The Happy Croissant Blunder!

Jan 20, 2024 · 16m 16s
The Happy Croissant Blunder!

01 · Main Story

1m 40s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 47s


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: The Happy Croissant Blunder! Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Hr: Jutro je svanulo mirisno i toplo u malom gradiću,...

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: The Happy Croissant Blunder!
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Story Transcript:

Hr: Jutro je svanulo mirisno i toplo u malom gradiću, a Luka je zašetao niz ulicu prema lokalnoj pekarnici.
En: The morning dawned fragrant and warm in the small town, and Luka strolled down the street towards the local bakery.

Hr: Bio je to dan kao stvoren za savršen doručak.
En: It was a day made for a perfect breakfast.

Hr: Planirao je kupiti nekoliko kroasana da iznenadi svoje prijatelje Marka i Anu za doručak.
En: He planned to buy a few croissants to surprise his friends Marko and Ana for breakfast.

Hr: Ulazeći u pekarnu, pozdravio je gđu Maricu koja je vrijedno slagala svježe pecivo na police.
En: As he entered the bakery, he greeted Mrs. Marica, who was diligently arranging freshly baked goods on the shelves.

Hr: "Dobar dan, Luka. Što ćeš danas?" upitala ga je s osmijehom.
En: "Good morning, Luka. What can I get you today?" she asked with a smile.

Hr: "Deset kroasana, molim Vas," rekao je Luka, ali njegove riječi su se nekako pobrkale.
En: "Ten croissants, please," said Luka, but his words somehow got mixed up.

Hr: "Sto kroasana? Sada?!" zaprepastila se gđa Marica, no Luka je već klimnuo glavom, ne shvaćajući svoju pogrešku.
En: "One hundred croissants? Right now?!" Mrs. Marica was astonished, but Luka had already nodded, unaware of his mistake.

Hr: Dok je gđa Marica pospano pripremala ogromnu narudžbu, Luka je sanjario o sunčanom danu ispred sebe.
En: As Mrs. Marica sleepily prepared the enormous order, Luka daydreamed about the sunny day ahead.

Hr: Tek kad je vidio brdo zlatnih kroasana na pultu, spoznao je svoju pogrešku.
En: It wasn't until he saw a mountain of golden croissants on the counter that he realized his error.

Hr: "Oh, ne! Htio sam reći deset, a ne sto!" uzviknuo je zbunjeno.
En: "Oh no! I meant to say ten, not a hundred!" he exclaimed in confusion.

Hr: Ali bilo je kasno. Kroasani su već bili spremni i mirisali su božanstveno.
En: But it was too late. The croissants were already ready and smelled heavenly.

Hr: Luka je znao da nema smisla pokušavati vratiti ih.
En: Luka knew it made no sense to try to return them.

Hr: Umjesto toga, odlučio je podijeliti ih s cijelim susjedstvom.
En: Instead, he decided to share them with the entire neighborhood.

Hr: Zagrabio je tople kroasane i krenuo u akciju.
En: He grabbed some warm croissants and set his plan in action.

Hr: Prva stanica bila je Markova kuća.
En: The first stop was Marko's house.

Hr: "Dobro jutro, Luka! To je... puno kroasana," rekao je Marko, gledajući u gomilu peciva.
En: "Good morning, Luka! That's... a lot of croissants," Marko said, looking at the pile of pastries.

Hr: Nakon što je čuo Lukinu priču, nasmijali su se i Marko mu je pomogao nositi dio kroasana do Ane.
En: After hearing Luka's story, they laughed, and Marko helped him carry some of the croissants to Ana.

Hr: Ana je već u vrtu radila na svom cvijeću kad su stigli.
En: Ana was already working in her garden when they arrived.

Hr: "Pa, to je veliko iznenađenje!" uzviknula je Ana.
En: "Well, that's a big surprise!" exclaimed Ana.

Hr: "Mislim da imamo dovoljno doručka za cijeli kvart!"
En: "I think we have enough breakfast for the whole neighborhood!"

Hr: Tako su troje prijatelja napravili improvizirani doručak na otvorenom, postavili stol u Aninom vrtu i pozvali sve susjede.
En: So, the three friends made an impromptu al fresco breakfast, setting up a table in Ana's garden and inviting all the neighbors.

Hr: Ljudi su izlazili iz svojih kuća, zaintrigirani mirisom pečenog tijesta.
En: People emerged from their houses, intrigued by the scent of freshly baked dough.

Hr: Sunce je visoko sjalo, a smijeh se širio zrakom dok su kroasani nestajali, jedan po jedan.
En: The sun was high, and laughter filled the air as the croissants disappeared, one by one.

Hr: Djeca su se igrala, odrasli su razgovarali, a ptice su cvrkutale u pozadini.
En: Children played, adults chatted, and birds chirped in the background.

Hr: Luka je shvatio da i greške mogu imati zlatnu oblogu.
En: Luka realized that even mistakes can have a golden lining.

Hr: Na kraju, bilo je jasno da Luka nije samo nespretno naručio previše kroasana, već je stvorio predivno jutro puno zajedništva i radosti.
En: In the end, it was clear that Luka hadn't just clumsily ordered too many croissants, but had created a wonderful morning full of togetherness and joy.

Hr: Svi su se složili da je to bio najbolji doručak koji su ikada imali, a Luka je postao lokalni heroj za dan.
En: Everyone agreed it was the best breakfast they had ever had, and Luka became a local hero for the day.

Hr: Na kraju dana, dok su se prijatelji opuštali i smijali se na terasi, Luka je zahvalio svojim zvijezdama na sretnom pogrešnom pritisku.
En: As the day ended, while his friends relaxed and laughed on the terrace, Luka thanked his lucky stars for the happy mistake.

Hr: I Ana i Marko su se složili: ponekad je vrhunac dana slatki rezultat male pogreške.
En: Both Ana and Marko agreed: sometimes, the highlight of the day is the sweet outcome of a small mistake.

Vocabulary Words:
  • morning: svanuti
  • fragrant: mirisno
  • small: mali
  • town: gradić
  • stroll: šetnja
  • street: ulica
  • bakery: pekarnica
  • breakfast: doručak
  • croissants: kroasani
  • surprise: iznenaditi
  • friends: prijatelji
  • plan: planirati
  • buy: kupiti
  • diligently: vrijedno
  • arranging: slagati
  • freshly: sveže
  • baked: pečeno
  • goods: pecivo
  • shelves: police
  • order: narudžba
  • enormous: ogroman
  • daydream: dream
  • mountain: brdo
  • error: pogreška
  • exclaim: uzviknuti
  • confusion: zbrka
  • already: već
  • ready: spreman
  • smell: miris
  • heavenly: božanstveno
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