Freedom & Money

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Get ready for today's episode, my friends, because it's going to be both a trip down memory lane for some of us of a certain age and it will also...
show moreThe topic of today's episode is Freedom & Money.
Money. Everyone wants it. Ninety-five percent of the world's population struggles to have enough of it to meet their basic needs; for food, shelter, clothing, safety for their family, and education.
What is money? Is it a means of exchange? A store of value? A ticket? A tool? A status symbol? The root of all evil? Or, is it a necessary evil?
No matter what you think money is, there's one truth about money that applies to everyone. Money is something you trade your life's energy for. You pay for money with your time. This is something I talked about in one of my earlier podcasts.
This definition of money comes from the book Your Money or Your Life by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez. Money is a unit that allows people to exchange their lives energy with one another. Bartering is clumsy.
For example. If I spend two hours making a pie I don't want to have to turn to you and say, “Can you cut my lawn and we'll swap?” So, money is a way of us exchanging our lives energy with one another; a way to take advantage of each other's skills and creativity. It's a unit that represents the most scarce and limited resource on the planet: A human being's time and creative energy.
So, the big questions I want to ask are these. Is all money the same? And does it remain the same?
For most of us of a certain age, our lived experience tells us that it is not and it does not, although it should. At the end of this episode, I will share some thoughts about how to fix money…
Author | Katherine Novikov |
Organization | Katherine Novikov |
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