
Mystery Beneath the Fog: Treasure Hunt at Lake Bled

Jun 18, 2024 · 14m 7s
Mystery Beneath the Fog: Treasure Hunt at Lake Bled

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

10m 10s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Mystery Beneath the Fog: Treasure Hunt at Lake Bled Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Nebesa so postajala pastelnih...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Mystery Beneath the Fog: Treasure Hunt at Lake Bled
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Nebesa so postajala pastelnih barv, ko se je sonce spuščalo nad jezero Bled.
En: The sky turned pastel colors as the sun set over Lake Bled.

Sl: Matej, Nina in Tomaž so sedeli ob vodi.
En: Matej, Nina, and Tomaž sat by the water.

Sl: Pogovarjali so se in smejali.
En: They chatted and laughed.

Sl: Nenadoma se je pojavila megla.
En: Suddenly, fog appeared.

Sl: Spuščala se je hitro, kot da bi imela poseben namen.
En: It descended quickly, as if it had a special purpose.

Sl: Vse je postalo tiho in skrivnostno.
En: Everything became quiet and mysterious.

Sl: Matej se je zazrl v vodo.
En: Matej stared at the water.

Sl: »Poglej, nekaj je tam,« je dejal in pokazal na breg.
En: "Look, there's something there," he said, pointing to the shore.

Sl: Nina in Tomaž sta takoj pogledala.
En: Nina and Tomaž immediately looked.

Sl: V pesku je bilo nekaj svetlečega.
En: There was something shiny in the sand.

Sl: Približali so se.
En: They moved closer.

Sl: Bil je starinski amulet. Bil je prekrit z nenavadnimi znaki.
En: It was an antique amulet, covered in unusual symbols.

Sl: Niso vedeli, kaj pomeni.
En: They didn't know what it meant.

Sl: »Morda je starodaven,« je rekla Nina.
En: "Maybe it's ancient," Nina said.

Sl: »Morda ima zgodovino.«
En: "Maybe it has a history."

Sl: Tomaž je skomignil z rameni.
En: Tomaž shrugged.

Sl: »Raziskujmo,« je predlagal Matej.
En: "Let's investigate," Matej suggested.

Sl: V megleni tišini so začeli kopati okoli amuleta.
En: In the foggy silence, they started digging around the amulet.

Sl: Odkrili so več kosov.
En: They found more pieces.

Sl: Vsak kos je bil drugačen, a skupaj so tvorili zgodbo.
En: Each piece was different, but together they formed a story.

Sl: Zgodba je pripovedovala o stari legendi.
En: The story told of an old legend.

Sl: Legenda je govorila o skrivnem zakladu skritem v globinah jezera.
En: The legend spoke of a hidden treasure buried in the depths of the lake.

Sl: Njihova radovednost je rasla.
En: Their curiosity grew.

Sl: Vrnili so se naslednji dan.
En: They returned the next day.

Sl: Pripeljali so čoln in potapljaško opremo.
En: They brought a boat and diving equipment.

Sl: Potapljali so se pod gladino jezera.
En: They dived below the lake's surface.

Sl: V vodi je bilo hladno in temno.
En: The water was cold and dark.

Sl: In tam, globoko pod vodo, so našli staro skrinjo.
En: And there, deep underwater, they found an old chest.

Sl: Bila je prekrita z algami in blatna.
En: It was covered in algae and mud.

Sl: Odprli so jo in notri našli zlate kovance, dragulje in še več amuletov.
En: They opened it and inside found gold coins, jewels, and more amulets.

Sl: Megla se je počasi dvigala.
En: The fog slowly lifted.

Sl: Ko so se vrnili na kopno, so vedeli, da so odkrili skriti del zgodovine Bleda.
En: As they returned to shore, they knew they had discovered a hidden part of Bled's history.

Sl: Njihovo odkritje bo zapisan v zgodovinskih knjigah in zgodbo bodo pripovedovali generacije.
En: Their discovery would be recorded in history books, and the story would be told for generations.

Sl: Megla je prinesla skrivnost, ki so jo rešili Matej, Nina in Tomaž.
En: The fog had brought a mystery, which Matej, Nina, and Tomaž had solved.

Sl: In od takrat naprej je jezero Bled za njih postalo kraj, kjer lahko najdeš več kot le lepoto.
En: And from then on, Lake Bled became, for them, a place where you could find more than just beauty.

Sl: Kraj, kjer zgodovina čaka, da jo odkriješ.
En: A place where history awaits to be discovered.

Sl: Konec.
En: The end.

Vocabulary Words:
  • pastel: pastelnih
  • descended: spuščala
  • mysterious: skrivnostno
  • stare: zazrl
  • shore: breg
  • shiny: svetlečega
  • antique: starinski
  • symbols: znaki
  • ancient: starodaven
  • shrugged: skomignil
  • investigate: raziskujmo
  • silence: tišini
  • digging: kopati
  • pieces: kosov
  • legend: legendi
  • hidden: skrivnem
  • depths: globinah
  • curiosity: radovednost
  • dive: potapljali
  • surface: gladino
  • chest: skrinjo
  • algae: algami
  • mud: blatna
  • gold coins: zlate kovance
  • jewels: dragulje
  • discovery: odkritje
  • recorded: zapisan
  • generations: generacije
  • solved: rešili
  • history: zgodovina
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