
Market Mayhem: A Culinary Exchange

Feb 16, 2024 · 15m 32s
Market Mayhem: A Culinary Exchange

01 · Main Story

1m 44s

02 · Vocabulary Words

11m 38s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Market Mayhem: A Culinary Exchange Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Na lep sončen dan sta dva prijatelja, Maja...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Market Mayhem: A Culinary Exchange
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Na lep sončen dan sta dva prijatelja, Maja in Luka, nevede zakorakala vsak v svojem svetu direktno na tržnico v centru Ljubljane.
En: On a beautiful sunny day, two friends, Maja and Luka, unknowingly walked into the market in the center of Ljubljana, each engrossed in their own world.

Sl: Tržnica je bila polna svežih sadov in zelenjave, dišalo je po domačem kruhu in zeliščih, ljudje pa so se smejali in klepetali ob stojnicah.
En: The market was full of fresh fruits and vegetables, filled with the aroma of homemade bread and herbs, and people were laughing and chatting at the stalls.

Sl: Maja, ki je oboževala eksotične sadje, je imela v mislih samo en cilj: najti najslajše mangoje za svojo sobotno popoldansko poslastico.
En: Maja, who adored exotic fruits, had only one goal in mind: to find the sweetest mangoes for her Saturday afternoon treat.

Sl: Medtem ko je izbirala, je razmišljala o novem receptu za mangov smuti, ki ga je našla na spletu.
En: As she made her selection, she was thinking about a new recipe for mango smoothie that she had found online.

Sl: Luka, zagret ljubitelj domače zelenjave, je nameraval napolniti svojo vrečko z najbolj svežim blitvom in korenčkom, da bi si pripravil zdravo večerjo.
En: Luka, an enthusiastic lover of homegrown vegetables, intended to fill his bag with the freshest Swiss chard and carrots for a healthy dinner.

Sl: Ko je pretehtaval korenčke, je v roke vzel tudi svežo šopko bazilike in poprovo meto za svoj domači pesto.
En: As he weighed the carrots, he also grabbed a fresh bunch of basil and peppermint for his homemade pesto.

Sl: Nenadoma se je nad tržnico dvignil močan veter.
En: Suddenly, a strong wind rose above the market.

Sl: Maja in Luka sta se oba obrnila, da bi ujela svoje klobuke, ki so nenadoma odleteli s glav.
En: Maja and Luka both turned to catch their hats, which had unexpectedly flown off their heads.

Sl: V naglici sta se zaletela drug v drugega, njuni vrečki s sadjem in zelenjavo pa sta se prevrnili in vsebina se je pomešala.
En: In their haste, they collided with each other, and their bags of fruit and vegetables spilled over, mixing their contents.

Sl: "Ojoj, oprosti!
En: "Oops, sorry!"

Sl: " je vzropano rekla Maja in se priklonila, da bi pobrala svoje mangoje.
En: said Maja, bowing to pick up her mangoes.

Sl: "Nič hudega, tudi jaz nisem pazil," je odvrnil Luka in pomagal pobrati zelenjavo.
En: "No worries, I wasn't paying attention either," replied Luka, helping to gather the vegetables.

Sl: Oba sta v naglici pobirala svoje stvari, ne da bi opazila, da sta zamenjala vrečke.
En: Both hastily gathered their things, without noticing that they had switched bags.

Sl: Luka je odkorakal stran s svežim sadjem, Maja pa je misleč, da nosi svoje mangoje, zavila domov z roko polno zelenjave.
En: Luka walked away with the fresh fruit, and Maja, thinking she was carrying her mangoes, headed home with her arms full of vegetables.

Sl: Ko je Maja prispela domov in odprla vrečko, je njen obraz prešel od zmede do presenečenega smeha, ko je zagledala korenčke namesto mangojev.
En: When Maja arrived home and opened the bag, her face shifted from confusion to surprised laughter as she saw carrots instead of mangoes.

Sl: "No ja, zgleda da bom danes zvečer jedla zelenjavno juho," je pomislila in se nasmehnila.
En: "Well, looks like I'll be having vegetable soup tonight," she thought, smiling.

Sl: Medtem je Luka prišel domov, hotel zgrabiti šopek bazilike, pa je namesto tega našel sočne mangoje.
En: Meanwhile, Luka arrived home, wanting to grab the bunch of basil, only to find ripe mangoes instead.

Sl: "Uh, kako zanimivo," je rekel, medtem ko je razmišljal, kako bi mango inkorporiral v svojo večerjo.
En: "Well, how interesting," he said, pondering how to incorporate mangoes into his dinner.

Sl: Naslednji dan sta Maja in Luka spet zabredla na tržnico in tam s smehom delila zgodbo o svoji zamenjavi.
En: The next day, Maja and Luka ventured back to the market and shared the story of their mix-up with laughter.

Sl: Dogovorila sta se, da bosta naslednjič bolj pozorna, vendar sta oba priznala, da je nenadejana zamenjava jedilnika prinesla zabavno in svežo spremembo v njuno kulinarično rutino.
En: They agreed to be more attentive next time, but both admitted that the unexpected menu switch brought a fun and refreshing change to their culinary routine.

Sl: V mestu, ki ga povezujejo okusi in nasmehi, sta se Maja in Luka veselila prihodnjih avantur na Ljubljanski tržnici in novih priložnosti za eksperimentiranje s hrano, saj včasih prav naključni trenutki prinesejo najlepše recepte za srečo.
En: In a city connected by flavors and smiles, Maja and Luka looked forward to future adventures at the Ljubljana market and new opportunities to experiment with food, recognizing that sometimes random moments bring the happiest recipes for joy.

Vocabulary Words:
  • beautiful: lep
  • sunny: sončen
  • friends: prijatelja
  • unknowingly: nevede
  • market: tržnica
  • center: centru
  • fresh: svežih
  • fruits: sadov
  • vegetables: zelenjave
  • aroma: dišalo
  • homemade: domačem
  • bread: kruhu
  • herbs: zeliščih
  • laughing: smejali
  • chatting: klepetali
  • exotic: eksotične
  • goal: cilj
  • sweetest: najslajše
  • Saturday: soboto
  • afternoon: popoldansko
  • treat: poslastico
  • selection: izbirala
  • recipe: recept
  • online: na spletu
  • lover: ljubitelj
  • homegrown: domače
  • Swiss chard: blitvom
  • carrots: korenčkom
  • dinner: večerjo
  • weighed: pretehtaval
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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