
Into the Shadows: A Historian's Quest for a Hidden Artifact

Jul 3, 2024 · 17m 33s
Into the Shadows: A Historian's Quest for a Hidden Artifact

01 · Main Story

1m 44s

02 · Vocabulary Words

13m 35s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Into the Shadows: A Historian's Quest for a Hidden Artifact Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Vroč poletni zrak...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Into the Shadows: A Historian's Quest for a Hidden Artifact
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Vroč poletni zrak je lebdil nad starodavnimi ruševinami blizu Ljubljane.
En: The hot summer air hovered over the ancient ruins near Ljubljana.

Sl: Stari zidovi so bili prepleteni z vinsko trto in divjim rastjem.
En: The old walls were intertwined with grapevines and wild vegetation.

Sl: Matej, mlad zgodovinar poln odločnosti, je šel po ozki poti med ruševinami.
En: Matej, a young historian full of determination, walked along the narrow path between the ruins.

Sl: Vedel je, da je tu nekje skrit redek artefakt.
En: He knew that a rare artifact was hidden somewhere here.

Sl: Ta artefakt bi lahko rešil njegove finančne težave.
En: This artifact could solve his financial problems.

Sl: Lara, njegova stara prijateljica, je nenadoma stopila izza enega od zidov.
En: Lara, his old friend, suddenly stepped out from behind one of the walls.

Sl: "Matej!
En: "Matej!"

Sl: " je zaklicala.
En: she called out.

Sl: "Kaj počneš tukaj?
En: "What are you doing here?"

Sl: "Matej se je obotavljal, nato pa se je nasmehnil.
En: Matej hesitated, then smiled.

Sl: "Lara, iščem star artefakt.
En: "Lara, I'm looking for an old artifact.

Sl: Mogoče bo vreden veliko denarja.
En: Maybe it will be worth a lot of money."

Sl: "Lara je stisnila ustnice.
En: Lara pressed her lips together.

Sl: "To je nevarno, Matej.
En: "This is dangerous, Matej.

Sl: Oblasti so prepovedale vstop sem.
En: The authorities have forbidden entry here."

Sl: "Matej se je obrnil na petah in odločeno odkorakal globlje v ruševine.
En: Matej turned on his heel and resolutely walked deeper into the ruins.

Sl: Lara je zavzdihnila in mu sledila.
En: Lara sighed and followed him.

Sl: Vse do zdaj ni vedela za njegove finančne težave.
En: Until now, she hadn't known about his financial troubles.

Sl: Koraki so odmevali po kamnitih hodnikih.
En: Their footsteps echoed through the stone corridors.

Sl: Vodi jih je vedno več sumljivih senc.
En: More and more suspicious shadows guided them.

Sl: Matej je bil odločen, da pride do artefakta.
En: Matej was determined to find the artifact.

Sl: Z vsakim korakom pa je bil bližje nevarnosti.
En: With each step, however, he was closer to danger.

Sl: Matej in Lara sta prišla do velike dvorane, kjer je bilo svetlobe malo.
En: Matej and Lara reached a large hall with little light.

Sl: Na sredini je bila starodavna skrinja.
En: In the middle was an ancient chest.

Sl: Matej je pohitel k njej, a Lara ga je prijela za roko.
En: Matej hurried to it, but Lara grabbed his arm.

Sl: "Kaj, če je past?
En: "What if it's a trap?"

Sl: "Matej se je zdrznil.
En: Matej flinched.

Sl: Njegove misli so bile razdvojene med iskanjem artefakta in varnostjo.
En: His thoughts were torn between finding the artifact and safety.

Sl: Toda lakota po rešitvi njegovih težav je premagala strah.
En: But the hunger to solve his problems outweighed his fear.

Sl: "Mora biti tukaj," je rekel.
En: "It has to be here," he said.

Sl: Približal se je skrinji in jo previdno odprl.
En: He approached the chest and cautiously opened it.

Sl: V njej je bil star artefakt, čudovita zlata maska.
En: Inside was an ancient artifact, a beautiful golden mask.

Sl: Toda nenadoma je iz sence skočil velik pajek, stražar artefakta.
En: But suddenly, a large spider, the guardian of the artifact, jumped out from the shadows.

Sl: Matej je nagonsko zgrabil artefakt in poskušal uiti, a ne da bi ga pajek zgrabil.
En: Instinctively, Matej grabbed the artifact and tried to escape, avoiding the spider's grasp.

Sl: Lara je kričala, "Matej, beživa!
En: Lara screamed, "Matej, let's run!"

Sl: " Skupaj sta stekla skozi hodnike, pajek pa ju je lovil.
En: Together, they ran through the corridors, the spider chasing them.

Sl: Hitro so tekli skozi ruševine, pajek pa je bil vedno bližje.
En: They ran quickly through the ruins, but the spider was getting closer.

Sl: Na koncu sta prišla do izhoda, kjer je Matej končno padel na kolena.
En: Finally, they reached the exit, where Matej fell to his knees.

Sl: Pajek je obstal in se umaknil.
En: The spider stopped and retreated.

Sl: Lara ga je prijela za roko, pomaga mu resti.
En: Lara took his hand, helping him up.

Sl: "Povej mi resnico," je zahtevala.
En: "Tell me the truth," she demanded.

Sl: Matej je globoko vdihnil.
En: Matej took a deep breath.

Sl: "Imam velike dolgove, Lara.
En: "I have big debts, Lara.

Sl: Potrebujem ta denar.
En: I need this money."

Sl: "Lara ga je nežno pogledala.
En: Lara looked at him gently.

Sl: "Naslednjič mi povej.
En: "Tell me next time.

Sl: Pomagala ti bom.
En: I will help you."

Sl: "Oba sta s polno hitrostjo stekla iz ruševin, artefakt trdno v Matejevi roki.
En: Both of them ran out of the ruins at full speed, the artifact tightly in Matej's hand.

Sl: Skupaj sta uspela pobegniti oblasti in pajku.
En: Together, they managed to escape the authorities and the spider.

Sl: Matej je spoznal, da je poštenost in prijateljstvo bolj pomembno kot denar.
En: Matej realized that honesty and friendship are more important than money.

Sl: In tako sta Matej in Lara zapustila starodavne ruševine, bogatejša za pomembno lekcijo o življenju in prijateljstvu.
En: And so, Matej and Lara left the ancient ruins, richer for an important lesson about life and friendship.

Vocabulary Words:
  • hovered: lebdil
  • ancient: starodavnimi
  • ruins: ruševinami
  • intertwined: prepleteni
  • vegetation: rastjem
  • determination: odločnosti
  • artifact: artefakt
  • financial problems: finančne težave
  • forbidden: prepovedale
  • entry: vstop
  • resolutely: odločeno
  • corridors: hodnikih
  • suspicious: sumljivih
  • shadows: senc
  • hall: dvorane
  • chest: skrinja
  • trap: past
  • cautiously: previdno
  • mask: maska
  • guardian: stražar
  • instinctively: nagonsko
  • escape: uiti
  • grabbed: zgrabil
  • avoiding: poskušal uiti
  • screamed: kričala
  • retreated: umaknil
  • debts: dolgove
  • gently: nežno
  • honesty: poštenost
  • friendship: prijateljstvo
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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