Returning Home: Anže's Journey to Reconnect with Family
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Returning Home: Anže's Journey to Reconnect with Family
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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Returning Home: Anže's Journey to Reconnect with Family Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Ljubljanski grad se je dvigal...
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Story Transcript:
Sl: Ljubljanski grad se je dvigal nad mestom kot veličasten stražar.
En: The Ljubljanski grad rose above the city like a magnificent guardian.
Sl: Jesenske barve so preplavile pokrajino, zlato in rdeče listje je ležalo povsod.
En: Autumn colors swept over the landscape, with golden and red leaves scattered everywhere.
Sl: Zrak je dišal po pečenem kostanju in sveže stisnjenem vinu.
En: The air smelled of roasted chestnuts and freshly pressed wine.
Sl: Bil je dan sv. Martina in družine so se zbirale na praznovanju.
En: It was sv. Martina day, and families were gathering for the celebration.
Sl: Anže je hodil po kamnitih poteh gradu.
En: Anže walked along the castle's stone paths.
Sl: Po dolgih letih dela v tujini se je vrnil domov, a se ni počutil doma.
En: After many years of working abroad, he had returned home, but he didn't feel at home.
Sl: Ko je prišel do dvorišča, je zagledal Matejo, svojo sestro.
En: When he reached the courtyard, he saw Mateja, his sister.
Sl: Zdel se mu je utrujen obraz, a ko ga je zagledala, ji je na obraz priplaval rahel nasmešek.
En: Her face seemed tired, but when she saw him, a slight smile appeared on her face.
Sl: Sara, njuna bratranka, je že hitela proti njima, vedno pripravljena poskrbeti za družinsko harmonijo.
En: Sara, their cousin, was already rushing toward them, always ready to ensure family harmony.
Sl: Sara je objela Anžeta in rekla: "Končno smo spet vsi skupaj! Mateja, si že pripravila mizo?"
En: Sara hugged Anže and said, "Finally, we're all together again! Mateja, have you set the table?"
Sl: Mateja je prikimala, a njene misli so bežale drugam.
En: Mateja nodded, but her thoughts were elsewhere.
Sl: Pogledala je Anžeta in čutila rahel očitek v srcu.
En: She looked at Anže and felt a slight reproach in her heart.
Sl: Dolga leta ga ni bilo.
En: He had been absent for many years.
Sl: Ves čas je bila ona tista, ki je skrbela za mamo in organizirala ta praznična srečanja.
En: It was always she who took care of their mother and organized these festive gatherings.
Sl: Ko so sedli za mizo, polno domačih dobrot, vključno z Martinovo gosjo in mlajšim vinom, se je začela praznična večerja.
En: When they sat down at the table, full of homemade delicacies, including Martinova goose and young wine, the festive dinner began.
Sl: Vendar pa so se Anžetovi in Matejini pogledi vse pogosteje križali.
En: However, Anže and Mateja's glances met more and more frequently.
Sl: Sara je začutila napetost in poskušala razvedriti ozračje z zgodbami iz preteklosti, a ni pomagalo.
En: Sara sensed the tension and tried to lighten the atmosphere with stories from the past, but it didn't help.
Sl: Ko je večer napredoval, so se začela odpirati stara vprašanja.
En: As the evening progressed, old questions began to surface.
Sl: "Anže, zakaj si se moral vedno izogibati družini?" je nepričakovano vprašala Mateja.
En: "Anže, why did you always have to avoid the family?" Mateja unexpectedly asked.
Sl: Anže jo je pogledal in počasi začel: "Nisem se izogibal. Samo iskal sem svojo pot. Hotel sem v svet, da bi se nekaj naučil..."
En: Anže looked at her and slowly began, "I wasn't avoiding it. I was just trying to find my path. I wanted to go out into the world to learn something..."
Sl: "Medtem ko sem jaz ostala tukaj in skrbela za vse," je posegla Mateja, njene oči so se bliskale od čustev.
En: "While I stayed here and took care of everything," interrupted Mateja, her eyes sparkling with emotion.
Sl: Anže je globoko vdihnil. "Zavem se, da nisem bil dovolj prisoten," je priznal.
En: Anže took a deep breath. "I realize I wasn't present enough," he admitted.
Sl: "A zdaj sem tu. Želim biti del tega. Želim pomagati."
En: "But now I'm here. I want to be a part of this. I want to help."
Sl: Besede so za trenutek visele v zraku.
En: The words hung in the air for a moment.
Sl: Sara je deško pomežiknila obema. "Morda je čas, da pozabimo in začnemo na novo?" je predlagala tiho.
En: Sara winked at both of them. "Maybe it's time to forget and start anew?" she quietly suggested.
Sl: Mateja je pogledala brata. Videla je iskrenost v njegovih očeh. "Mogoče je," je tiho rekla, z mešanimi občutki, vendar z nekaj olajšanja.
En: Mateja looked at her brother. She saw sincerity in his eyes. "Maybe it is," she said quietly, with mixed feelings but some relief.
Sl: Tisti večer so nazdravljali z novim vinom.
En: That evening, they toasted with the new wine.
Sl: Odločeni, da bodo poskusili znova.
En: Resolute to try again.
Sl: Dogovorili so se, da se bodo srečevali pogosteje, da zgradijo most preko reke, ki jih je ločila.
En: They agreed to meet more often, to build a bridge over the river that had separated them.
Sl: Ko se je noč spuščala nad grad, so se smejali in klepetali.
En: As the night fell over the castle, they laughed and chatted.
Sl: Anže je začutil toplino, ki je v njegovem srcu dolga leta manjkala.
En: Anže felt a warmth long missing in his heart.
Sl: Vedel je, da bo potreboval čas in trud, a zdaj je razumel, da nikoli ni prepozno, da najdeš svojo pot nazaj domov.
En: He knew it would take time and effort, but he now understood that it is never too late to find your way back home.
Sl: In dom je bil prav tu, v družini.
En: And home was right here, in the family.
Vocabulary Words:
- magnificent: veličasten
- guardian: stražar
- landscape: pokrajina
- courtyard: dvorišče
- slight: rahel
- reproach: očitek
- festive: prazničen
- delicacies: dobrote
- harmony: harmonija
- surface: odpirati
- resentment: zamere
- effort: trud
- resolve: odločiti
- bridge: most
- sincerity: iskrenost
- autumn: jesen
- scattered: ležeči
- absent: odsoten
- emotion: čustva
- suggest: predlagati
- ensure: zagotoviti
- celebration: praznovanje
- occur: zgoditi se
- chat: klepetati
- gathering: srečanje
- narration: pripovedovanje
- sparkling: bliskati se
- absorb: vpijati
- dwelling: bivati
- resentful: zamera
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