
The Statue Whisperer: An Unexpected Friendship

Nov 17, 2023 · 15m 13s
The Statue Whisperer: An Unexpected Friendship

01 · Main Story

1m 41s

02 · Vocabulary Words

11m 43s


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: The Statue Whisperer: An Unexpected Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: V srdci Bratislavy, na námestí plnom šumu...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: The Statue Whisperer: An Unexpected Friendship
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Story Transcript:

Sk: V srdci Bratislavy, na námestí plnom šumu a hlasov, si jeden muž všimol osobu, ktorá stála akoby zamrznutá v čase.
En: In the heart of Bratislava, in a square filled with noise and voices, a man noticed a person standing as if frozen in time.

Sk: Bol to Peter, muž v dospelosti, ktorý mal rád rozprávanie a nevnímal veľmi svoje okolie.
En: It was Peter, a man in adulthood who loved storytelling and didn't pay much attention to his surroundings.

Sk: Peter si obľúbil každodenné prechádzky po Starom Meste.
En: Peter had taken a liking to daily walks around the Old Town.

Sk: Hovoril si pritom sám pre seba, ako keby konverzoval so starým priateľom, a jeho oči boli často zahľadené do zeme alebo neba, len nie pred seba.
En: He would talk to himself as if conversing with an old friend, and his eyes were often fixated on the ground or the sky, but rarely straight ahead.

Sk: Jedného dňa, keď si Peter zase šušľal svoje príbehy do ucha vetra, náhle zbadal pred sebou postavu ženy, ktorá ho svojou prítomnosťou upútala.
En: One day, as Peter whispered his tales to the wind again, he suddenly spotted the figure of a woman in front of him, her presence capturing his attention.

Sk: Bol to krásny bronzový obraz ženy, socha stojaca pri fontáne – Jana, meno, ktoré sa plyšo týčilo na malom štítku pri jej nohách.
En: It was a beautiful bronze sculpture of a woman standing by a fountain - Jana, the name proudly displayed on a small plaque at her feet.

Sk: Peter však v tom okamihu neveril svojim očiam, a myslel si, že pred ním stojí skutočná žena.
En: But in that moment, Peter couldn't believe his eyes and thought a real woman stood before him.

Sk: "Zdravíčko, milá pani," pozdravil sochu s úsmevom.
En: "Hello, dear lady," he greeted the statue with a smile.

Sk: "Je krásny deň, však?
En: "It's a beautiful day, isn't it?"

Sk: " Pokračoval vo svojom jednostrannom rozhovore, hovoriac o počasí, o zaujímavých miestach v Bratislave, a dokonca aj o svojej obľúbenej káve z kaviarne na rohu ulice.
En: He continued his one-sided conversation, talking about the weather, interesting places in Bratislava, and even his favorite coffee from the café at the street corner.

Sk: Zatiaľ čo Peter nevedomky komunikoval so svojou 'novou známou', zhromaždila sa okolo neho malá skupinka zvedavcov.
En: Unknowingly, as Peter communicated with his 'new acquaintance,' a small group of curious onlookers gathered around him.

Sk: Medzi nimi bola aj Eva, turistka, ktorá navštívila mesto so svojim fotoaparátom.
En: Among them was Eva, a tourist who had visited the city with her camera.

Sk: Divadielko ju tak zabavilo, že začala celej scéne fotografovať.
En: The whole scene amused her so much that she began taking photographs of the entire spectacle.

Sk: Kázalo sa nášmu Petrovi, že Jana ho s nehybnou tvárou ignoruje, začudoval sa, prečo je taká nevrlá.
En: To our Peter, it seemed that Jana was ignoring him with her motionless face, and he wondered why she was being so sullen.

Sk: A práve v tej chvíli uslyšal smiech.
En: Just then, he heard laughter.

Sk: Otočil sa a všimol si davy ľudí, ktorí sa jeho situácií naozaj bavili.
En: He turned around and noticed the crowd of people who were genuinely entertained by his situation.

Sk: Eva, ktorá snímala tento moment, sa k Petrovi priblížila a opatrne mu vysvetlila, že rozpráva so sochou, nie so skutočnou osobou.
En: Eva, capturing this moment, approached Peter and gently explained to him that he was talking to a sculpture, not a real person.

Sk: Peter, zahanbený a začervenaný, si všimol, že spravil hlúposť.
En: Embarrassed and blushing, Peter realized his mistake.

Sk: Ale po chvíli sa aj on začal smiať a prijal svoj omyl s humorom.
En: But after a moment, he too began to laugh and accepted his error with humor.

Sk: "Niekedy," povedal Peter, "aj sochy potrebujú spoločnosť.
En: "Sometimes," said Peter, "even statues need company.

Sk: Ale asi by som si mal nabudúce vybrať niekoho, kto mi odpovie.
En: But I should probably choose someone who will respond to me next time."

Sk: "Eva mu pokývala s úsmevom a ponúkla mu niečo, čo žiadna socha by mu nemohla dať - skutočnú konverzáciu.
En: Eva nodded with a smile and offered him something that no statue could give him - a real conversation.

Sk: Spoločne potom odišli do kaviarne, o ktorej Peter predtým hovoril, na tú obľúbenú kávu.
En: They then went to the café Peter had mentioned earlier for that favorite cup of coffee.

Sk: A príbeh o Petrovi a 'živej' soche sa rýchlo rozšíril po celom meste, prinášajúc úsmev na tvár každému, kto ho počul.
En: The story of Peter and the 'living' statue quickly spread throughout the city, bringing a smile to the face of everyone who heard it.

Vocabulary Words:
  • Bratislava: Bratislavy
  • square: námestí
  • noise: šumu
  • voices: hlasy
  • noticed: všimol si
  • standing: stála
  • frozen: zamrznutá
  • time: čase
  • adulthood: dospelosti
  • loved: mal rád
  • storytelling: rozprávanie
  • attention: pozornosti
  • liking: obľúbený
  • daily: každodenný
  • walks: prechádzky
  • talking: hovorenie
  • conversing: konverzovanie
  • friend: priateľ
  • fixated: sústredený
  • ground: zem
  • sky: nebo
  • whispered: šušľal
  • figure: postavu
  • front: pred
  • presence: prítomnosť
  • capturing: upútala
  • beautiful: krásny
  • bronze: bronzový
  • sculpture: socha
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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