
Lost & Found in Ljubljana's Fall

Nov 25, 2023 · 15m 5s
Lost & Found in Ljubljana's Fall

01 · Main Story

1m 40s

02 · Vocabulary Words

11m 28s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Lost & Found in Ljubljana's Fall Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Jesen je kraljevala v Ljubljani in Miha,...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Lost & Found in Ljubljana's Fall
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Jesen je kraljevala v Ljubljani in Miha, ki je bil vedno pustolovski duh, se je odločil, da bo preživel dan z iskanjem slovitega Tromostovja.
En: Autumn reigned in Ljubljana, and Miha, who was always an adventurous spirit, decided to spend the day searching for the famous Triple Bridge.

Sl: Pripravil je nahrbtnik, vzame zemljevid in se usede na avtobus.
En: He packed a backpack, took a map, and boarded a bus.

Sl: Sonce se je že skrilo za oblake, ko je Miha stopil v živahno mesto.
En: The sun had already hidden behind the clouds by the time Miha entered the bustling city.

Sl: Miha je hitro postal zmeden.
En: Miha quickly became disoriented.

Sl: Ulice so bile polne ljudi in vsak kotiček mu je izgledal enako.
En: The streets were crowded with people, and every corner looked the same to him.

Sl: Poskušal je slediti zemljevidu, ampak poti do Tromostovja ni mogel najti.
En: He tried to follow the map, but he couldn't find the way to the Triple Bridge.

Sl: Med iskanjem je zagledal svoja prijatelja, Ano in Luko, kako sta sedla na klop v bližnjem parku.
En: While searching, he spotted his friends, Ana and Luka, sitting on a bench in a nearby park.

Sl: "Hej, počakajta me!
En: "Hey, wait for me!"

Sl: " je zaklical, a njegov glas je izginil v vrvežu.
En: he called out, but his voice disappeared in the hustle and bustle.

Sl: Nenadoma se je znašel sredi glasne tržnice, kjer so prodajali zelenjavo, sadje in cvetje.
En: Suddenly, he found himself in the middle of a noisy market where they were selling vegetables, fruit, and flowers.

Sl: Barve so se mešale in vse je dišalo po jeseni.
En: Colors mingled, and everything smelled of autumn.

Sl: Miha se je oziral naokoli in opazil velikansko oranžno bučo.
En: Miha looked around and noticed a giant orange pumpkin.

Sl: "Ana!
En: "Ana!"

Sl: " je vzkliknil in pohitel proti njej, misleč, da je njegova prijateljica oblečena v kostum za noč čarovnic.
En: he exclaimed and hurried toward it, thinking that his friend was dressed in a Halloween costume.

Sl: Ko se je približal, je ugotovil, da objema bučo.
En: As he approached, he realized that she was hugging the pumpkin.

Sl: Ljudje okoli njega so se začeli smejati in Miha je postal rdeč v lice.
En: People around him started laughing, and Miha turned red.

Sl: V tistem trenutku je začutil dlan na ramenu.
En: At that moment, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

Sl: "Miha, si se izgubil?
En: "Miha, did you get lost?"

Sl: " je vprašal Luka, Ana pa se je smejala ob njem.
En: Luka asked, while Ana laughed at him.

Sl: Miha se je počutil nekoliko nerodno, a bil je vesel, da je našel svoja prijatelja.
En: Miha felt slightly embarrassed, but he was glad he had found his friends.

Sl: "Očitno sem se izgubil v tej množici.
En: "It looks like I got lost in this crowd.

Sl: Iskal sem Tromostovje," je rekel Miha.
En: I was looking for the Triple Bridge," Miha said.

Sl: Ana mu je dala prijazen nasmeh, vzela zemljevid in mu pokazala pravo pot.
En: Ana gave him a friendly smile, took the map, and showed him the right way.

Sl: "Miha, samo po tej ulici pojdi naravnost in na koncu jo zaviješ levo," je pojasnila Ana.
En: "Miha, just go straight down this street and then turn left at the end," Ana explained.

Sl: Skupaj so se podali proti znamenitemu mostu.
En: Together they set off towards the famous bridge.

Sl: Ko so prišli tja, je bila prva zvezda že na nebu.
En: When they arrived, the first star was already in the sky.

Sl: Tromostovje je bilo osvetljeno in Ljubljanica je počasi tekla pod njim.
En: The Triple Bridge was illuminated, and the Ljubljanica river flowed slowly beneath it.

Sl: "To je to, Tromostovje!
En: "This is it, the Triple Bridge!"

Sl: " je dejal Luka in pokazal proti mostovom, ki so se lesketali v večerni svetlobi.
En: Luka said, pointing towards the bridges shimmering in the evening light.

Sl: Miha, Ana in Luka so stali ob reki, se smeje in pogovarjajo o Mihi in njegovi bučni dogodivščini.
En: Miha, Ana, and Luka stood by the river, laughing and talking about Miha and his pumpkin adventure.

Sl: Naposled je Miha našel pot, našel je prijatelje in skupaj so našli lepoto Ljubljane.
En: Finally, Miha found his way, he found his friends, and together they found the beauty of Ljubljana.

Sl: In kot se spodobi za vsako avanturo, so se dogodivščine dneva končale s skodelico tople čokolade v prijetni kavarni, s pogledom na reko, polno skrivnosti in zgodovine.
En: And as is fitting for any adventure, the day's adventures ended with a cup of hot chocolate in a cozy café, overlooking the river, full of mysteries and history.

Vocabulary Words:
  • Autumn: Jesen
  • Reigned: Kraljevala
  • Ljubljana: Ljubljana
  • Adventurous: Pustolovski
  • Spirit: Duh
  • Decided: Odločil
  • Spend: Preživeti
  • Searching: Iskanjem
  • Famous: Slavni
  • Triple Bridge: Tromostovje
  • Packed: Pripravil
  • Backpack: Nahrbtnik
  • Took: Vzame
  • Map: Zemljevid
  • Boarded: Uusede
  • Bus: Avtobus
  • Hidden: Skrilo
  • Behind: Za
  • Clouds: Oblake
  • Bustling: Živahno
  • City: Mesto
  • Disoriented: Zmeden
  • Streets: Ulice
  • Crowded: Polne
  • Corner: Kotiček
  • Follow: Slediti
  • Couldn't: Ni mogel
  • Find: Najti
  • Way: Pot
  • Searching: Iskanjem
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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