
Finding Freedom: An Architect's Journey in Bratislava

Oct 4, 2024 · 17m 18s
Finding Freedom: An Architect's Journey in Bratislava

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

13m 35s


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Finding Freedom: An Architect's Journey in Bratislava Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: Jana sa prechádzala po uliciach Bratislavy,...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Finding Freedom: An Architect's Journey in Bratislava
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Story Transcript:

Sk: Jana sa prechádzala po uliciach Bratislavy, každým krokom bližšie k svojmu cieľu.
En: Jana walked through the streets of Bratislava, with each step bringing her closer to her destination.

Sk: Vzduch bol chladný, ale svieži, a lístie žiarilo farbami jesene.
En: The air was cold but fresh, and the leaves shone with the colors of autumn.

Sk: Obloha bola zamračená, no pod nohami jej škrípali suché lístie.
En: The sky was overcast, yet the dry leaves crunched under her feet.

Sk: V hlave mala chaos.
En: Her mind was in chaos.

Sk: Bola architektkou, ale čoraz viac cítila neistotu ohľadom svojej budúcnosti.
En: She was an architect, but increasingly felt uncertain about her future.

Sk: Nechcela sa sklamať ani sklamať ostatných.
En: She didn't want to disappoint herself or others.

Sk: Matej a Andrej, jej priatelia a kolegovia, kráčali vedľa nej.
En: Matej and Andrej, her friends and colleagues, walked beside her.

Sk: Chápali Janu viac, než by si priala priznať.
En: They understood Jana more than she would care to admit.

Sk: Zdieľali jej túžbu objavovať a chápať krásu moderných stavieb.
En: They shared her desire to discover and appreciate the beauty of modern structures.

Sk: Na dnešok plánovali návštevu jedného z najznámejších symbolov mesta – Mosta SNP, známeho ako UFO most.
En: Today, they planned to visit one of the city's most renowned symbols – the SNP Bridge, known as the UFO bridge.

Sk: UFO most sa týčil nad riekou Dunaj.
En: The UFO bridge loomed over the Danube River.

Sk: Jeho elegantný dizajn a jedinečný tvar priťahovali pohľady.
En: Its elegant design and unique shape drew attention.

Sk: Keď sa traja priatelia priblížili, Jana pocítila vzrušenie.
En: As the three friends approached, Jana felt excitement.

Sk: Na vrchol mosta viedol výťah.
En: An elevator led to the top of the bridge.

Sk: Rozhodne vstúpila dovnútra, nasledovaná Matejom a Andrejom.
En: She decisively stepped inside, followed by Matej and Andrej.

Sk: Výťah ich vyviezol do panoramatickej kaviarne.
En: The elevator took them up to a panoramic café.

Sk: Z výšky bolo vidieť celé mesto.
En: From that height, the entire city was visible.

Sk: Bratislava sa rozprestierala v celej svojej nádhere, údolia a kopce boli prikryté kobercom farebného lístia.
En: Bratislava stretched out in all its splendor, valleys and hills covered with a carpet of colorful leaves.

Sk: Jana sa krátko zastavila a pohľadom objala celú tú krásu.
En: Jana paused briefly and embraced all that beauty with her gaze.

Sk: „Pozri sa, aké úžasné,“ povedal Andrej, ukazujúc na mesto pod nimi.
En: “Look, how amazing,” said Andrej, pointing to the city below them.

Sk: Janin pohľad sa pohrával s obzormi a bola uchvátená.
En: Jana's eyes played with the horizons, and she was captivated.

Sk: Tu, v tejto výške, mala pocit slobody.
En: Here, at this height, she felt a sense of freedom.

Sk: Okamihy ticha ju naplnili inšpiráciou.
En: Moments of silence filled her with inspiration.

Sk: Hľadela na mesto, odborne navrhnuté, plné premyslených detailov.
En: She gazed at the city, expertly designed, full of thoughtful details.

Sk: Táto architektúra bola skutočné umenie.
En: This architecture was true art.

Sk: „Máš pravdu,“ odpovedala Andrejovi s úsmevom, „je to úžasné.“
En: "You're right," she replied to Andrej with a smile, "it's amazing."

Sk: Matej, ktorý stál vedľa nej, sa opýtal: „Tak čo, našla si tu niečo, čo ti pomôže?“
En: Matej, standing next to her, asked, “So, did you find anything here that helps you?”

Sk: Jana sa zamyslela.
En: Jana pondered.

Sk: Na krátku chvíľu zatvorila oči, vnímajúc jemný vietor a šepot svojich myšlienok.
En: For a brief moment, she closed her eyes, feeling the gentle wind and the whisper of her thoughts.

Sk: „Áno,“ odpovedala, otvorila oči a pozrela na svojich priateľov, „to áno.
En: “Yes,” she answered, opened her eyes, and looked at her friends, “indeed, I have.

Sk: Táto cesta mi otvorila oči.
En: This journey has opened my eyes.

Sk: Architektúra nemusí byť len o stavbách.
En: Architecture doesn't have to be just about buildings.

Sk: Je o emóciách, ktoré vyvoláva.
En: It's about the emotions it evokes.

Sk: O tom, ako premieňa priestor.“
En: About how it transforms space.”

Sk: Jana pocítila, ako jej srdce naplňuje nový elán.
En: Jana felt a new vigor filling her heart.

Sk: V tej chvíli sa jej pochybnosti rozplynuli.
En: In that moment, her doubts vanished.

Sk: Vedela, že chce tvoriť budovy, ktoré budú mať zmysel.
En: She knew she wanted to create buildings that have meaning.

Sk: Chce pracovať s vášňou, nech už bude kdekoľvek.
En: She wanted to work with passion, no matter where she would be.

Sk: Spolu s Matejom a Andrejom opustili most.
En: Together with Matej and Andrej, they left the bridge.

Sk: Viedla ich odvaha a istota v krokoch.
En: They were guided by courage and certainty in their steps.

Sk: Jana vedela, že si našla svoje miesto.
En: Jana knew she had found her place.

Sk: Kráčali pomaly, vychutnávajúc si každú chvíľu.
En: They walked slowly, savoring each moment.

Sk: V každom šume lístia a šepote vetra našla táto mladá architektka kúsok seba.
En: In every rustle of the leaves and whisper of the wind, this young architect found a piece of herself.

Vocabulary Words:
  • destination: cieľ
  • overcast: zamračená
  • chaos: chaos
  • architect: architektkou
  • uncertain: neistotu
  • renowned: najznámejších
  • loomed: týčil
  • elegant: elegantný
  • unique: jedinečný
  • excitement: vzrušenie
  • panoramic: panoramatickej
  • splendor: nádhere
  • valleys: údolia
  • pause: zastavila
  • gaze: pohľadom
  • captivated: uchvátená
  • freedom: slobody
  • inspiration: inšpiráciou
  • expertly: odborne
  • structures: stavbách
  • evokes: vyvoláva
  • embraced: pohľadom objala
  • vigor: elán
  • vanished: rozplynuli
  • certainty: istota
  • savoring: vychutnávajúc
  • rustle: šume
  • whisper: šepot
  • guided: viedla
  • horizons: obzormi
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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