Shepherded by Sheep: A Snowdonia Misadventure

Mar 27, 2024 · 15m 39s
Shepherded by Sheep: A Snowdonia Misadventure

01 · Main Story

1m 41s

02 · Vocabulary Words

11m 52s


Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Shepherded by Sheep: A Snowdonia Misadventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Cy: Un diwrnod braf ym Mharc Cenedlaethol Eryri,...

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Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Shepherded by Sheep: A Snowdonia Misadventure
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Story Transcript:

Cy: Un diwrnod braf ym Mharc Cenedlaethol Eryri, roedd tri ffrind, Dylan, Ceri ac Eleri, wedi penderfynu mynd am dro i weld y golygfeydd hardd.
En: One lovely day in Snowdonia National Park, three friends, Dylan, Ceri, and Eleri, decided to go for a walk to see the beautiful views.

Cy: Roedd yr awyr yn las, a'r haul yn tywynnu'n gynnes dros y mynyddoedd, gan addo diwrnod cofiadwy.
En: The sky was blue, and the sun was shining warmly over the mountains, promising a memorable day.

Cy: Roedd Dylan yn ddyn ifanc doniol, bob amser yn chwilio am antur.
En: Dylan was a young, funny man, always seeking adventure.

Cy: Ceri, gyda’i gwallt coch tanbaid, oedd yr un trefnus o'r tri, ac Eleri, y mwyaf anturus, roedd hi'n hoff o gerdded ar lwybrau heriol.
En: Ceri, with her fiery red hair, was the most organized of the three, and Eleri, the most adventurous, loved walking on challenging trails.

Cy: Gyda phawb yn barod am ddiwrnod llawn hwyl, cyrhaeddodd y tri ffrind y man cychwyn am yr daith dywysedig yr oedden nhw wedi archebu yn gynharach.
En: Ready for a fun-filled day, the three friends arrived at the starting point for the guided tour they had booked earlier.

Cy: Ond, wele nhw’n sylwi bod yno ddau grŵp ar wahanol gyfeiriadau.
En: However, they noticed that there were two groups heading in different directions.

Cy: Un grŵp yn edrych yn ddigon cyfarwydd, pobl o bob oed a maint, ac un arall yn llawer mwy anghyffredin: praidd o ddefaid gwynion, yn barod i gael eu harwain gan dywysydd dewr.
En: One group looked quite familiar, with people of all ages and sizes, and the other was much more unusual: a flock of white sheep, ready to be led by a brave shepherd.

Cy: Yn anffodus, roedd Ceri wedi anghofio gwisgo ei sbectol a Dylan yn brysur yn sgwrsio ar ei ffôn.
En: Unfortunately, Ceri had forgotten to wear her sunglasses, and Dylan was busy chatting on his phone.

Cy: Eleri, sydd weithiau'n rhy anturus am ei lles ei hun, yn credu ei bod hi'n dilyn y tywysydd iawn, arweiniodd ei ffrindiau tuag at y grŵp o ddefaid.
En: Eleri, who sometimes was too adventurous for her own good, believed she was following the right guide and led her friends towards the group of sheep.

Cy: Nid oedd y tri ohonyn nhw wedi sylweddoli'r camgymeriad tan iddyn nhw fod yng nghanol y praidd, yn cael eu gwthio a'u pwyso gan y defaid chwilfrydig.
En: They didn't realize their mistake until they were in the middle of the flock, being pushed and weighed down by the curious sheep.

Cy: Y tywysydd, wedi ei wisgo mewn siwt cneifio defaid â phocedi mawr, roedd yn siarad yn ei flwch clust llawn o groeniau defaid.
En: The shepherd, dressed in a sheep-shearing suit with a large pouch, was talking into his sheep-covered earpiece.

Cy: Edrychodd Dylan ar Eleri gyda llond bol o gwestiynau, ac Eleri'n chwibanu'n ddi-hid, yn meddwl ei bod mewn rhyw fath o freuddwyd.
En: Dylan looked at Eleri with a bunch of questions, and Eleri giggled uncontrollably, thinking she was in some kind of dream.

Cy: Ceri, yn ddigalon oherwydd y camgymeriad, ond yn methu peidio chwerthin wrth weld y sefyllfa ddoniol.
En: Ceri, disappointed by the mistake, couldn't help but laugh at the comical situation.

Cy: Cyn gynted ag y deallodd y tywysydd bod yna bobl yn eu canol, roedd estyn ei ffon gerdded ac yn cyfeirio'r tri ffrind yn ôl tuag at y grŵp dynol.
En: As soon as the shepherd realized there were people among them, he extended his walking stick and directed the three friends back towards the human group.

Cy: Cyd-chwerthin â'r ffrindiau cafodd pawb a oedd yn aros iddyn nhw.
En: Laughter and jokes filled by all who were waiting for them.

Cy: Ar ôl symud Dylan, Ceri ac Eleri i'r grŵp cywir, cychwynnodd y daith eto, ond y tro yma gyda storïau di-ri i'w rhannu am y camgymeriad doniol.
En: After moving Dylan, Ceri, and Eleri to the correct group, the journey began again, this time with countless stories to share about the amusing mistake.

Cy: Roedd y tri ffrind yn crwydro Eryri, yn llawn edmygedd o'r dirwedd o'u cwmpas, a'r helynt o'r bore yn ddim ond atgof pleserus.
En: The three friends wandered Snowdonia, full of admiration for the landscape around them, and the morning's adventure was nothing but a pleasant memory.

Cy: Yn y diwedd, roedd hi’n ddiwrnod na fyddai byth yn cael ei anghofio, gyda phob un ohonynt yn gweld y digwyddiad fel antur fach a fyddai'n cael ei hailadrodd am flynyddoedd i ddod.
En: In the end, it was a day that would never be forgotten, with each of them seeing the event as a small adventure to be retold for years to come.

Cy: A dyna sut aeth tri ffrind ar ei hynt i Eryri, gan wireddu nad oedd camgymeriadau bob amser yn drwg, weithiau'n troi'n atgofion annwyl a chwerthin i lenwi'r awyr glir.
En: And that's how three friends made their way to Snowdonia, realizing that mistakes aren't always bad, sometimes turning into dear memories and laughter to fill the clear air.

Vocabulary Words:
  • lovely: braf
  • National Park: Parc Cenedlaethol
  • decided: penderfynu
  • beautiful: hardd
  • sun: haul
  • shining: tywynnu
  • memorable: cofiadwy
  • funny: doniol
  • organized: trefnus
  • adventurous: anturus
  • challenging: heriol
  • guided tour: daith dywysedig
  • flock: praidd
  • white sheep: defaid gwynion
  • shepherd: dywysydd
  • sunglasses: sbectol
  • chatting: sgwrsio
  • mistake: camgymeriad
  • sheep-covered: groeniau defaid
  • curious: chwilfrydig
  • shepherd: tywysydd
  • laughter: chwerthin
  • jokes: storïau
  • pleasant: pleserus
  • admiration: edmygedd
  • landscape: dirwedd
  • adventure: antur
  • realizing: wireddu
  • dear: annwyl
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