Shepherd's Lockout in Llanfair­PG!

Jan 22, 2024 · 14m 19s
Shepherd's Lockout in Llanfair­PG!

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

10m 27s


Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Shepherd's Lockout in Llanfair­PG! Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Cy: Ar ddiwrnod braf, braf ym mhentref hir enw Llanfair­pwllgwyn­gyll­go­ger­yw­yrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch,...

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Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Shepherd's Lockout in Llanfair­PG!
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Cy: Ar ddiwrnod braf, braf ym mhentref hir enw Llanfair­pwllgwyn­gyll­go­ger­yw­yrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch, roedd dyn ifanc o'r enw Evan.
En: On a beautiful day in the long-named village of Llanfair­pwllgwyn­gyll­go­ger­yw­yrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch, there was a young man named Evan.

Cy: Roedd Evan yn hoff iawn o'i ddefaid ac yn gofalu amdanynt bob dydd.
En: Evan was very fond of his sheep and looked after them every day.

Cy: Un prynhawn, penderfynodd Evan fynd i gyfrif ei ddefaid yn y parc.
En: One afternoon, Evan decided to count his sheep in the field.

Cy: Roedd yn hapus iawn yn canu wrth i'r defaid bwyta eu glaswellt.
En: He was very happy singing as the sheep ate their grass.

Cy: Ond, roedd problem fach: wrth gau'r giât ar ôl mynd mewn, fe sylweddolodd Evan ei fod wedi cloi'r allweddol o fewn y beudy.
En: But there was a small problem: when he closed the gate after going in, Evan realized that he had locked the key inside the shed.

Cy: "O'r annwyl," meddai Evan, gan edrych yn bryderus at y giât gesglog.
En: "Oh dear," said Evan, looking worriedly at the locked gate.

Cy: Nid oedd ffordd i agor y giât heb yr allweddol.
En: There was no way to open the gate without the key.

Cy: Roedd yn teimlo'n benysgafn a phryderus gan ei fod yn gwybod bod Gwen a Rhys, ei ffrindiau gorau, yn mynd i ddod heibio'n fuan.
En: He felt very anxious and worried, knowing that his best friends, Gwen and Rhys, would be passing by soon.

Cy: Cyn hir, dyma Gwen yn cerdded heibio gyda'i chi bach, Spot.
En: Before long, here came Gwen walking by with her little dog, Spot.

Cy: Roedd Spot yn ddeallgar a chywir i Gwen bob amser.
En: Spot was always understanding and right for Gwen.

Cy: "Evan, beth sydd yn bod?
En: "Evan, what's wrong?"

Cy: " gofynnodd hi, wrth weld iddo sefyll yn anhapus.
En: she asked, seeing him standing unhappily.

Cy: "Rydw i wedi cloi fy hun allan o'r beudy," chwarddodd Evan, gan geisio chwerthin am y sefyllfa ddiflas.
En: "I've locked myself out of the shed," Evan chuckled, trying to laugh about the boring situation.

Cy: "Ac mae'r allweddol tu mewn.
En: "And the key is inside."

Cy: "Gwen a Spot yn edrych ar y beudy, a Spot yn dechrau cyffro'n fawr, fel pe bai ganddo syniad.
En: Gwen and Spot looked at the shed, and Spot started getting excited, as if he had an idea.

Cy: Rhedodd Spot o gwmpas y beudy ac yn sydyn, dyma Rhys, ffrind arall Evan, yn dod heibio gyda chyflenwad o offer.
En: Spot ran around the shed and suddenly, there was Rhys, another friend of Evan's, coming by with a supply of tools.

Cy: "Gwen wedi sôn wrthyf am dy broblem," eglurodd Rhys, a dod â sawl offeryn gydag ef.
En: "Gwen told me about your problem," explained Rhys, bringing several tools with him.

Cy: Yn gyflym, dechreuodd Rhys weithio ar y clo, gan ddefnyddio'i sgiliau fel seiri.
En: Quickly, Rhys began working on the lock, using his skills as a locksmith.

Cy: Ar ôl ychydig funudau o waith caled, dyma'r clo yn agor!
En: After a few minutes of hard work, the lock opened!

Cy: Roedd Evan mor ddiolchgar a hapus fel llefodd yn uchel.
En: Evan was so grateful and happy that he shouted loudly.

Cy: "Diolch yn fawr, Gwen a Rhys!
En: "Thank you so much, Gwen and Rhys!

Cy: A diolch i ti, Spot, am ddod â Rhys ataf!
En: And thank you, Spot, for bringing Rhys to me!"

Cy: "O'r diwrnod hwnnw ymlaen, roedd gan Evan gopi ychwanegol o'r allweddol i'r beudy bob amser, a gadawodd un gyda Gwen a Rhys rhag ofn y byddai angen help arall arno.
En: From that day on, Evan always kept a spare key to the shed, leaving one with Gwen and Rhys in case he needed more help.

Cy: A dyma ddiwedd y stori am sut wnaeth Gwen, Rhys, a Spot achub y dydd i'r bugail caredig o Llanfair­pwllgwyn­gyll­go­ger­yw­yrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch.
En: And that's the end of the story of how Gwen, Rhys, and Spot saved the day for the kind shepherd of Llanfair­pwllgwyn­gyll­go­ger­yw­yrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch.

Vocabulary Words:
  • beautiful: braf
  • village: pentref
  • sheep: defaid
  • afternoon: prynhawn
  • count: cyfrif
  • grass: glaswellt
  • problem: problem
  • gate: giât
  • key: allweddol
  • shed: beudy
  • worriedly: bryderus
  • anxious: benysgafn
  • friends: ffrindiau
  • passing by: mynd heibio
  • dog: ci
  • understanding: deallgar
  • standing unhappily: sefyll yn anhapus
  • locked: cloi
  • laugh: chwerthin
  • boring situation: sefyllfa ddiflas
  • excited: cyffro'n fawr
  • idea: syniad
  • tools: offer
  • explained: eglurodd
  • locksmith: fferyll
  • grateful: diolchgar
  • shouted: llefodd yn uchel
  • spare key: allweddol ychwanegol
  • help: help
  • saved the day: achub y dydd
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