List Mix-Up: Mismatch Leads to Friendship!
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List Mix-Up: Mismatch Leads to Friendship!
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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: List Mix-Up: Mismatch Leads to Friendship! Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: Juraj vstúpil do obrovského supermarketu, ktorý sa...
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Story Transcript:
Sk: Juraj vstúpil do obrovského supermarketu, ktorý sa leskol farbami a svetlami.
En: Juraj entered a huge supermarket, sparkling with colors and lights.
Sk: Vždy, keď tam išiel, bol v úžase z množstva vecí, ktoré si mohol kúpiť.
En: Every time he went there, he was amazed by the variety of things he could buy.
Sk: Mal pri sebe svoj obľúbený nákupný zoznam, ktorý starostlivo pripravil doma.
En: He had his favorite shopping list with him, carefully prepared at home.
Sk: V zozname bolo mlieko, chlieb, jablká a všetko ostatné, čo potreboval na celý týždeň.
En: The list included milk, bread, apples, and everything else he needed for the whole week.
Sk: Zoznam pevne držal v jednej ruke a košík držal v druhej.
En: He held the list firmly in one hand and the basket in the other.
Sk: Kedže mal rúško, pozeral si len na nohy a tak narazil do inej osoby.
En: Wearing a mask, he only looked at his feet and accidentally bumped into another person.
Sk: Tá osoba bola mladá žena menom Jana.
En: That person was a young woman named Jana.
Sk: Cestou sa im obe zoznamy vypadli z rúk a poplietli.
En: On their way, both of their lists fell from their hands and got mixed up.
Sk: Ani jeden si to nevšimol a Juraj si nesprávny zoznam nevedomky zobral.
En: Neither of them noticed, and Juraj unknowingly took the wrong list.
Sk: Juraj pozorne nakupoval všetky veci, ktoré boli na zozname: šalát z morských rias, kvasené uhorky, exotické ovocie, ktorého názov ani nevedel prečítať, a ešte veľa ďalších nezvyčajných vecí.
En: Juraj attentively bought all the items on the list: seaweed salad, pickles, exotic fruit whose name he couldn't even read, and many other unusual things.
Sk: Jeho tvár bola zmätok.
En: His face showed confusion.
Sk: Nechápal, prečo si tieto veci napísal.
En: He didn't understand why he had written down these items.
Sk: Eva, Jurajova sestra, ktorá pracovala v supermarkete, uvidela Juraja s nezvyčajnými potravinami a spýtala sa ho, či skúša niečo nové.
En: Eva, Juraj's sister who worked in the supermarket, saw Juraj with the unusual groceries and asked him if he was trying something new.
Sk: Juraj len pokrčil plecami, stále zmätený z toho, čo mal v košíku.
En: Juraj just shrugged, still confused by what he had in his basket.
Sk: Keď si Juraj uvedomil, že na zozname sú veľmi divné veci, vedel, že to musí byť chyba.
En: When Juraj realized that there were very strange items on the list, he knew there had to be a mistake.
Sk: Rýchlo sa vrátil k regálom a hľadal Janu.
En: He quickly returned to the shelves and looked for Jana.
Sk: Potom ho oslovila Jana, ktorá si tiež už uvedomila, že si zobrala nesprávny nákupný zoznam.
En: Then Jana approached him, also realizing that she had taken the wrong shopping list.
Sk: Juraj už rozumel situácii a obaja sa rozosmiali.
En: Juraj understood the situation and both of them laughed.
Sk: Juraj dal Jane jej zoznam a vzal späť svoj.
En: Juraj gave Jana her list back and took his own.
Sk: Podali si ruky v znak vďačnosti a Jana mu dokonca ponúkla niektoré z exotických jedál, aby ich vyskúšal.
En: They shook hands in gratitude, and Jana even offered him some of the exotic foods to try.
Sk: Eva, ktorá to celé pozorovala, sa pridala k ich smiechu.
En: Eva, who had witnessed the whole thing, joined in their laughter.
Sk: Na koniec si Juraj kúpil všetko z jeho pôvodného zoznamu a ešte aj pár neobvyklých položiek, aby s novými chuťami experimentoval.
En: In the end, Juraj bought everything from his original list and a few unusual items to experiment with new flavors.
Sk: Z tohto nákupu si odniesol nielen potraviny, ale aj nového známeho a pekný príbeh na rozprávanie.
En: From this shopping trip, he not only took home groceries but also a new friend and a great story to tell.
Sk: A tak sa Juraj, ktorý prišiel do supermarketu len pre obyčajné potraviny, vracal domov bohatší nielen o nákup, ale aj o nové priateľstvo a skvelú skúsenosť.
En: So Juraj, who had come to the supermarket just for ordinary groceries, returned home richer not only in purchases but also in new friendship and a great experience.
Sk: A niekedy si len treba vymeniť nákupný zoznam, aby ste objavili niečo celkom neočakávané.
En: Sometimes, all you need to do is switch shopping lists to discover something entirely unexpected.
Vocabulary Words:
- entered: vstúpil
- huge: obrovského
- supermarket: supermarketu
- sparkling: leskol
- colors: farbami
- lights: svetlami
- amazed: úžase
- variety: množstva
- carefully: starostlivo
- prepared: pripravil
- list: zoznam
- milk: mlieko
- bread: chlieb
- apples: jablká
- needed: potreboval
- hold: držal
- firmly: pevne
- wearing: kedže mal
- mask: rúško
- looked: pozeral
- feet: nohy
- accidentally: nevedomky
- bumped: narazil
- person: osoby
- young: mladá
- woman: žena
- named: menom
- lists: zoznamy
- fell: vypadli
- mixed up: poplietli
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