History's Call: A Modern Mishap

Mar 16, 2024 · 15m 9s
History's Call: A Modern Mishap

01 · Main Story

1m 42s

02 · Vocabulary Words

11m 15s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: History's Call: A Modern Mishap Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/historys-call-a-modern-mishap/ Story Transcript: Sl: Nekoč v topli pomladni dan je Ljubljanski grad...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: History's Call: A Modern Mishap
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Nekoč v topli pomladni dan je Ljubljanski grad kipeč od obiskovalcev pričakal dve prijatelji, Ano in Luko, ki sta se odločila raziskati njegove skrivnosti.
En: Once in a warm spring day, Ljubljana Castle, teeming with visitors, welcomed two friends, Ana and Luka, who decided to explore its secrets.

Sl: Luka, ki je bil velik zgodovinski navdušenec, je Ano prepričal, da obiščeta grad in njegovo razstavo.
En: Luka, a big history enthusiast, persuaded Ana to visit the castle and its exhibition.

Sl: Ko sta vstopila na dvorišče, sta si na glavi nadela slušalke za avdio vodenje in se odpravila na pot.
En: Upon entering the courtyard, they put on audio guide headphones and started their tour.

Sl: Ana, vedno radovedna in polna energije, je nase takoj nadelo modern in sijoč videz njenega pametnega telefona.
En: Ana, always curious and full of energy, revealed the modern and shiny look of her smartphone.

Sl: Medtem ko je Luka pozorno poslušal zgodovinske informacije, je Ana s telefonom fotografirala vsak kotiček.
En: While Luka attentively listened to historical information, Ana photographed every corner with her phone.

Sl: Ko sta prišla v sobo s starinskimi predmeti, je bila pozornost Ane pritegnjena k nekemu posebnemu "gadgetu".
En: When they entered a room with antique items, Ana's attention was drawn to a particular "gadget".

Sl: Bila je majhna, srebrna in sijoča napravica, ki je Ana še nikoli prej ni videla.
En: It was a small, silver, shiny device that Ana had never seen before.

Sl: Polna navdušenja je vzela napravico v roke, misleč, da gre za interaktivni del razstave.
En: Full of excitement, she picked up the device, thinking it was an interactive part of the exhibition.

Sl: "Aha, Luka, poglej to! To mora biti novi vodič skozi grad. Kako futuristično!" je zavzklikala Ana, si to "napravico" prislonila k ušesu, kot da bi poslušala razlago.
En: "Aha, Luka, look at this! This must be the new guide through the castle. How futuristic!" exclaimed Ana, pressing the "device" to her ear as if listening to an explanation.

Sl: Luka je bil presenečen. Pogledal je Ano in hitro spoznal njeno zmoto.
En: Luka was surprised. He looked at Ana and quickly realized her mistake.

Sl: "Ana, to ni ...", je začel, a v tistem trenutku je prišel varnostnik, ki je bil vse prej kot navdušen.
En: "Ana, this is not..." he began, but at that moment, a security guard arrived, far from enthusiastic.

Sl: "Oprostite, gospodična, ampak to, kar držite, je starinski inkovski kompas, star več stoletij!" je strogo rekel varnostnik in Ano prosil, da predmet takoj previdno odloži nazaj.
En: "Excuse me, miss, but what you're holding is an antique Incan compass, several centuries old!" the guard sternly said, asking Ana to carefully put the object back immediately.

Sl: Ana, ki se je zdaj zavedala svoje napake, je postala rdeča kot paradižnik in z nerodnim nasmehom je kompas položila nazaj na njegovo mesto.
En: Now aware of her mistake, Ana blushed like a tomato and awkwardly placed the compass back in its place.

Sl: "Ojoj, oprostite, res nisem vedela," je zmogla reči.
En: "Oops, I'm sorry, I really didn't know," she managed to say.

Sl: Luka je skrivaj nasmehnil in si oddahnil, da ni prišlo do hujše škode.
En: Luka secretly smiled and breathed a sigh of relief that no serious damage had occurred.

Sl: Po tem majhnem incidentu sta Ana in Luka nadaljevala z ogledom gradu, a tokrat je Ana veliko bolj pozorno poslušala Luko in varnostne napotke, ki so jih dajale slušalke.
En: After this minor incident, Ana and Luka continued to explore the castle, but this time, Ana listened much more attentively to Luka and the safety instructions given through the headphones.

Sl: Na koncu dneva, ko sta sedela na klopci in gledala sončni zahod nad Ljubljano, se je Ana smejala svoji nezgodi.
En: At the end of the day, as they sat on a bench watching the sunset over Ljubljana, Ana laughed at her mishap.

Sl: "No, vsaj nekaj sem se naučila danes," je rekla.
En: "Well, at least I learned something today," she said.

Sl: "Da, da ne vsega, kar sije, se tička!" je v smehu odvrnil Luka.
En: "Yes, that not everything that shines is modern!" Luka replied with a laugh.

Sl: Oba sta se smejala in odšla z gradu, z občutkom, da je bil dan kljub vsemu uspešen in poln novih spominov.
En: They both laughed and left the castle with the feeling that the day had been successful despite everything, and filled with new memories.

Vocabulary Words:
  • warm: topli
  • teeming: kipeč
  • visitor: obiskovalec
  • secret: skrivnost
  • enthusiast: navdušenec
  • exhibition: razstava
  • courtyard: dvorišče
  • ear: uho
  • gadget: napravica
  • antique: starinski
  • excitement: navdušenje
  • interactive: interaktivni
  • surprised: presenečen
  • security: varnostnik
  • sternly: strogo
  • apologize: opravičiti se
  • awkwardly: nerodno
  • sigh: vdih
  • mishap: nezgoda
  • successful: uspešen
  • memories: spomin
  • shines: sije
  • modern: futuristično
  • blushed: postala rdeča
  • serious: hujša
  • damage: škoda
  • bench: klop
  • laughter: smeh
  • despite: kljub
  • filled: poln.
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Website www.fluentfiction.org

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