Unraveling Mysteries: The Light Draws A Legacy Revealed
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Unraveling Mysteries: The Light Draws A Legacy Revealed
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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Unraveling Mysteries: The Light Draws A Legacy Revealed Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-11-05-23-34-04-sl Story Transcript: Sl: V rožnatem mraku jesenskega večera...
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Story Transcript:
Sl: V rožnatem mraku jesenskega večera na obronku hriba, je Matevž zrl v staro, zapuščeno skladišče.
En: In the pink dusk of an autumn evening on the edge of a hill, Matevž gazed at the old, abandoned warehouse.
Sl: S kraja, kjer se je vzpenjal na griču, je videl, kako je skozi razbita okna utripala čudna luč.
En: From the spot where he climbed the hill, he could see a strange light flickering through the broken windows.
Sl: Matevž je razmišljal o svojem dedku, ki je nekoč delal v tem skladišču.
En: Matevž thought about his grandfather, who once worked in this warehouse.
Sl: Spomnil se je zgodb, ki mu jih je dedek pripovedoval o delovnih dneh in dogodivščinah v tem masivnem, rjasto rjavem poslopju.
En: He remembered the stories his grandfather used to tell him about the working days and adventures in this massive, rust-brown building.
Sl: Želel je vedeti, zakaj se luč pojavlja vsak večer.
En: He wanted to know why the light appeared every evening.
Sl: Kaj če je to povezano z dedkovo preteklostjo?
En: What if it was connected to his grandfather's past?
Sl: Njegova prijatelja, Nina in Anže, nista bila prepričana.
En: His friends, Nina and Anže, were not convinced.
Sl: "To je preveč nevarno," je rekel Anže in zbral moč v glasu.
En: "It's too dangerous," said Anže, gathering strength in his voice.
Sl: "Kaj če se skladišče zruši?"
En: "What if the warehouse collapses?"
Sl: Nina je pokimala v znak strinjanja.
En: Nina nodded in agreement.
Sl: "Ali pa je tam nekdo drug. Nekdo, ki nima dobrih namenov," je dodala z zaskrbljenim pogledom.
En: "Or what if someone else is there? Someone who doesn't have good intentions," she added with a worried look.
Sl: Matevž pa je čutil, da mora raziskati.
En: But Matevž felt he had to investigate.
Sl: Našel je tolažbo v misli, da 1. novembra, na dan vseh svetih, morda odkrije, kaj ga tako vabi.
En: He found comfort in the thought that on November 1st, All Saints' Day, he might discover what was calling him.
Sl: Vseeno jim je zagotovil, da bo previden.
En: Nevertheless, he assured them he would be careful.
Sl: Na dan vseh svetih so se oblaki zgostili nad mestom in tema je legla že zgodaj.
En: On All Saints' Day, clouds gathered over the town, and darkness fell early.
Sl: Matevž je natočill svetilko, pogumno zakorakal proti skladišču.
En: Matevž filled his flashlight and boldly marched toward the warehouse.
Sl: Kljub strahu, je srce tikalo polno vznemirjenja.
En: Despite his fear, his heart ticked full of excitement.
Sl: Stopil je v notranjost.
En: He stepped inside.
Sl: Skladišče je bilo tiho, le odmev njegovih stopinj je spremljal njegovo pot med starimi, zaprašenimi stroji in lesenimi zaboji.
En: The warehouse was silent, only the echo of his footsteps accompanied his path among the old, dusty machines and wooden crates.
Sl: Našel je stopnišča, ki ga je vodilo do majhne sobe, o kateri ni vedel.
En: He found stairs that led him to a small room he didn't know about.
Sl: Luč je utripala skozi ozko špranjo pod vrati.
En: The light flickered through a narrow crack under the door.
Sl: Z dominom na srcu, je pritisnil kljuko in odprl vrata.
En: With a pounding heart, he pressed the handle and opened the door.
Sl: Na mizi je stala luč stare elektronike, osvetljujoč pisma in fotografije.
En: On the table stood a light from old electronics, illuminating letters and photographs.
Sl: Spuščeni prah je trosil zgodbe.
En: The settling dust scattered stories.
Sl: Vzel je enega izmed listov in prepoznal dedkov rokopis.
En: He picked up one of the sheets and recognized his grandfather's handwriting.
Sl: Pisal je o delu in skrivnostih, ki jih je skrival s to staro napravo.
En: It spoke of work and secrets he had hidden with this old device.
Sl: Bil je člen v dolgi verigi družinskih skrivnosti, ki jih Matevž ni poznal.
En: It was a link in a long chain of family secrets that Matevž did not know.
Sl: Zbrane fotografije so kazale trenutke njegovega dedka, ki jih ni videl nikoli prej.
En: The gathered photographs showed moments of his grandfather that he had never seen before.
Sl: Matevž je stopil bližje k skrivnostim, ki so skupaj z lučjo razblinile njegove dvome.
En: Matevž stepped closer to the secrets, which, along with the light, dispelled his doubts.
Sl: Znova zunaj, Matevž je dihal globoko.
En: Outside again, Matevž breathed deeply.
Sl: Počutil se je bližje dedku in lastni družini.
En: He felt closer to his grandfather and his own family.
Sl: Njegova radovednost ni bila več le otroška igra.
En: His curiosity was no longer just child's play.
Sl: Zdaj je vedel, kako se soočiti z resnico - s premišljenostjo namesto z nepremišljeno drznostjo.
En: Now he knew how to face the truth—with thoughtfulness rather than reckless daring.
Sl: Ko se je vračal k prijateljem, so stali na robu hriba in ga čakali.
En: As he returned to his friends, they were standing on the edge of the hill waiting for him.
Sl: Matevž se je smejal in že iz daljave mahal z rokami, prežet z novim spoštovanjem do preteklosti.
En: Matevž laughed and was already waving his arms from a distance, filled with a newfound respect for the past.
Sl: Ta izkušnja ga je spremenila.
En: This experience changed him.
Sl: Zdaj je vedel, kje so njegove korenine in kakšne zgodbe so jih oblikovale, resnične in polne večne svetlobe iz skrivnostnega skladišča.
En: Now he knew where his roots were and the stories that shaped them, true and full of eternal light from the mysterious warehouse.
Vocabulary Words:
- dusk: mrak
- gazed: zrl
- abandoned: zapuščeno
- flickering: utripala
- adventures: dogodivščine
- collapse: zruši
- intentions: namenov
- boldly: pogumno
- excitement: vznemirjenja
- echo: odmev
- accompanied: spremljal
- crack: špranjo
- pounding: domin
- illuminating: osvetljujoč
- scattered: trosil
- recognize: prepoznal
- hidden: skrival
- chain: verigi
- stepped: stopil
- dispelled: razblinile
- breathed: dihal
- curiosity: radovednost
- reckless: nepremišljeno
- daring: drznostjo
- waving: mahal
- respect: spoštovanjem
- experience: izkušnja
- roots: korenine
- eternal: večne
- mysterious: skrivnostnega
Author | FluentFiction.org |
Organization | Kameron Kilchrist |
Website | www.fluentfiction.org |
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