
Market Mix-Up: An Unplanned Recipe for Laughter

Mar 31, 2024 · 12m 26s
Market Mix-Up: An Unplanned Recipe for Laughter

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

10m 16s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Market Mix-Up: An Unplanned Recipe for Laughter Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Nekega toplega sobotnega jutra se je...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Market Mix-Up: An Unplanned Recipe for Laughter
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Nekega toplega sobotnega jutra se je Ana, mlada študentka arhitekture, odločila, da bo obiskala ljubljansko Osrednjo tržnico.
En: On a warm Saturday morning, Ana, a young architecture student, decided to visit the Central Market in Ljubljana.

Sl: Čutila je ritem mesta in vonj sveže zelenjave, ki se je mešal z bakreno aromo kavnih zrn iz bližnjih kavarn.
En: She could feel the rhythm of the city and the scent of fresh vegetables mixing with the coppery aroma of coffee beans from nearby cafes.

Sl: Ana je korakala med stojnicami in občudovala pisano ponudbo.
En: Ana strolled among the stalls, admiring the colorful offerings.

Sl: Na drugi strani trga je srečala Boruta, svojega dobrovoljnega prijatelja, ki je bil znan po ljubezni do kuhanja.
En: On the other side of the market, she ran into Borut, her cheerful friend known for his love of cooking.

Sl: Borut je ravno izbiral najlepše stroke česna za svojo znamenito česnovo juho.
En: Borut was carefully selecting the best garlic bulbs for his famous garlic soup.

Sl: Medtem ko je Ana opazovala rdeče paradižnike, je v daljavi zagledala Majo, svojo najboljšo prijateljico.
En: As Ana observed the red tomatoes, she spotted Maja, her best friend, in the distance.

Sl: Maja je bila zaposlena z izbiranjem najboljše vrečke čebule za svojo priljubljeno čebulno marmelado.
En: Maja was busy choosing the best bag of onions for her favorite onion marmalade.

Sl: V naglici, da bi se pridružila Maji, je Ana nehote zgrabila Borutov žakelj s česnom, misleč, da je Majina vrečka čebule.
En: In her hurry to join Maja, Ana inadvertently grabbed Borut's bag of garlic, thinking it was Maja's bag of onions.

Sl: Popolnoma brez zavedanja o pomoti je nadaljevala s klepetom z Majo o najnovejšem receptu, ki ga je nameravala preizkusiti.
En: Completely unaware of her mistake, she continued chatting with Maja about the latest recipe she planned to try.

Sl: Borut je medtem plačal za svoje stročjevae in kar hitro opazil, da manjka žakelj s česnom.
En: Meanwhile, Borut paid for his vegetables and quickly noticed the missing bag of garlic.

Sl: Začel je brskati okrog sebe, ko je njegov pogled ujel Ano, ki se je oddaljevala z njegovim česnom.
En: He began searching around when he spotted Ana walking away with his garlic.

Sl: Z izrazom zmešnjave na obrazu je šprintal za njo in vpil: "Ana, počakaj, to ni tvoja čebula!
En: With a puzzled expression, he sprinted after her, shouting, "Ana, wait, that's not your onion!"

Sl: "Maja in Ana sta se obrnili in opazili zadihanega Boruta, ki jim je hitel naproti.
En: Maja and Ana turned around and noticed the breathless Borut rushing towards them.

Sl: Ko so se njihova zmedena vprašanja in razlage prepletla, so se na koncu vsi skupaj začeli smejati nenavadni zmedi.
En: As their confused questions and explanations intertwined, they all ended up laughing at the unusual mix-up.

Sl: Ana se je iskreno opravičila za napako in v smehu vrnila žakelj s česnom Borutu.
En: Ana sincerely apologized for the mistake and returned the bag of garlic to Borut amidst laughter.

Sl: Maja je dodala: "Najboljše mešanice nastanejo, ko niso načrtovane.
En: Maja added, "The best mixtures happen when they are unplanned."

Sl: " Borut se je nasmehnil in se strinjal: "Tako kot v kuhinji, tudi v življenju.
En: Borut smiled and agreed, "Just like in the kitchen, so it is in life."

Sl: "Na koncu so si vsi trije obljubili, da bodo naslednjič bolj pozorni na nakupovanju.
En: In the end, the three of them promised to be more careful when shopping next time.

Sl: Odšli so vsak na svojo pot, a s spominom na to smešno zgodbo se še vedno nasmehnejo.
En: They went their separate ways, but with the memory of that funny story still making them smile.

Sl: In seveda, Borutova česnova juha in Majina čebulna marmelada sta bili tisti dan še bolj okusni, saj je bil vsak ugriz prežet z dobrovoljnostjo tiste sončne sobote na tržnici Ljubljane.
En: And of course, Borut's garlic soup and Maja's onion marmalade were even more delicious that day, with each bite infused with the cheerfulness of that sunny market Saturday in Ljubljana.

Vocabulary Words:
  • rhythm: ritem
  • coppery: bakrena
  • garlic bulbs: stroke česna
  • infused: prežet
  • mixtures: mešanice
  • unplanned: nenamerno
  • breathless: zadihan
  • sprint: šprintati
  • intertwined: prepletena
  • laughing: smejanje
  • apologized: opravičila
  • cheerfulness: dobrovoljnost
  • sunny: sončno
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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