
Lost in Ljubljana: A Dragon Bridge Quest

Jan 10, 2024 · 15m 59s
Lost in Ljubljana: A Dragon Bridge Quest

01 · Main Story

1m 41s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 18s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Lost in Ljubljana: A Dragon Bridge Quest Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Luka in Ana sta se nekega...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Lost in Ljubljana: A Dragon Bridge Quest
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Luka in Ana sta se nekega vročega popoldneva odločila raziskati ozke ulice starega mestnega jedra Ljubljane.
En: One hot afternoon, Luka and Ana decided to explore the narrow streets of the old city center of Ljubljana.

Sl: Iskala sta znameniti Zmajski most, o katerem sta slišala toliko čarobnih zgodb.
En: They were looking for the famous Dragon Bridge, about which they had heard so many magical stories.

Sl: Sonce je pripekalo, a razgled po mestu ju je lahko zamotil.
En: The sun was beating down, but the cityscape could easily captivate them.

Sl: Prišla sta iz majhne vasi, kjer sta ustaljena pota in znana vsakemu otroku.
En: They came from a small village, where the paths were well-trodden and known to every child.

Sl: Ljubljanino središče pa je bilo kot neskončen labirint, poln skrivnostnih uličic in presenečenj za vsakim vogalom.
En: The center of Ljubljana, however, was like an endless labyrinth, full of mysterious alleyways and surprises around every corner.

Sl: "Kje pa je zdaj ta most?
En: "Where is this bridge now?"

Sl: " je vprašal Luka in s steklenico vode poživil svoje izsušeno grlo.
En: Luka asked, taking a sip of water from his bottle to refresh his parched throat.

Sl: Ana je razgrnila zemljevid, ki sta ga dobila na turistični informaciji.
En: Ana unfolded the map they had obtained from the tourist information.

Sl: "Ne skrbi, morava samo zaviti tukaj na levo, mimo tržnice in že bi morala priti na Prešernov trg," je Ana odločno pokazala na zmečkan papir.
En: "Don't worry, we just need to turn left here, past the market, and we should come to Prešeren Square," Ana decisively pointed to the crumpled paper.

Sl: Toda pot ni bila tako preprosta.
En: But the path was not so simple.

Sl: V nadaljevanju poti so jima pot prekrižale neke nenavadne ulice, soseske, polne kavarn in butičnih trgovin, ki so ju mamile z vonjem svežih sladic in kave.
En: As they continued, unusual streets and neighborhoods crossed their path, filled with cafes and boutique shops that tempted them with the scent of fresh pastries and coffee.

Sl: "Zdi se mi, da sva zgrešila pot," je zaskrbljeno zavzdihnil Luka, ko sta ugotovila, da Prešernov trg ni tam, kjer bi moral biti.
En: "I think we've lost our way," Luka sighed worriedly when they realized that Prešeren Square was not where it should have been.

Sl: Še enkrat sta preučila zemljevid in nadaljevala svojo avanturo.
En: They examined the map again and continued their adventure.

Sl: Po neštetih zavijanjih levo in desno, prečkanju majhnih trgov in iskanju tablic z imeni ulic, se je Ana nenadoma ustavila.
En: After countless left and right turns, crossing small squares, and searching for street signs, Ana suddenly stopped.

Sl: "Poglej, Luka!
En: "Look, Luka!"

Sl: " je vzkliknila in pokazala proti nenavadnemu kipu.
En: she exclaimed, pointing towards an unusual statue.

Sl: Tam, na sredini trga, kjer se zgleda nista pričakovala, je stal velikanski kip banane.
En: There, in the middle of the square where they least expected, stood a giant banana statue.

Sl: Vročina in utrujenost sta ju že ovirali, a pogled na ta nenavadni spomenik jima je vzbudil smeh.
En: The heat and fatigue were already weighing them down, but the sight of this unusual monument made them burst into laughter.

Sl: "To pa zagotovo ni Zmajski most," se je Luka nasmehnil in že je bila napetost popotovanja pozabljena.
En: "That certainly isn't the Dragon Bridge," Luka smiled, and the tension of their journey was forgotten.

Sl: Po kratkem premoru v senci kipa banane sta se odločila vprašati mimoidočega za pomoč.
En: After a short break in the shade of the banana statue, they decided to ask a passerby for help.

Sl: Star prijazen gospod, ki je bil domačin, jima je s smehom pojasnil, da sta se zavrtela v povsem napačno smer.
En: An old, friendly gentleman, who was a local, explained with a laugh that they had spun in a completely wrong direction.

Sl: "Zmajski most je tam," je pokazal naprej in desno, "čisto blizu ste, samo naravnost in potem desno.
En: "The Dragon Bridge is over there," he pointed ahead and to the right, "you're very close, just go straight and then turn right."

Sl: "Zahvalila sta se mu in kmalu sta stala na Zmajskem mostu, ki je v sončnem zahodu v celoti razkrival svojo lepoto.
En: They thanked him and soon found themselves standing on the Dragon Bridge, which revealed its full beauty in the late afternoon sun.

Sl: Zmajeva krila so se svetila v poznih sončnih žarkih in Luka z Ano sta vedela, da je bil ta čuden ovinek pravzaprav popolna avantura.
En: The dragon's wings glowed in the late sunlight, and Luka and Ana knew that this strange detour had become the perfect adventure.

Sl: Na koncu sta sedela na stopnicah ob reki Ljubljanici, zrla v zmaje in načrtovala naslednje podvige.
En: In the end, they sat on the steps by the Ljubljanica River, gazing at the dragons and planning their next exploits.

Sl: Zavedala sta se, da gre pri odkrivanju novih poti vedno malo za iskanje prave poti in malo za nepričakovana presenečenja, kot je kip banane, ki ju je nasmejal in popestril dan.
En: They realized that when discovering new paths, it's always partly about finding the right way and partly about unexpected surprises, like the banana statue that made them smile and brightened their day.

Vocabulary Words:
  • Afternoon: popoldne
  • Explore: raziskati
  • Narrow: ozek
  • Streets: ulice
  • Old: starega
  • City center: mestnega jedra
  • Ljubljana: Ljubljane
  • Famous: znameniti
  • Dragon Bridge: Zmajski most
  • Magical: čarobnih
  • Stories: zgodb
  • Beating down: pripekalo
  • Cityscape: razgled
  • Captivate: zamotil
  • Small village: majhne vasi
  • Paths: pota
  • Well-trodden: ustaljena
  • Known: znana
  • Endless: neskončen
  • Labyrinth: labirint
  • Mysterious: skrivnostnih
  • Alleyways: uličic
  • Surprises: presenečenj
  • Corner: vogalom
  • Bridge: most
  • Sip: poživil
  • Water: vode
  • Bottle: steklenico
  • Throat: grlo
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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