Knightly Encounters: Laughter in Bratislava
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Knightly Encounters: Laughter in Bratislava
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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Knightly Encounters: Laughter in Bratislava Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: Juraj prechádzal cez záplavu ľudí na námestí v...
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Story Transcript:
Sk: Juraj prechádzal cez záplavu ľudí na námestí v Starom Meste v Bratislave.
En: Juraj walked through the flood of people in the square of the Old Town in Bratislava.
Sk: Ulice boli plné života a každý kútik pripomínal bohatú históriu tohto mesta.
En: The streets were full of life, and every corner reminded of the rich history of this city.
Sk: Slnko sa jemne prebíjalo cez starobylé budovy a dávalo im zlatistý odtieň.
En: The sun gently pierced through the ancient buildings, giving them a golden hue.
Sk: Juraj, hoci bol na námestí už mnohokrát, dnes tu mal stretnúť svojich priateľov, Martu a Petra.
En: Although Juraj had been in the square many times before, today he was supposed to meet his friends, Marta and Peter.
Sk: Oni sa mali ešte len pridať, pretože Marta obdivovala obrazy v jednej z galérií a Peter hľadal perfektný suvenír pre svoju mamu.
En: They were supposed to join him, as Marta admired the paintings in one of the galleries and Peter was looking for the perfect souvenir for his mom.
Sk: Zatiaľ čo čakal, Juraj si všimol niečo nezvyčajné.
En: While waiting, Juraj noticed something unusual.
Sk: Dokonalú sochu stojacu pokojne vedľa fontány.
En: A perfect statue standing calmly next to the fountain.
Sk: Bola to postava rytiera v stredovekom brnení, pevne stojaca pomedzi kvety.
En: It was a figure of a knight in medieval armor, standing firmly among the flowers.
Sk: Juraj bol ohromený jej realistickým výzorom a chcel sa jej pozrieť bližšie.
En: Juraj was amazed by its realistic appearance and wanted to take a closer look.
Sk: Pristúpil k soche a začal hovoriť: "Wow, toto je najlepšia socha, akú som kedy videl.
En: He approached the statue and started speaking: "Wow, this is the best statue I have ever seen.
Sk: Ako môže byť takto dokonalá?
En: How can it be so perfect?"
Sk: " čakal na odpoveď, ale zrejme nečakal, že mu socha odpovie.
En: He waited for a response, but he probably didn't expect the statue to reply.
Sk: Vtom sa "socha" pohla a Juraj skočil prekvapením vzad.
En: Suddenly, the "statue" moved, and Juraj jumped back in surprise.
Sk: Uvedomil si, že to nie je socha, ale umelkyňa predvádzajúca živú sochu.
En: He realized that it wasn't a statue, but a performer showcasing a living statue.
Sk: Vtom sa ozval smiech a k Jurajovi sa pridala Marta s Petrom.
En: Suddenly, laughter filled the air as Marta and Peter joined Juraj.
Sk: Aj oni si všimli Juraja a jeho neobvyklý rozhovor so sochou.
En: They had seen him trying to chat with the knight.
Sk: "Juraj, videli sme, ako si sa snažil pokecať s rytierom," hovorila Marta s úsmevom.
En: "Juraj, we saw you trying to chat with the knight," Marta said with a smile.
Sk: Peter prikývol a dodal: "Máš šťastie, že ten rytier nebude chcieť rozprávať späť!
En: Peter nodded and added, "You're lucky the knight didn't want to chat back!"
Sk: "Juraj si uvedomil, že situácia je celkom vtipná, a začal sa smiať spolu s priateľmi.
En: Juraj realized the situation was quite funny and started laughing along with his friends.
Sk: Umelec živej sochy, stále vo svojej role, pokynul Jurajovi a venoval mu úsmev.
En: The living statue performer, still in character, nodded at Juraj and gave him a smile.
Sk: Nakoniec si všetci traja kúpili od umelca malý darček na pamiatku a ochotne prispeli do jej klobúka na podporu jej talentu.
En: In the end, all three of them bought a small souvenir from the performer and gladly contributed to her hat to support her talent.
Sk: Strávili zvyšok dňa spolu, objavujúc dalšie poklady Bratislavy, ale nikdy nezabudli na deň, keď Juraj začal konverzáciu so sochou, ktorá sa ukázala byť niečím oveľa živším.
En: They spent the rest of the day together, discovering more treasures of Bratislava, but they never forgot the day when Juraj started a conversation with a statue that turned out to be much livelier.
Vocabulary Words:
- flood: záplava
- rich: bohatý
- ancient: starobylé
- amazed: ohromený
- realistic: realistický
- reply: odpoveď
- performer: umelkyňa
- calmly: pokojne
- firmly: pevne
- laughter: smiech
- chat: pokecať
- livelier: živším
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