
Secrets & Scandals: The Summer Heist at Ljubljana Airport

Jul 23, 2024 · 16m 59s
Secrets & Scandals: The Summer Heist at Ljubljana Airport

01 · Main Story

1m 44s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 59s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Secrets & Scandals: The Summer Heist at Ljubljana Airport Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Ljubljana Jože Pučnik International...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Secrets & Scandals: The Summer Heist at Ljubljana Airport
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Ljubljana Jože Pučnik International Airport je bil čez poletje kot čebelnjak.
En: Ljubljana Jože Pučnik International Airport was like a beehive during the summer.

Sl: Svetlo sonce je sijalo skozi visoka okna terminala, ko so potniki hiteli proti izhodom in skrbno opazovali svoje urnike.
En: Bright sunlight streamed through the tall windows of the terminal as passengers hurried to their gates and carefully checked their schedules.

Sl: Med njimi je bil Jure, varnostnik sredi kaosa, ki je vedno pazil na vse nenavadno.
En: Among them was Jure, a security guard in the midst of the chaos, always keeping an eye out for anything unusual.

Sl: Jure je bil osredotočen na svoje delo.
En: Jure was focused on his work.

Sl: Nihče ni vedel za njegovo temno preteklost – včasih je bil vpleten v krajo umetnin.
En: No one knew about his dark past—he used to be involved in art theft.

Sl: A to je bila zgodba izpred mnogih let.
En: But that was a story from many years ago.

Sl: Jure je sedaj želel le dokazati svojo predanost in poštenost.
En: Now, Jure wanted only to prove his dedication and honesty.

Sl: Nekega vročega poletnega dne je Alenka, operativna vodja letališča, hitela med vrvežem zaposlenih.
En: One hot summer day, Alenka, the airport's operations manager, rushed through the bustle of employees.

Sl: Bila je izjemno sposobna, a zadnje čase zelo živčna zaradi grožnje z odpuščanjem zaradi proračunskih rezov.
En: She was extremely capable but lately very nervous due to the threat of layoffs because of budget cuts.

Sl: Prav ta dan je na letališču prispela pomembna pošiljka - dragocena slika, ki jo je bilo treba varno posredovati kupcu.
En: It was on this very day that an important shipment arrived at the airport—a valuable painting that needed to be safely handed over to the buyer.

Sl: “Tomaž bo prišel po sliko,” je rekla Alenka Juretu.
En: “Tomaž will come to pick up the painting,” Alenka told Jure.

Sl: Tomaž je bil trgovec z umetninami, in Jure je takoj začutil nekaj nenavadnega.
En: Tomaž was an art dealer, and Jure immediately sensed something unusual.

Sl: Nekaj mu ni šlo v račun.
En: Something didn’t add up.

Sl: Tomaža je poznal iz starih časov, a tega podatka ni delil z nikomer.
En: He knew Tomaž from the old days, but he kept that information to himself.

Sl: Ko je pošiljka prispela, so ugotovili, da dragocena slika manjka.
En: When the shipment arrived, it was discovered that the valuable painting was missing.

Sl: Alenka je bila obupana.
En: Alenka was desperate.

Sl: Letališče si ni moglo privoščiti škandala.
En: The airport couldn’t afford a scandal.

Sl: Obrnila se je na Jureta, ki je takrat že sumil na Tomaža.
En: She turned to Jure, who by then already suspected Tomaž.

Sl: Odločil se je, da bo svoj sum preveril.
En: He decided to investigate his suspicion.

Sl: To je bila tvegana odločitev, saj bi lahko razkril svojo preteklost in izgubil službo.
En: It was a risky decision since it could reveal his past and cost him his job.

Sl: Alenka je videla Juretovo odločenost in navkljub pravilom, mu je zaupala.
En: Seeing Jure's determination, Alenka trusted him despite the rules.

Sl: Skupaj sta začela pregledovati varnostne kamere in spraševati ljudi.
En: Together, they began reviewing security footage and interviewing people.

Sl: S sledmi so prišla tudi tveganja, a očitno je bilo nekaj narobe.
En: The clues brought risks, but it was clear something was wrong.

Sl: Končno sta odkrila ključne dokaze: na videoposnetku je bil Tomaž, ki je prejel pošiljko.
En: Finally, they found the key evidence: a video showing Tomaž receiving the shipment.

Sl: Bil je sumljiv in očitno načrtoval pobeg.
En: He was acting suspiciously and seemed to be planning an escape.

Sl: Jure in Alenka sta hitro ukrepala.
En: Jure and Alenka acted quickly.

Sl: Poklical je policijo in stražne enote.
En: He called the police and security units.

Sl: Ujeli so ga tik preden je stopil na letalo za odhod iz države.
En: They caught Tomaž just before he boarded a flight out of the country.

Sl: Slika je bila vrnjena, Tomaž pa aretiran.
En: The painting was recovered, and Tomaž was arrested.

Sl: Alenka je s tem dokazala svojo zmožnost reševanja kriz, Jure pa je s svojo iskrenostjo in odločnostjo opomnil, da lahko preteklost služi za izboljšanje prihodnosti.
En: Alenka proved her crisis management skills, and Jure's honesty and determination demonstrated that the past could be used to improve the future.

Sl: Njegova dejanja so mu povrnila ugled, Alenka pa je začutila večjo samozavest in se znebila strahu pred izgubo službe.
En: His actions restored his reputation, and Alenka felt more confident, relieved of her fear of job loss.

Sl: Letališče se je vrnilo v svoj običajen vrvež, a Jure in Alenka sta vedela, da sta skupaj premagala veliko oviro.
En: The airport returned to its usual hustle and bustle, but Jure and Alenka knew they had overcome a great obstacle together.

Sl: Verjela sta, da lahko s poštenostjo in sodelovanjem zmagata nad vsako težavo, ki jo življenje prinese.
En: They believed that with honesty and cooperation, they could overcome any challenge life might bring.

Sl: In tako je vroče poletno jutro v Ljubljani postalo začetek novega prijateljstva ter dokaz, da preteklost lahko služi kot most do boljše prihodnosti.
En: And so, the hot summer morning in Ljubljana marked the beginning of a new friendship and proved that the past could serve as a bridge to a better future.

Vocabulary Words:
  • beehive: čebelnjak
  • streamed: sijalo
  • terminal: terminala
  • chaos: kaos
  • unusual: nenavadno
  • dedication: predanost
  • honesty: poštenost
  • capable: sposobna
  • threat: grožnja
  • layoffs: odpuščanjem
  • budget cuts: proračunski rezi
  • shipment: pošiljka
  • valuable: dragocena
  • schedule: urnike
  • investigate: preveril
  • suspicion: sum
  • evidence: dokazi
  • security footage: varnostne kamere
  • interviewing: spraševati
  • clues: sledi
  • acting: ravnal
  • suspiciously: sumljivo
  • escape: pobeg
  • determination: odločenost
  • arrested: aretiran
  • crisis management: reševanje kriz
  • reputation: ugled
  • hustle and bustle: vrvež
  • overcome: premagala
  • challenge: težavo
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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