
Slip-Up Serendipity: Maja's Ljubljana Laugh

Jan 26, 2024 · 13m 44s
Slip-Up Serendipity: Maja's Ljubljana Laugh

01 · Main Story

1m 41s

02 · Vocabulary Words

9m 52s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Slip-Up Serendipity: Maja's Ljubljana Laugh Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Nekega sončnega popoldneva se je Maja sprehajala po...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Slip-Up Serendipity: Maja's Ljubljana Laugh
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Nekega sončnega popoldneva se je Maja sprehajala po ozkih tlakovanih ulicah starega dela Ljubljane.
En: One sunny afternoon, Maja was strolling through the narrow cobblestone streets of the old part of Ljubljana.

Sl: Ptice so čivkale in drevesa so nežno šelestela v lahnem vetriču.
En: Birds were chirping and the trees were gently rustling in the light breeze.

Sl: Maja je bila vesela, ker je končno obiskala prestolnico, ki jo je dolgo želela raziskati.
En: Maja was happy because she had finally visited the capital city, which she had longed to explore.

Sl: Prav takrat pa je po ulici, polni trgovin in kavarn, prišel tudi Luka, starejši brat njene prijateljice.
En: At that moment, Luka, the older brother of her friend, also walked down the street full of shops and cafes.

Sl: Luka je bil znan po tem, da je vedno nasmejan in poln šal.
En: Luka was known for always being cheerful and full of jokes.

Sl: Ko je zagledal Majo, je pohitel k njej, da se pozdravita.
En: When he saw Maja, he hurried towards her to greet her.

Sl: Maja je ravno hotela Luki povedati, kako čudovito se ji zdi mesto, ko se je zgodil nepričakovan pripetljaj.
En: Just as Maja was about to tell Luka how wonderful she found the city, an unexpected incident occurred.

Sl: Na tleh je opazila sijočo rumeno lupino banane, a preden je lahko stopila stran, je njen čevelj zdrsnil po lupini in Maja se je znašla na tleh.
En: She noticed a shiny yellow banana peel on the ground, and before she could step aside, her shoe slipped on the peel and Maja found herself on the ground.

Sl: Takoj je slišala Luka, ki se je začel na ves glas smejati.
En: Immediately, she heard Luka, who began to laugh out loud.

Sl: Maja ni bila poškodovana, samo njeno ponos je bil ranjen.
En: Maja wasn't hurt, only her pride was wounded.

Sl: Sedela je na tleh, rahlo osramočena in zbegana.
En: She sat on the ground, slightly embarrassed and bewildered.

Sl: Luka je nekaj trenutkov še naprej smejal, nato pa ji je ponudil roko in jo pomagal vstati.
En: Luka continued to laugh for a few moments, then offered his hand and helped her to her feet.

Sl: "Oprosti, Maja," je rekel Luka med smehom.
En: "Sorry, Maja," said Luka amidst his laughter.

Sl: "Tvoj padec.
En: "Your fall...

Sl: Izgledal je tako smešno!
En: It looked so funny!"

Sl: "Maja je bila sprva jezna, a ko je videla Lukujev iskreni nasmešek in ujela mehkobo v njegovih očeh, ni mogla ostati resna.
En: At first, Maja was angry, but when she saw Luka's sincere smile and caught the warmth in his eyes, she couldn't stay serious.

Sl: Tudi sama je začela smejati se in hitro je spoznala, da je včasih smeh najboljše zdravilo za neljube dogodke.
En: She began to laugh as well, quickly realizing that sometimes laughter is the best medicine for unpleasant events.

Sl: Luka in Maja sta se potem skupaj odpravila do najbližje kavarne.
En: After that, Luka and Maja went together to the nearest café.

Sl: Medtem ko sta srkala kavo in jedla slastno kremno rezino, sta se pogovarjala o svojih ljubeznih do mesta in naključjih, ki jih prinaša življenje.
En: While sipping coffee and eating a delicious cream cake, they talked about their love for the city and the coincidences that life brings.

Sl: Na koncu popoldneva se je Maja spomnila tega dneva kot enega najbolj smešnih in nepričakovanih trenutkov na njenem potovanju in Luka se je izkazal za novega prijatelja, s katerim se lahko nasmeje tudi najbolj neprijetnim peripetijam.
En: By the end of the afternoon, Maja remembered the day as one of the funniest and most unexpected moments of her journey, and Luka turned out to be a new friend with whom she could laugh about even the most uncomfortable mishaps.

Sl: Z roko v roki sta zapustila kavarno in se odpravila nazaj proti svetlemu popoldnevu, ki ju je čakalo v tistem lepem mestecu ob reki Ljubljanici.
En: Hand in hand, they left the café and headed back into the bright afternoon awaiting them in that beautiful town by the Ljubljanica river.

Vocabulary Words:
  • afternoon: popoldne
  • strolling: sprehajala
  • narrow: ozkih
  • cobblestone: tlakovanih
  • streets: ulicah
  • old: starega
  • part: dela
  • capital: prestolnico
  • longed: dolgo želela
  • explore: raziskati
  • chirping: čivkale
  • rustling: šelestela
  • breeze: vetriču
  • happy: vesela
  • visited: obiskala
  • friend: prijateljice
  • also: tudi
  • full: poln
  • cheerful: nasmejan
  • jokes: šal
  • hurried: pohitel
  • towards: k
  • greet: pozdravita
  • wonderful: čudovito
  • found: se ji zdi
  • incident: pripetljaj
  • noticed: opazila
  • shiny: sijočo
  • banana: banane
  • peel: lupino
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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