
Octopus Fiasco: Mischief by the Sea

Mar 11, 2024 · 15m 54s
Octopus Fiasco: Mischief by the Sea

01 · Main Story

1m 40s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 13s


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Octopus Fiasco: Mischief by the Sea Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Hr: U jednom malom, sunčanom gradu na obali...

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Octopus Fiasco: Mischief by the Sea
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Story Transcript:

Hr: U jednom malom, sunčanom gradu na obali Jadrana zvao se Split, živio je simpatičan dečko imenom Luka.
En: In a small, sunny town on the coast of the Adriatic Sea called Split, there lived a charming boy named Luka.

Hr: Luka je jako volio more i sve što je iz njega dolazilo.
En: Luka loved the sea very much and everything that came from it.

Hr: Jednog sunčanog popodneva, odlučio je s prijateljima otići u omiljeni restoran u luci kako bi uživali u plodovima mora.
En: One sunny afternoon, he decided to go to his favorite restaurant in the harbor with his friends to enjoy the fruits of the sea.

Hr: Dok su sjedili za stolom s prelijepim pogledom na plavo more, Luka je odlučio naručiti nešto posebno.
En: While sitting at the table with a beautiful view of the blue sea, Luka decided to order something special.

Hr: Želio je pokazati svoje znanje o morskim delicijama svojim prijateljima.
En: He wanted to show off his knowledge of sea delicacies to his friends.

Hr: Gledajući u meni, njegovo oko ulovilo je riječ "hobotnica".
En: Looking at the menu, his eye caught the word "octopus."

Hr: Sjećajući se priča svog djeda o tome kako je hobotnica najukusnija kad je svježe ulovljena, Luka je dobacio osmijeh i mahnuo rukom konobaru da priđe.
En: Remembering his grandfather's stories about how octopus is most delicious when freshly caught, Luka smiled and beckoned the waiter to come over.

Hr: "Želim najsvježiju hobotnicu koju imate!
En: "I want the freshest octopus you have!"

Hr: " - rekao je Luka samouvjereno.
En: Luka said confidently.

Hr: Konobar se nasmijao i klimnuo glavom: "Naša hobotnica je najbolja u gradu.
En: The waiter smiled and nodded, saying, "Our octopus is the best in town."

Hr: "Ali, tada se dogodilo nešto neočekivano.
En: But then something unexpected happened.

Hr: Lukina želja za impresioniranjem prijatelja i konobareva nespretnost u komunikaciji doveli su do nesporazuma.
En: Luka's desire to impress his friends and the waiter's awkwardness in communication led to a misunderstanding.

Hr: Naime, Luka je, koristeći riječi na koje nije navikao, pomiješao riječ "servirati" s riječju "osloboditi".
En: Specifically, using words he wasn't accustomed to, Luka mixed up the word "serve" with the word "release."

Hr: Konobar, misleći da Luka želi nešto zaista posebno, klimnuo je i vratio se u kuhinju.
En: Thinking that Luka wanted something truly special, the waiter nodded and went back to the kitchen.

Hr: Šaputajući s kuharom, sumnjivo se nasmijao i nakon nekoliko trenutaka, vratio se noseći veliku posudu pokrivenu crnom krpom.
En: Whispering with the chef, he suspiciously smiled and after a few moments, returned carrying a large dish covered with a black cloth.

Hr: Kada je konobar dramatično skinuo krpu, svi u restoranu su zastali i gledali u čudu.
En: When the waiter dramatically removed the cloth, everyone in the restaurant stopped and looked in amazement.

Hr: Unutar posude je bio ogroman, živahni hobot koji je počeo širiti svoje pipke u svakom smjeru.
En: Inside the dish was a huge, lively octopus that began spreading its tentacles in every direction.

Hr: Luka i njegovi prijatelji su širom otvorili oči od šoka, a ostali gosti su se smijali i uzimali svoje telefone, želeći snimiti ovaj neobični događaj.
En: Luka and his friends widened their eyes in shock, while other guests laughed and took out their phones, wanting to record this unusual event.

Hr: Luka se odmah ispričao i objasnio da je došlo do nesporazuma.
En: Luka immediately apologized and explained the misunderstanding.

Hr: Menadžer restorana izašao je da vidi što se događa, a kada je shvatio situaciju, nježno je uhvatio hobotnicu i vratio je u more, uz smijeh i aplauze svih gostiju.
En: The restaurant manager came out to see what was happening, and when he realized the situation, he gently took the octopus and returned it to the sea, amidst the laughter and applause of all the guests.

Hr: Luka je na kraju dobio svoju ukusnu, ali već pripremljenu hobotnicu, a cijeli restoran je pričao o događaju koji je unio veselje i smijeh u toplu splitsku večer.
En: In the end, Luka got his delicious, but already prepared octopus, and the entire restaurant talked about the event that brought joy and laughter to a warm evening in Split.

Hr: Iako je na početku Luka bio sramota, ova priča brzo se pretvorila u jednu od onih koje će se ponosno prepričavati uz čašu vina na terasi gledajući zalazak sunca.
En: Although Luka was initially embarrassed, this story quickly turned into one of those that would be proudly retold with a glass of wine on the terrace while watching the sunset.

Hr: Od tog dana, Luka je uvijek pažljivo birao svoje riječi kada bi naručivao hranu u restoranu, a prijatelji su ga toplo podsjećali na dan kada je hobotnica skoro postala glavna gošća na njihovom stolu.
En: From that day on, Luka always carefully chose his words when ordering food in a restaurant, and his friends warmly reminded him of the day when the octopus almost became the main guest on their table.

Vocabulary Words:
  • charm: Šarm
  • delicacies: Delikatese
  • impress: Impresionirati
  • misunderstanding: Nesporazum
  • awkwardness: Nespretanost
  • communication: Komunikacija
  • mixture: Mješavina
  • serve: Poslužiti
  • release: Osloboditi
  • menu: Meni
  • tentacles: Pipci
  • apologized: Ispričao se
  • laughter: Smijeh
  • applause: Pljesak
  • embarrassed: Osramoćen
  • incident: Incident
  • retold: Prepričan
  • vine: Loza
  • sunset: zalazak sunca
  • carefully: Pažljivo
  • chose: Odabrao
  • order: Naručivanje
  • harbor: Luka
  • eyebrows: Obrve
  • amazement: Čudo
  • dramatically: Dramatično
  • gently: Nježno
  • gesture: Pokret
  • smile: Osmijeh
  • terrified: Potresen
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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