Magical Beginnings: Maja's First Day of School in Ljubljana

Jun 16, 2024 · 16m 21s
Magical Beginnings: Maja's First Day of School in Ljubljana

01 · Main Story

1m 41s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 26s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Magical Beginnings: Maja's First Day of School in Ljubljana Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: V daljni, sončni Ljubljani,...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Magical Beginnings: Maja's First Day of School in Ljubljana
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Story Transcript:

Sl: V daljni, sončni Ljubljani, stoji mogočen Ljubljanski grad.
En: In distant, sunny Ljubljana, stands the mighty Ljubljana Castle.

Sl: V senci tega gradu, majhne ulice vodijo do šole, kjer Maja začenja svoj prvi šolski dan.
En: In the shadow of this castle, small streets lead to the school where Maja is starting her first day.

Sl: Maja se je zbudila zgodaj zjutraj.
En: Maja woke up early in the morning.

Sl: Ponosna je nosila svojo novo torbo.
En: She proudly carried her new backpack.

Sl: Starši so jo pospremili do šole.
En: Her parents escorted her to school.

Sl: Maja je bila navdušena.
En: Maja was excited.

Sl: Sprehajali so se po starih uličicah Ljubljane.
En: They walked through the old streets of Ljubljana.

Sl: Kmalu so prišli do šole.
En: Soon, they arrived at the school.

Sl: Šola je bila lepa.
En: The school was beautiful.

Sl: Na hodniku je bilo veliko otrok.
En: There were many children in the hallway.

Sl: Nekatere je poznala iz vrtca.
En: She recognized some from kindergarten.

Sl: Maja je vstopila v svojo učilnico.
En: Maja entered her classroom.

Sl: Učiteljica, gospa Marija, je vse otroke lepo sprejela.
En: The teacher, Mrs. Marija, welcomed all the children warmly.

Sl: Maja je sedla v svoj stol.
En: Maja sat in her chair.

Sl: "Ste v redu, otroci?
En: "Are you all right, children?"

Sl: " je prijazno vprašala gospa Marija.
En: Mrs. Marija asked kindly.

Sl: Vsi otroci so prikimali.
En: All the children nodded.

Sl: Maja se je počutila malce zaskrbljeno.
En: Maja felt a bit anxious.

Sl: Kdo bodo njeni prijatelji?
En: Who would her friends be?

Sl: Bo znala odgovarjati na vprašanja?
En: Would she be able to answer questions?

Sl: Ampak kmalu je začela poslušati učiteljico in pozabila je na svoje skrbi.
En: But soon, she started listening to the teacher and forgot her worries.

Sl: Učiteljica je pripovedovala o Ljubljanskem gradu.
En: The teacher talked about Ljubljana Castle.

Sl: Grad je bil zgrajen pred mnogimi leti.
En: The castle was built many years ago.

Sl: Gospa Marija je rekla, da bodo z razredom obiskali grad naslednji teden.
En: Mrs. Marija said they would visit the castle with the class next week.

Sl: Maja je bila vesela.
En: Maja was happy.

Sl: Rada ima gradove.
En: She loves castles.

Sl: "Verjetno bomo videli viteze in princese," je navdušeno rekla svoji novi sošolki Lei.
En: "We will probably see knights and princesses," she excitedly said to her new classmate, Lea.

Sl: Lea je bila prijazna in sta postali hitri prijateljici.
En: Lea was friendly, and they quickly became friends.

Sl: Nato so otroci risali slike gradu.
En: Then the children drew pictures of the castle.

Sl: Maja je narisala velik grad s številnimi okni.
En: Maja drew a big castle with many windows.

Sl: Svojo sliko je prilepila na zid.
En: She glued her picture to the wall.

Sl: Učiteljica je pohvalila njeno risbo.
En: The teacher praised her drawing.

Sl: "Zelo lepo, Maja," je rekla gospa Marija.
En: "Very nice, Maja," said Mrs. Marija.

Sl: Maja je bila ponosna.
En: Maja was proud.

Sl: Po pouku sta Maja in Lea stopili ven.
En: After class, Maja and Lea stepped outside.

Sl: Ponedeljek je bil sončen.
En: Monday was sunny.

Sl: Pogovarjali sta se o svojem prvem dnevu v šoli.
En: They talked about their first day at school.

Sl: "Komaj čakam, da obiščemo Ljubljanski grad," je rekla Lea.
En: "I can't wait to visit Ljubljana Castle," Lea said.

Sl: Maja je šla domov navdušena.
En: Maja went home excited.

Sl: Dan je bil poln novih prijateljev in zanimivih zgodb.
En: The day was full of new friends and interesting stories.

Sl: Ko je hodila mimo Ljubljanskega gradu, je vedela, da bo šola zanimiva in zabavna.
En: As she walked past Ljubljana Castle, she knew that school would be interesting and fun.

Sl: Prvi šolski dan je bil uspešen.
En: The first school day was successful.

Sl: Maja je našla novo prijateljico, slišala je zanimive zgodbe, in že je bila pripravljena na naslednje dogodivščine.
En: Maja found a new friend, heard interesting stories, and was already ready for the next adventures.

Sl: In tako je vsak dan v šoli prinašal nove zgodbe in veselje.
En: And so, every day at school brought new stories and joy.

Sl: Ljubljanski grad, ki je stal ponosno nad mestom, je bil zdaj za Majo še bolj poseben.
En: Ljubljana Castle, standing proudly over the city, was now even more special for Maja.

Sl: Bil je kraj novih prijateljstev in novih začetkov.
En: It was a place of new friendships and new beginnings.

Sl: Šola se je začela lepo, in Maja je vedela, da je pred njo še veliko lepih dni.
En: School started beautifully, and Maja knew that many more wonderful days lay ahead.

Vocabulary Words:
  • distant: daljni
  • mighty: mogočen
  • shadow: senca
  • escorted: pospremili
  • excited: navdušena
  • beautiful: lepa
  • hallway: hodnik
  • kindergarten: vrtec
  • warmly: lepo
  • anxious: zaskrbljeno
  • forgot: pozabila je
  • built: zgrajen
  • next week: naslednji teden
  • knights: viteze
  • princesses: princese
  • friendly: prijazna
  • pictures: slike
  • glued: prilepila
  • praised: pohvalila
  • drawing: risbo
  • proud: ponosna
  • stepped: stopili
  • successful: uspešen
  • adventures: dogodivščine
  • special: poseben
  • beginnings: začetkov
  • proudly: ponosno
  • interesting: zanimive
  • stories: zgodb
  • joy: veselje
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