
Finding Strength at Bled: Matej's Life-Changing Retreat

Sep 4, 2024 · 17m 6s
Finding Strength at Bled: Matej's Life-Changing Retreat

01 · Main Story

1m 41s

02 · Vocabulary Words

13m 7s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Finding Strength at Bled: Matej's Life-Changing Retreat Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Pod blejskim gradom, kamor se ovija...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Finding Strength at Bled: Matej's Life-Changing Retreat
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Pod blejskim gradom, kamor se ovija topla svetloba poznega poletja, je Matej stopal po utrjenih tleh.
En: Under Bled Castle, where the warm light of late summer wrapped around everything, Matej walked on the reinforced ground.

Sl: Zavzel je dih in opazoval mirno Blejsko jezero, ki se je lesketalo pod sončnimi žarki.
En: He took a breath and observed the calm Lake Bled, shimmering under the sun's rays.

Sl: Iskal je notranji mir in moč, da se sooči z zadnjimi dogodki v šoli.
En: He was searching for inner peace and strength to face recent events at school.

Sl: Vzdušje na duhovnem umiku je bilo spokojno.
En: The atmosphere at the spiritual retreat was serene.

Sl: Zrak je dišal po svežem listju in cvetlicah, ki so cvetele ob poti na grad.
En: The air smelled of fresh leaves and flowers blooming along the path to the castle.

Sl: Matej je bil introspektiven fant. Poln dvoma in strahu.
En: Matej was an introspective boy, full of doubt and fear.

Sl: Njegovo srce je težilo breme nedavnega nasilja, ki ga je doživel v šoli.
En: His heart bore the burden of recent bullying he experienced at school.

Sl: Skupina okrog njega, zbrana na umiku, je bila različnih starosti in ozadij, združena z enim ciljem – najti mir in razumevanje.
En: The group around him, gathered for the retreat, was of various ages and backgrounds, united by one goal—to find peace and understanding.

Sl: Vesna, topla in sočutna udeleženka, je zaznavala njegovo stisko.
En: Vesna, a warm and compassionate participant, sensed his distress.

Sl: Ni bila prepričana, kako pomagati.
En: She wasn't sure how to help.

Sl: "Matej," ga je nagovorila med odmorom, "Bi mi zaupal, kaj te teži?"
En: "Matej," she addressed him during a break, "Would you like to share what's troubling you?"

Sl: V njenem glasu je bilo čutiti iskreno skrb.
En: Her voice carried genuine concern.

Sl: Matej je molčal, vendar je čutil, da je Vesna nekoga, ki ji lahko zaupa.
En: Matej remained silent but felt that Vesna was someone he could trust.

Sl: Skupinski zaupanja vreden trening je bil naslednji na programu.
En: The next item on the program was a trust-building group session.

Sl: Člani skupine so sedeli v krogu in delili svoje zgodbe.
En: The members sat in a circle and shared their stories.

Sl: Vzdušje je bilo napeto, a hkrati polno podpore.
En: The atmosphere was tense, but also full of support.

Sl: "Kdo od vas bi rad začel?" je vprašal moderator.
En: "Who would like to start?" the moderator asked.

Sl: Matej je gledal svoje roke, okamenel v strahu.
En: Matej stared at his hands, paralyzed by fear.

Sl: A ko je videl vzpodbudne poglede drugih, se je v njem nekaj premaknilo.
En: But when he saw the encouraging looks from the others, something shifted within him.

Sl: Srce mu je razbijalo, a počasi je dvignil roko.
En: His heart pounded, but he slowly raised his hand.

Sl: "Rad bi nekaj povedal," je tiho rekel.
En: "I'd like to say something," he quietly said.

Sl: Skupina se je obrnila k njemu z zgoščenim sluhom.
En: The group turned to him with focused attention.

Sl: Začel je počasi. Njegov glas je bil na začetku negotov.
En: He began slowly, his voice uncertain at first.

Sl: Povedal je o težavnih šolskih dnevih, občutku izoliranosti in strahu.
En: He spoke about the difficult school days, feelings of isolation, and fear.

Sl: Besede so se zlivale iz njega, kot bi osvetlil temo, ki jo je preveč dolgo nosil v sebi.
En: Words poured out of him, as if shedding light on the darkness he had carried for too long.

Sl: Vsak stavek mu je prinesel drobec olajšanja.
En: Each sentence brought him a fragment of relief.

Sl: Z Vesninim nežnim nasmehom in ostalimi člani, ki so ga bodrili, je končno končal.
En: With Vesna's gentle smile and support from the other members, he finally finished.

Sl: Po meditacijski seansi je Matej čutil spremembo.
En: After the meditation session, Matej felt a change.

Sl: Nad njim se je spustilo občutje olajšanja in moči.
En: A sense of relief and strength descended upon him.

Sl: Vesna ga je počakala pri izhodu.
En: Vesna waited for him at the exit.

Sl: "Hvala, da si delil svojo zgodbo," je rekla.
En: "Thank you for sharing your story," she said.

Sl: Njene oči so bile mehke in razumevajoče.
En: Her eyes were soft and understanding.

Sl: Matej je pokimal.
En: Matej nodded.

Sl: "Večjo moč kot sem mislil, da imam. Hvala tebi," je odgovoril.
En: "I have more strength than I thought. Thank you," he replied.

Sl: Zdaj je vedel, da si lahko zaupa in zmore premagati svoje strahove.
En: Now he knew he could trust himself and overcome his fears.

Sl: Pot nazaj proti jezeru je bila lahka.
En: The path back to the lake was easy.

Sl: Senca, ki ga je spremljala toliko časa, je izginjala.
En: The shadow that had followed him for so long was fading.

Sl: Matej je vedel, da bo pot težka, vendar se je lahko zdaj s svetlobo poznega poletja, prijaznostjo prijateljev in novo samozavestjo zoperstavil izzivom.
En: Matej knew the journey would be difficult, but with the light of late summer, the kindness of friends, and newfound confidence, he could face the challenges ahead.

Sl: Bled je bil priča njegovega prvega koraka k svobodnejšemu življenju.
En: Bled had witnessed his first step toward a freer life.

Vocabulary Words:
  • reinforced: utrnjenih
  • spiritual: duhovnem
  • serene: spokojno
  • introspective: introspektiven
  • burden: breme
  • bullying: nasilja
  • compassionate: sočutna
  • distress: stisko
  • genuine: iskreno
  • trust: zaupa
  • moderator: moderator
  • paralyzed: okamenel
  • encouraging: vzpodbudne
  • isolation: izoliranosti
  • shed: osvetlil
  • fragment: drobec
  • meditation: meditacijski
  • relief: olajšanje
  • confident: samozavestjo
  • freer: svobodnejšemu
  • witnessed: priča
  • path: pot
  • shimmering: lesketalo
  • strength: moč
  • retreat: umiku
  • support: podpore
  • shifted: premaknilo
  • pounded: razbijalo
  • gathered: zbrana
  • understanding: razumevanje
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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