
Mystery of the Message in a Bottle: Unveiling Garth Pier's Secret

Sep 11, 2024 · 19m
Mystery of the Message in a Bottle: Unveiling Garth Pier's Secret

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

15m 9s


Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Mystery of the Message in a Bottle: Unveiling Garth Pier's Secret Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Cy: Ar ddiwrnod...

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Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Mystery of the Message in a Bottle: Unveiling Garth Pier's Secret
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Story Transcript:

Cy: Ar ddiwrnod heulog o hydref, gyda'r gwynt yn chwythu dail lliwgar ar hyd y prom, a'r môr yn gwthio don ar don i chwalu dan Garth Pier ym Mangor, roedd Gareth yn cerdded gydag Eleri a Carys.
En: On a sunny autumn day, with the wind blowing colorful leaves along the promenade, and the sea pushing wave after wave to crash beneath Garth Pier in Bangor, Gareth was walking with Eleri and Carys.

Cy: Roedd awel oer yr hydref yn esmwytha'u a chodi sawl cwlwm yn eu calonnau.
En: The cool autumn breeze soothed them and untangled knots in their hearts.

Cy: Wrth symud dros bylchwyr coed y pier, rhywbeth llachar dalodd sylw Gareth.
En: As they moved over the wooden planks of the pier, something shiny caught Gareth's eye.

Cy: Digwydd bod, roedd potel wydr wedi cael ei olchi ar lan y pier, gyda nodyn y tu mewn.
En: By chance, a glass bottle had washed ashore by the pier, with a note inside.

Cy: Yn llawn chwilfrydedd, gwthiodd Gareth y potel i agor a thynnodd y nodyn allan.
En: Filled with curiosity, Gareth pushed the bottle open and pulled the note out.

Cy: "Beth 'da ti wedi ffeindio?
En: "What have you found?"

Cy: " gofynnodd Carys yn ei ffordd gyffrous arferol, yn cerdded tuag ato.
En: Carys asked in her usual excited manner, walking towards him.

Cy: Eleri, serch hynny, wedi aros ychydig yn ôl, gan rolio ei llygaid ychydig.
En: Eleri, however, stayed a bit behind, rolling her eyes slightly.

Cy: "Rydyn ni'n gallu bod hyn yn llythyr cariad," ychwanegodd Carys gyda sŵn disgwyliad yn ei llais.
En: "It could be a love letter," Carys added with anticipation in her voice.

Cy: "Mae'n nodyn cryptig," dywedodd Gareth, gan geisio deall yr ysgrifen gymhleth a gwylltodd ychydig.
En: "It's a cryptic note," Gareth said, trying to decipher the complex handwriting while feeling a bit frustrated.

Cy: "Gad i mi weld," meddai Eleri yn pragmatig, gan chwerthin ychydig, "efallai nad yw mor bwysig ag yr wyt ti'n credu.
En: "Let me see," said Eleri pragmatically, laughing a bit, "maybe it's not as important as you think."

Cy: " Ond Gareth, yn dirgrynu gyda chwilfrydedd, penderfynodd gael gwybod mwy.
En: But Gareth, trembling with curiosity, decided to find out more.

Cy: Nid oedd y nodyn yn hir, ond roedd wedi swyno ei ddychymyg.
En: The note wasn't long, but it had captivated his imagination.

Cy: "Rwy eisiau gwybod beth mae hyn yn ei olygu," dywedodd Gareth yn benderfynol.
En: "I want to know what this means," said Gareth determinedly.

Cy: "Mae rhywbeth ysgogol am hyn.
En: "There's something intriguing about it."

Cy: "Carys chwarddodd, "Mae fel stori hen ferched, ond credaf fod ychydig o swyn ynddo.
En: Carys laughed, "It's like an old wives' tale, but I believe there's a bit of charm to it."

Cy: "Tra roedd Eleri yn dal i fod yn amheus, roedd Gareth yn gwbl benderfynol i ddatrys dirgelwch y nodyn.
En: While Eleri remained skeptical, Gareth was fully determined to solve the mystery of the note.

Cy: Er gwaethaf amheuon Carys ac Eleri, dechreuodd ymchwilio.
En: Despite Carys and Eleri's doubts, he began his investigation.

Cy: Mynd am wybodaeth i lyfrgell y dre, darllen dwy neu dair stori leol.
En: He sought information from the town library, reading two or three local stories.

