The Mysteries of Mount Bromo: A Brother's Unyielding Hope

Jun 24, 2024 · 18m 51s
The Mysteries of Mount Bromo: A Brother's Unyielding Hope

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

15m 2s


Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: The Mysteries of Mount Bromo: A Brother's Unyielding Hope Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Id: Kabut tebal melingkupi kaki...

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Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: The Mysteries of Mount Bromo: A Brother's Unyielding Hope
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Story Transcript:

Id: Kabut tebal melingkupi kaki Gunung Bromo.
En: A thick fog enveloped the foot of Mount Bromo.

Id: Adi berdiri di sana, mengingat saat ia terakhir kali melihat kakaknya, Bayu.
En: Adi stood there, recalling the last time he saw his brother, Bayu.

Id: Sudah setahun berlalu sejak Bayu hilang.
En: It had been a year since Bayu disappeared.

Id: Adi berdoa dengan khusyuk, berharap Allah memberinya petunjuk.
En: Adi prayed fervently, hoping Allah would give him a sign.

Id: Hari itu adalah hari raya Idul Adha; suasana semakin sakral.
En: That day was the celebration of Idul Adha; the atmosphere became even more sacred.

Id: "Ya Allah, berikan aku kekuatan," bisik Adi.
En: "O Allah, give me strength," Adi whispered.

Id: Adi memulai pendakiannya.
En: Adi began his ascent.

Id: Angin dingin menusuk tulang.
En: The cold wind pierced his bones.

Id: Dia mengenakan jaket tebal, namun masih merasa kedinginan.
En: He was wearing a thick jacket, but still felt cold.

Id: Selangkah demi selangkah, Adi mendaki gunung yang curam.
En: Step by step, Adi climbed the steep mountain.

Id: Dia bertanya pada pendaki lain tentang Bayu, tapi mereka hanya menggeleng atau memberikan jawaban yang tidak jelas.
En: He asked other climbers about Bayu, but they only shook their heads or gave vague answers.

Id: Saat matahari mulai terbenam, Adi bertemu dengan seorang pria misterius.
En: As the sun began to set, Adi met a mysterious man.

Id: Pria itu mengenakan pakaian tradisional Jawa dan membawa tongkat berjalan.
En: The man wore traditional Javanese clothing and carried a walking stick.

Id: "Nama saya Pak Surya. Saya tahu Anda mencari seseorang," kata pria itu.
En: "My name is Pak Surya. I know you are looking for someone," said the man.

Id: Adi terkejut.
En: Adi was surprised.

Id: "Apa Anda tahu tentang kakakku, Bayu?" tanyanya dengan penuh harap.
En: "Do you know about my brother, Bayu?" he asked hopefully.

Id: Pak Surya mengangguk.
En: Pak Surya nodded.

Id: "Ikuti saya."
En: "Follow me."

Id: Mereka berjalan melewati hutan pinus yang lebat.
En: They walked through a dense pine forest.

Id: Kabut semakin tebal.
En: The fog grew thicker.

Id: Adi merasa ragu, tapi dia tidak punya pilihan lain.
En: Adi felt unsure but had no other choice.

Id: Mereka terus berjalan hingga menemukan sebuah gua tersembunyi.
En: They continued walking until they found a hidden cave.

Id: Pak Surya menunjukkan jalan masuk.
En: Pak Surya pointed to the entrance.

Id: "Apa ini?" tanya Adi.
En: "What is this?" asked Adi.

Id: "Di dalam sana, Anda akan menemukan jawabannya," jawab Pak Surya sambil tersenyum misterius.
En: "Inside, you will find your answer," replied Pak Surya with a mysterious smile.

Id: Dengan hati-hati, Adi melangkah masuk ke gua.
En: Cautiously, Adi stepped into the cave.

Id: Suasana dalam gua sangat mencekam.
En: The atmosphere inside was eerie.

Id: Adi menyalakan senter dan melihat dinding gua yang penuh dengan tulisan.
En: Adi turned on his flashlight and saw the cave walls covered in writings.

Id: Di sudut gua, dia menemukan sebuah kotak kayu kecil.
En: In the corner of the cave, he found a small wooden box.

Id: Adi membukanya dengan gemetar.
En: Adi opened it with trembling hands.

Id: Di dalamnya ada surat.
En: Inside was a letter.

Id: Surat itu ditulis oleh Bayu.
En: The letter was written by Bayu.

Id: "Adi, jika kamu membaca ini, berarti kamu telah menemukan gua Rahasia Gunung Bromo.
En: "Adi, if you are reading this, it means you have found the Secret Cave of Mount Bromo.

Id: Aku datang ke sini mencari artefak bersejarah.
En: I came here searching for a historical artifact.

Id: Aku menemukan sesuatu yang besar, tapi aku tidak bisa kembali."
En: I found something significant, but I could not return."

Id: Hati Adi berdebar kencang.
En: Adi's heart pounded.

Id: Di surat itu, Bayu juga menulis sejarah tentang sebuah benda berharga yang tersembunyi di gunung itu, dan peringatan untuk berhati-hati.
En: In the letter, Bayu also wrote the history of a valuable object hidden on the mountain, and a warning to be cautious.

Id: Ketika Adi keluar gua, Pak Surya sudah menghilang.
En: When Adi exited the cave, Pak Surya had disappeared.

Id: Adi merasa kebingungan dan sedikit ketakutan.
En: Adi felt confused and a bit scared.

Id: Namun, dia merasakan harapan yang baru.
En: However, he felt a new hope.

Id: Meskipun belum menemukan Bayu, dia tahu kakaknya tidak hilang begitu saja.
En: Although he had not found Bayu, he knew his brother had not just vanished.

Id: Ada sesuatu yang penting yang ditinggalkan Bayu di gunung itu.
En: Bayu had left something important on that mountain.

Id: Adi berjanji pada dirinya sendiri akan melanjutkan pencarian.
En: Adi promised himself to continue the search.

Id: Dia juga belajar bahwa menerima bantuan dari orang asing bukanlah sesuatu yang buruk.
En: He also learned that accepting help from strangers was not a bad thing.

Id: Perjalanan ini memberinya kekuatan dan harapan baru.
En: This journey gave him new strength and hope.

Id: Gunung Bromo masih berdiri gagah dan penuh misteri, tapi di hati Adi kini ada cahaya baru.
En: Mount Bromo still stood majestically and full of mystery, but in Adi's heart, there was now a new light.

Id: Ia tidak akan menyerah.
En: He would not give up.

Id: Kakaknya butuh dia, dan dia akan meneruskan perjuangan itu, dengan semangat yang tak pernah padam.
En: His brother needed him, and he would continue the fight, with an unwavering spirit.

Vocabulary Words:
  • enveloped: melingkupi
  • recalled: mengingat
  • fervently: dengan khusyuk
  • sacred: sakral
  • ascent: pendakian
  • pierced: menusuk
  • steep: curam
  • vague: tidak jelas
  • set: terbenam
  • mysterious: misterius
  • traditional: tradisional
  • dense: lebat
  • unsure: ragu
  • entrance: jalan masuk
  • eerie: mencekam
  • stones: batu
  • cautiously: dengan hati-hati
  • trembling: gemetar
  • artifact: artefak
  • significant: besar
  • warning: peringatan
  • cave: gua
  • majestic: gagah
  • unwavering: tak pernah padam
  • foot: kaki
  • disappeared: menghilang
  • fog: kabut
  • flashlight: senter
  • covered: penuh
  • pine: pinus
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