Slip-Up at the Durian Stall: Market Mayhem

Dec 8, 2023 · 17m 36s
Slip-Up at the Durian Stall: Market Mayhem

01 · Main Story

1m 41s

02 · Vocabulary Words

13m 38s


Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Slip-Up at the Durian Stall: Market Mayhem Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Id: Di tengah hiruk pikuk Pasar Senen,...

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Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Slip-Up at the Durian Stall: Market Mayhem
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Story Transcript:

Id: Di tengah hiruk pikuk Pasar Senen, di mana keramaian selalu membawa warna kehidupan, ada tiga orang sahabat yang bernama Ibrahim, Siti, dan Budi.
En: In the midst of the bustling Pasar Senen, where the crowd always brings color to life, there were three friends named Ibrahim, Siti, and Budi.

Id: Mereka berjalan-jalan di pasar itu dengan tujuan mencari buah durian yang sangat dicari oleh Siti karena kesukaannya yang luar biasa terhadap buah beraroma tajam itu.
En: They strolled through the market with the aim of finding durian, a fruit highly sought after by Siti due to her extraordinary fondness for the pungent fruit.

Id: Suatu hari yang cerah, mereka memutuskan untuk berangkat bersama ke Pasar Senen.
En: On a sunny day, they decided to go to Pasar Senen together.

Id: Pasar itu terkenal dengan koleksi buah-buahannya yang segar dan berlimpah.
En: The market was renowned for its collection of fresh and abundant fruits.

Id: Siti sangat antusias untuk segera menikmati durian, sedangkan Ibrahim dan Budi hanya tertawa melihat kegirangan teman mereka.
En: Siti was very enthusiastic about enjoying the durian, while Ibrahim and Budi just laughed at their friend's excitement.

Id: Setibanya di pasar, Ibrahim, yang paling besar di antara mereka, berjalan dengan langkah lebar ke depan.
En: Upon arriving at the market, Ibrahim, the largest of the group, strode forward with wide steps.

Id: Dengan mata yang terarah hanya pada satu warung durian, Ibrahim tidak menyadari bahwa lantai pasar yang ramai itu licin karena bekas cairan buah yang jatuh dan terinjak-injak.
En: With his eyes fixed on only one durian stall, Ibrahim didn't realize that the busy market floor was slippery from the juice of fallen and trampled fruits.

Id: Sambil tertawa, Ibrahim kehilangan keseimbangan dan "Wush!
En: Laughing, Ibrahim lost his balance and "Whooosh!"

Id: " Terpeleset dengan satu kaki terangkat tinggi ke udara.
En: slipped with one foot lifted high in the air.

Id: Keseimbangan yang tidak bisa ia pertahankan membuat Ibrahim jatuh dengan posisi yang sangat buruk, tepat ke atas tumpukan durian yang sedang ditata dengan rapi oleh penjual.
En: Unable to maintain his balance, Ibrahim fell in a very awkward position, right onto the neatly arranged pile of durian being prepared by the seller.

Id: "Aduh!
En: "Ouch!"

Id: " teriak Ibrahim kesakitan karena dirinya jatuh di atas buah yang memiliki kulit yang begitu tajam.
En: Ibrahim cried out in pain as he fell onto the fruit with such sharp skin.

Id: Siti dan Budi segera berlari ke arah Ibrahim.
En: Siti and Budi immediately ran to Ibrahim.

Id: Tertawa bukan kepalang, mereka berdua berusaha menahan tawa, tapi situasinya terlalu lucu untuk bisa diabaikan.
En: Finding it uncontrollably funny, they both tried to hold back their laughter, but the situation was too comical to ignore.

Id: Orang-orang di pasar yang melihat kejadian itu pun tak bisa menahan tawa.
En: Onlookers at the market couldn't help but laugh as well.

Id: Ibrahim, yang masih berada di atas tumpukan durian, hanya bisa pasrah menerima nasib sambil meringis kesakitan.
En: Ibrahim, still on the pile of durian, could only resign himself to his fate while grimacing in pain.

Id: Toko-toko di sekitar mendadak menjadi panggung komedi tak terduga.
En: The surrounding shops suddenly turned into an unexpected comedy stage.

Id: Penjual durian, meskipun sedikit kesal karena buahnya menjadi korban, tidak tahan untuk tidak ikut tertawa ketika melihat ekspresi Ibrahim.
En: The durian seller, albeit a little annoyed that his fruits were the casualties, couldn't resist joining in the laughter when seeing Ibrahim's expression.

Id: Siti, yang selalu cepat berpikir, memberi tahu penjual bahwa mereka akan membeli beberapa durian yang telah rusak karena kejadian itu.
En: Siti, always quick to think, informed the seller that they would buy some of the damaged durian due to the incident.

Id: Budi, si anak yang kuat, membantu Ibrahim bangun dan bersihkan duri durian yang menempel di pakaian.
En: Budi, the strong one, helped Ibrahim up and cleaned the durian spines stuck to his clothes.

Id: Setelah situasi tenang, mereka menyantap durian bersama, termasuk penjual yang sudah tadi tertawa.
En: Once the situation calmed down, they enjoyed the durian together, including the seller who had earlier been laughing.

Id: Ibrahim, meskipun sedikit malu, akhirnya tertawa juga.
En: Finally, even Ibrahim chuckled a bit, despite feeling a little embarrassed.

Id: Dia sadar bahwa kejadian itu membawa keceriaan yang tidak terlupakan bagi semua orang di pasar.
En: He realized that the incident brought about an unforgettable joy for everyone at the market.

Id: Dari hari itu, mereka selalu diingat sebagai "Trio Durian" oleh para pedagang Pasar Senen.
En: From that day on, they were always remembered as the "Durian Trio" by the traders at Pasar Senen.

Id: Setiap kali mereka kembali ke pasar, akan selalu ada cerita dan tawa yang mengikuti.
En: Whenever they returned to the market, there would always be stories and laughter accompanying them.

Id: Dan bagi Siti, Budi, dan Ibrahim, pasar itu bukan hanya tempat untuk menggugurkan hasrat makan durian, tapi juga tempat di mana persahabatan mereka semakin hangat dan kenangan yang lucu tercipta bersama.
En: And for Siti, Budi, and Ibrahim, the market was not just a place to satisfy their craving for durian, but also a place where their friendship grew warmer and funny memories were created together.

Vocabulary Words:
  • bustling: hiruk pikuk
  • crowd: keramaian
  • friends: sahabat
  • durian: buah durian
  • sought after: sangat dicari
  • fondness: kesukaan
  • pungent: beraroma tajam
  • renowned: terkenal
  • collection: koleksi
  • abundant: berlimpah
  • enthusiastic: antusias
  • laughed: tertawa
  • steps: langkah
  • realize: menyadari
  • slippery: licin
  • fallen: jatuh
  • trampled: terinjak-injak
  • casualties: korban
  • annoyed: kesal
  • resist: tahan
  • informed: memberi tahu
  • damage: rusak
  • incident: kejadian
  • cleaned: membersihkan
  • spines: duri
  • resign: pasrah
  • amidst: di tengah
  • traders: pedagang
  • accompanying: mengikuti
  • warmer: semakin hangat
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