Cy: Ers iddo ddechrau, bob tro oedd y gwynt yn chwythu, roedd ei longau yn clywed llais chwerthin yn y tonnau.
En: Since he began, every time the wind blew, the waves seemed to carry a sound of laughter.

Cy: Canwliau bob penwythnos i Garth Pier, pendroni unwaith eto dros dweud y nodyn fach.
En: He went to Garth Pier every weekend, pondering again over the little note.

Cy: O’r diwedd, canfyddodd y canol gwerthfawr—roedd yn gysylltiedig â chwedl leol am ferch fach gafodd ei cholli yn y tonnau, gan adael ei chariad heb oleuni ei phresenoldeb.
En: Finally, he uncovered the invaluable connection—it was related to a local legend about a little girl who was lost to the waves, leaving her beloved without the light of her presence.

Cy: “Mae rhaid i ni wneud rhywbeth,” dywedodd Gareth un noson wrth Carys ac Eleri gyda blychau o lyfrgell bychan gerllaw.
En: "We have to do something," Gareth said one evening to Carys and Eleri with boxes from a small library nearby.

Cy: “Does ’na ddim ffordd y gallwn adael hyn heb ymchwilio ymhellach.
En: "There's no way we can leave this without investigating further."

Cy: ”Wrth iddo ddatgelu ei ganfyddiadau a phwer y stori drasig hon, daeth Carys yn hynod o foesgar, a hyd yn oed teimlad Eleri i’r dirgel yn trawsnewid.
En: As he revealed his findings and the power of this tragic story, Carys became astonishingly polite, and even Eleri's feelings toward the mystery transformed.

Cy: Yn awr, gyda'u hysgogi, i gyd yn cydweithio, buont yn ymweld â ffrindiau hen yn y dre ac ymchwilio hyd nes i stort ychydig galed.
En: Now, motivated together, they visited old friends in town and researched until the story unfolded.

Cy: Roedd y stori wedi cyrraedd diweddglo rhyfeddol.
En: The story reached a remarkable conclusion.

Cy: Trwy ddod o hyd i hanes y ferch a’i llwybr colledig, llwyddodd Gareth gyda chymorth Carys a Eleri i ddod â’r mister hwn i ben ac ymlacio o'r diwedd.
En: By uncovering the history of the girl and her lost path, Gareth, with the help of Carys and Eleri, managed to bring this mystery to an end and finally relax.

Cy: Wedi hynny, roedden nhw i gyd yn teimlo ychydig yn newidiedig.
En: Afterward, they all felt a bit changed.

Cy: Gareth, gyda mwy o hyder yn ei reddfau, Carys gyda dealltwriaeth ddofn, a hyd yn oed Eleri, yn derbyn fod cyd-ddigwyddiad hefyd yn gallu bod yn sylweddol.
En: Gareth, with more confidence in his instincts, Carys with a deeper understanding, and even Eleri, accepting that coincidence can carry significance.

Cy: Tŵr y pier yn saethu allan i’r awyr, a’r tonnau yn dal i berwi danodd gyda chwercaredd a swyn oedd etifeddiad o’r trysor a roelo abondist y dyfroedd ar yr harbour.
En: The tower of the pier reaching out into the sky, and the waves continued to swirl below with laughter and charm—a legacy of the treasure cast by the waters onto the harbor.

Cy: Roedd y ddau fel pe baent wedi gweld y tu allan i bryder rhaid, gan ddysgu trwy ffyrdd y môr a’r tir, y gall bawb ddod i newid o leiaf unwaith mewn bywyd.
En: It was as if they had glimpsed beyond pressing concerns, learning through the ways of the sea and land, that everyone can change at least once in life.

Vocabulary Words:
  • promenade: prom
  • breeze: awel
  • soothed: esmwytha'u
  • unraveled: chodi
  • planks: bylchwyr
  • ashore: ar lan
  • determinedly: yn benderfynol
  • intriguing: ysgogol
  • charm: swyn
  • mystery: dirgelwch
  • investigation: ymchwilio
  • laughter: chwereon
  • waves: tonnau
  • legend: chwedl
  • beloved: cariad
  • legacy: etifeddiad
  • trembling: dirgrymu
  • frustrated: gwylltodd
  • cryptic: cryptig
  • decipher: deall
  • astonishingly: hynod o
  • skeptical: amheus
  • pondering: pendroni
  • invaluable: gwerthfawr
  • remarkable: rhyfeddol
  • presence: phresenoldeb
  • transformed: trawsnewid
  • instincts: reddfau
  • significance: sylweddol
  • connection: gysylltiedig
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