Stumble Dance: A Tale of Clumsy Romance

Jan 19, 2024 · 17m 5s
Stumble Dance: A Tale of Clumsy Romance

01 · Main Story

1m 39s

02 · Vocabulary Words

13m 33s


Fluent Fiction - Serbian: Stumble Dance: A Tale of Clumsy Romance Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sr: Bila je obična, mirna noć u...

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Fluent Fiction - Serbian: Stumble Dance: A Tale of Clumsy Romance
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Story Transcript:

Sr: Bila je obična, mirna noć u malom gradu.
En: It was a regular, quiet night in a small town.

Sr: Kafana "Pod lipom" puna je veselih ljudi.
En: The tavern "Under the Linden Tree" was full of cheerful people.

Sr: Dragan, mladić sa sjajnim očima i širokim osmehom, sedeo je za drvenim stolom pored prozora.
En: Dragan, a young man with shining eyes and a wide smile, was sitting at a wooden table by the window.

Sr: Uz njega su bile dve devojke, Jelena i Milica, koje su pričale i smejale se.
En: Two girls, Jelena and Milica, were with him, talking and laughing.

Sr: Dragan je već duže vreme krišom gledao Jelenu.
En: For a while now, Dragan had been secretly admiring Jelena.

Sr: Njene oči su bile kao zvezde na nebu: svetleće i neuhvatljive.
En: Her eyes were like stars in the sky: bright and elusive.

Sr: Bio je odlučan da je večeras impresionira.
En: He was determined to impress her that evening.

Sr: Na sredini kafane, muzičari su počeli svirati stare srpske pesme.
En: In the middle of the tavern, the musicians started playing old Serbian songs.

Sr: Ljudi su tapšali, pevali i polako zauzimali podijum za ples.
En: People clapped, sang and slowly took to the dance floor.

Sr: "Jelena, da li bih mogao danas da te izvedem na ples?
En: "Jelena, would you dance with me tonight?"

Sr: " pitao je Dragan, pokušavajući da sakrije svoju nervozu.
En: asked Dragan, trying to hide his nervousness.

Sr: Jelena se nasmejala i prihvatila njegovu ruku.
En: Jelena smiled and took his hand.

Sr: Ustali su i krenuli ka sredini kafane, gde se već formirao krug plesača.
En: They got up and headed towards the middle of the tavern, where a dance circle had already formed.

Sr: Dragan je osetio kako mu srce kuca brže dok su se pripremali da zaplešu.
En: Dragan felt his heart beating faster as they prepared to dance.

Sr: Uzeo je veliki dah i pustio muzici da ga nosi.
En: He took a deep breath and let the music carry him.

Sr: I počeo je da pleše!
En: And he started to dance!

Sr: Njegovi koraci su bili brzi, noge su letjele gore-dole, a ruke su zbacivale zamišljenu prašinu sa ramena.
En: His steps were quick, his legs flying up and down, and his arms brushing off imaginary dust from his shoulders.

Sr: Svi su posmatrali, a Dragan je mislio samo na to kako će Jeleni pokazati koliko je dobar plesač.
En: Everyone was watching, and Dragan was focused on showing Jelena what a good dancer he was.

Sr: Ali onda se dogodilo nešto neočekivano.
En: But then something unexpected happened.

Sr: U svom zanosu, Dragan nije primetio stolicu pored sebe.
En: In his enthusiasm, Dragan didn't notice the chair next to him.

Sr: Jedan pogrešan korak i - bum!
En: One wrong step and - bam!

Sr: Prevrnuo je stol pun čaša i flaša.
En: He overturned a table full of glasses and bottles.

Sr: Pogledao je naokolo – sve je bilo mokro i razbijeno, a kafana je utihnula.
En: He looked around – everything was wet and broken, and the tavern fell silent.

Sr: Jelena i Milica su stajale u šoku.
En: Jelena and Milica stood in shock.

Sr: Dragan se osećao kao da je progutao tešku kamenčinu.
En: Dragan felt like he had swallowed a heavy stone.

Sr: Kako sada to da ispravi?
En: How could he fix this now?

Sr: Brzo se sagnuo, počeo da podiže čaše i da se izvinjava.
En: He quickly bent down, started picking up the glasses and apologized.

Sr: Bilo mu je neizmerno žao, ali ono što se desilo sledeće je bilo neočekivano.
En: He felt really sorry, but what happened next was unexpected.

Sr: Jelena se pridružila Draganu, zgrabila krpu i pomogla mu da sve očisti.
En: Jelena joined Dragan, grabbed a cloth, and helped him clean up.

Sr: "Nije kraj sveta," rekla je sa osmehom.
En: "It's not the end of the world," she said with a smile.

Sr: "Znaš, i ja volim da plešem, ali plešem tako da ne obaram stolove.
En: "You know, I love to dance too, but I dance in a way that doesn't knock over tables."

Sr: "Dragan se nasmejao, a njegovo srce je ovog puta lupalo iz drugog razloga.
En: Dragan laughed, and this time his heart was pounding for a different reason.

Sr: Bili su zajedno na kolenima, čisteći nered koji je napravio, ali sada je između njih bilo nešto više od prijateljstva.
En: They were on their knees together, cleaning up the mess he had made, but now there was something more than friendship between them.

Sr: Kada su završili sa čišćenjem, Dragan je ponovo uhvatio Jelenu za ruku i izveo je na mesto gde je sada bilo sasvim bezbedno plesati.
En: When they finished cleaning, Dragan took Jelena's hand again and led her to a place where it was safe to dance.

Sr: Ovoga puta, plesao je opreznije, sa osmehom koji nije silazio sa njegovog lica.
En: This time, he danced more carefully, with a smile that never left his face.

Sr: Milica je sa stola posmatrala dvoje plesača kako se smeju i vrte u ritmu muzike, srećna što su njeni prijatelji pronašli zajednički jezik i ritam.
En: Milica watched the two dancers from the table, happy that her friends had found a common language and rhythm.

Sr: Veče je završeno velikim pljeskom svih prisutnih za Draganovu hrabrost i Jeleninu velikodušnost.
En: The night ended with a big round of applause from everyone present for Dragan's bravery and Jelena's generosity.

Sr: Kafana "Pod lipom" pamtiće ovu noć kao noć kada se Dragan spotakao, ali je uspeo da nađe oslonac u Jeleninim očima.
En: The tavern "Under the Linden Tree" would remember this night as the night when Dragan stumbled but managed to find support in Jelena's eyes.

Vocabulary Words:
  • regular: obična
  • quiet: mirna
  • tavern: kafana
  • cheerful: veseli
  • shining: sjajnim
  • window: prozora
  • laughing: smejale se
  • secretly: krišom
  • admiring: gledao
  • elusive: neuhvatljive
  • impress: impresionira
  • musicians: muzičari
  • playing: svirati
  • clapping: tapšali
  • dancing: plesa
  • hide: sakrije
  • nervousness: nervozu
  • hand: ruku
  • circle: krug
  • dance: ples
  • beating: kuca
  • breath: dah
  • carry: nosi
  • steps: koraci
  • flying: letjele
  • down: do
  • brushing: zbacivale
  • imaginary: zamišljenu
  • dust: prašinu
  • shoulders: ramena
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