Rick Kyte - how to find our Third Place and make great friends along the way

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Rick Kyte - how to find our Third Place and make great friends along the way
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"If you do the things that make you happier, you also make your community better." Richard Kyte Richard "Rick" Kyte is Director of the D.B. Reinhard Institute for Ethics in...
show moreRichard "Rick" Kyte is Director of the D.B. Reinhard Institute for Ethics in Leadership and Endowed Professor of Ethics at Viterbo University in La Crosse, Wisconsin. He also teaches a variety of courses dealing with ethical issues in business, health care, law, politics, and the environment.
His most recent book is "Finding Your Third Place; building happier communities and making great friends along the way".
We discuss this book that helps us explore the places that nurture our souls, and make up the bedrock of our communities. I hope, after listening to our conversation, you will consider if you truly have a Third Place.
Eavesdrop on our chitty chat to discover more about: the correlation between the friends you'll have in your 60's compared to the friends you had in your 20's, your community and why you need to be part of it, how social media has taught us to laugh AT people instead of WITH people, the 13 year old who saved lives because he did not have a cell phone, and that humor is learned socially - meaning - there are younger generations who are humor deprived!
At a time when our nation is facing epic loneliness, are you ready to commit to your Third Place?
Author | Lisa David Olson |
Organization | Lisa David Olson |
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