul sought a new beginning.

Sk: Štefánsky deň jej priniesol nádej na nové skúsenosti.
En: Saint Stephen's Day brought her hope for new experiences.

Sk: Stretli sa v malom horskom útulku.
En: They met in a small mountain lodge.

Sk: Marek bol prekvapený, keď Lucia prišla s mešcom, ktorý ledva uniesol.
En: Marek was surprised when Lucia arrived with a bag she could barely carry.

Sk: "Ty ideš sama hore?
En: "Are you going up alone?"

Sk: ," spýtal sa.
En: he asked.

Sk: Lucia sa usmiala, ale jej oči prezradili obavy.
En: Lucia smiled, but her eyes revealed concern.

Sk: "Som tu, aby som našla pokoj," odpovedala jednoducho.
En: "I'm here to find peace," she replied simply.

Sk: Marek mal pochybnosti.
En: Marek had his doubts.

Sk: Bojoval s otázkou, či Lucia zvládne tvrdosť hôr.
En: He grappled with the question of whether Lucia could handle the harshness of the mountains.

Sk: Ale niečo v jej pohľade ho povzbudilo, a tak jej navrhol, aby ju sprevádzal na jeho obľúbené miesto.
En: But something in her gaze encouraged him, so he suggested accompanying her to his favorite spot.

Sk: Cítil, že by tam mohla pochopiť jeho vášeň.
En: He felt she might understand his passion there.

Sk: Počas výstupu Marek odsúval svoje obavy a ukazoval Lucii skryté krásy Tatier.
En: During the climb, Marek set aside his worries and showed Lucia the hidden beauties of the Tatras.

Sk: Počúvala ticho lesa a cítila sa, akoby sa k nej príroda prihovárala.
En: She listened to the silence of the forest, feeling as if nature was speaking to her.

Sk: "Keď som bola malá, s otcom sme často chodili sem," povedala zrazu, hlas sa jej však zachvel.
En: "When I was little, my father and I often came here," she suddenly said, her voice trembling.

Sk: Rozhovor ich oboch zaskočil, otvoril však dvere pre úprimnosť.
En: The conversation surprised both of them, but it opened the door to honesty.

Sk: Lucia sa začala zverovať o nedávnej strate.
En: Lucia began to confide about her recent loss.

Sk: Marek ju pozorne počúval, pričom spoznával, aká je odvážna.
En: Marek listened attentively, recognizing her bravery.

Sk: Cítil potrebu jej nejako pomôcť.
En: He felt the need to help her somehow.

Sk: Zrazu sa obloha zatemnila a začalo pršať.
En: Suddenly, the sky darkened, and it began to rain.

Sk: Ponáhli sa do malej jaskyne.
En: They hurried into a small cave.

Sk: Sedeli vedľa seba.
En: They sat side by side.

Sk: Daždové kvapky vonku ich spájali v prítomnosti, prinášali pokoj.
En: The raindrops outside united them in the present, bringing peace.

Sk: Marek cítil nádej.
En: Marek felt hope.

Sk: Lucia našla odvahu pustiť k sebe niekoho nového.
En: Lucia found the courage to let someone new into her life.

Sk: Keď sa búrka skončila, rozhodli sa vrátiť.
En: When the storm passed, they decided to return.

Sk: Zdalo sa, ako by sa vrátili k niečomu, čo ani netušili, že hľadali - k vzájomnému pochopeniu.
En: It seemed as if they returned to something they hadn't even known they were seeking—mutual understanding.

Sk: Prišli do útulku, spokojní s tým, čo našli.
En: They arrived at the lodge, content with what they had found.

Sk: "Prídeš so mnou opäť na túru?
En: "Will you come hiking with me again?"

Sk: " spýtal sa Marek s nádejou v srdci.
En: Marek asked, hopeful.

Sk: Lucia prikývla s úsmevom.
En: Lucia nodded with a smile.

Sk: Tak, ako sa hory menia, Marek pochopil, že ani on nemusí byť sám.
En: Just as the mountains change, Marek realized that he didn't have to be alone.

Sk: A Lucia našla pokoj a spojenie, ktoré hľadala.
En: And Lucia found the peace and connection she was seeking.

Sk: Ich spoločne plánovaná túra bola začiatkom niečoho krásneho a nového.
En: Their planned hike together was the beginning of something beautiful and new.

Sk: Vysoké Tatry svedčili nielen o ich kráse, ale aj o novom vzťahu.
En: The High Tatras witnessed not only their beauty but also a new relationship.

Sk: Obaja vedeli, že ich spoločná budúcnosť bude plná dobrodružstiev a chápajúcich chvíľ.
En: They both knew that their shared future would be full of adventures and understanding moments.

Vocabulary Words:
  • countless: nespočetný
  • breathtaking: úchvatný
  • gilded: zlacoval
  • solitude: samota
  • longed: túžila
  • lodge: útulok
  • barely: ledva
  • harshness: tvrdosť
  • grappled: bojoval
  • accompanying: sprevádzať
  • set aside: odsúval
  • hidden: skrytý
  • trembling: chvejúci sa
  • confide: zverovať
  • bravery: odvaha
  • darkened: zatemnila
  • raindrops: dažďové kvapky
  • united: spájali
  • mutual: vzájomné
  • content: spokojní
  • adventures: dobrodružstvá
  • witnessed: svedčili
  • connection: spojenie
  • journey: cesta
  • beauteous: krásny
  • initiation: začiatok
  • summit: vrchol
  • embrace: prijať
  • venture: odvážiť sa
  • companion: spoločník
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