
Unveiling Borobudur: A Day in the Life of Dedicated Tour Guides

Jun 20, 2024 · 19m 23s
Unveiling Borobudur: A Day in the Life of Dedicated Tour Guides

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

15m 18s


Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Unveiling Borobudur: A Day in the Life of Dedicated Tour Guides Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Id: Pagi yang...

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Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Unveiling Borobudur: A Day in the Life of Dedicated Tour Guides
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Story Transcript:

Id: Pagi yang cerah menyelimuti Borobudur.
En: A bright morning enveloped Borobudur.

Id: Candi megah berdiri kokoh, menyambut matahari pagi.
En: The magnificent temple stood firm, greeting the morning sun.

Id: Di sana, di bawah naungan pohon besar, Rina dan Arif berdiskusi dengan semangat.
En: There, under the shade of a large tree, Rina and Arif discussed with enthusiasm.

Id: "Arif, kita mulai dari mana hari ini?
En: "Arif, where should we start today?"

Id: " tanya Rina sambil membuka buku catatan kecil.
En: asked Rina while opening a small notebook.

Id: "Mulai dari lantai dasar," jawab Arif sambil tersenyum.
En: "Let's start from the ground floor," answered Arif with a smile.

Id: "Biar wisatawan bisa melihat relief dulu.
En: "So the tourists can see the reliefs first.

Id: Nanti kita naik bertahap ke atas.
En: We'll go up gradually."

Id: "Rina mengangguk setuju.
En: Rina nodded in agreement.

Id: "Benar.
En: "Right.

Id: Relief di lantai dasar sangat menarik.
En: The reliefs on the ground floor are very interesting.

Id: Banyak cerita yang bisa kita jelaskan di sana.
En: There's a lot we can explain there."

Id: "Mereka mulai merencanakan rute tur.
En: They began planning the tour route.

Id: "Setelah selesai di lantai dasar, kita bawa mereka ke Arupadhatu," lanjut Arif.
En: "After finishing on the ground floor, we can take them to Arupadhatu," Arif continued.

Id: "Di sana, pemandangannya luar biasa.
En: "The view there is incredible."

Id: ""Tapi kita harus hati-hati," tambah Rina.
En: "But we have to be careful," added Rina.

Id: "Tangga ke atas sedikit terjal.
En: "The stairs going up are a bit steep.

Id: Kita harus pastikan semua wisatawan aman.
En: We need to make sure all tourists are safe."

Id: "Rina dan Arif adalah pemandu wisata yang berdedikasi.
En: Rina and Arif are dedicated tour guides.

Id: Mereka selalu berusaha memberikan pengalaman terbaik bagi wisatawan.
En: They always strive to provide the best experience for tourists.

Id: Hari ini, mereka berharap semuanya akan berjalan lancar.
En: Today, they hoped everything would go smoothly.

Id: Saat matahari mulai memanjat lebih tinggi, wisatawan mulai berdatangan.
En: As the sun climbed higher, tourists began arriving.

Id: Rina dan Arif menyambut mereka dengan senyuman.
En: Rina and Arif welcomed them with smiles.

Id: "Selamat pagi, selamat datang di Candi Borobudur," sapa Rina dengan ramah.
En: "Good morning, welcome to Borobudur Temple," greeted Rina warmly.

Id: "Nama saya Rina dan ini Arif.
En: "My name is Rina and this is Arif.

Id: Kami akan menjadi pemandu Anda hari ini.
En: We will be your guides today."

Id: "Mereka memimpin rombongan menuju lantai dasar.
En: They led the group to the ground floor.

Id: Rina mulai menjelaskan cerita di balik setiap relief.
En: Rina began explaining the stories behind each relief.

Id: Wisatawan mendengarkan dengan penuh perhatian.
En: The tourists listened attentively.

Id: Tidak ada yang ingin melewatkan satu detail pun.
En: Nobody wanted to miss a single detail.

Id: Setelah beberapa waktu, mereka mulai naik ke lantai berikutnya.
En: After a while, they started to climb to the next level.

Id: Arif memimpin kali ini.
En: Arif led this time.

Id: Dia memberi tahu wisatawan tentang sejarah candi dan berbagai aspek arsitekturnya.
En: He informed the tourists about the temple's history and various architectural aspects.

Id: Ketika tiba di puncak, pemandangan memang menakjubkan.
En: When they reached the top, the view was indeed breathtaking.

Id: Matahari memancarkan sinar keemasan di atas bukit dan pegunungan di kejauhan.
En: The sun cast its golden rays over the hills and mountains in the distance.

Id: "Sungguh indah, ya," bisik seorang wisatawan dengan kagum.
En: "So beautiful," whispered a tourist in awe.

Id: Arif hanya tersenyum, merasa bangga dengan warisan budaya ini.
En: Arif just smiled, feeling proud of this cultural heritage.

Id: Tur mereka hampir selesai.
En: Their tour was almost over.

Id: Wisatawan tampak puas dan senang.
En: The tourists seemed satisfied and happy.

Id: Rina dan Arif saling pandang dan mengangguk puas.
En: Rina and Arif looked at each other and nodded in satisfaction.

Id: Itu pertanda bahwa hari mereka sukses.
En: It was a sign that their day was successful.

Id: "Terima kasih telah mengikuti tur kami," kata Rina di akhir tur.
En: "Thank you for joining our tour," said Rina at the end of the tour.

Id: "Kami berharap Anda menikmati waktu di Borobudur.
En: "We hope you enjoyed your time at Borobudur."

Id: "Rombongan bertepuk tangan, menunjukkan rasa puas dan terima kasih mereka.
En: The group applauded, showing their satisfaction and gratitude.

Id: Rina dan Arif mengantar mereka kembali ke pintu keluar.
En: Rina and Arif escorted them back to the exit.

Id: Di sana, mereka berbicara sebentar, merencanakan hari esok.
En: There, they talked for a bit, planning for the next day.

Id: "Besok, mungkin kita bisa coba rute yang berbeda," usul Rina.
En: "Tomorrow, maybe we can try a different route," suggested Rina.

Id: "Setuju.
En: "Agreed.

Id: Selalu ada cara untuk membuat pengalaman lebih menarik," jawab Arif.
En: There's always a way to make the experience more interesting," replied Arif.

Id: Dengan semangat baru untuk hari esok, mereka pun berpisah dan pulang ke rumah masing-masing.
En: With renewed enthusiasm for the next day, they parted ways and headed home.

Id: Hari itu, Candi Borobudur tidak hanya menjadi tempat bersejarah, tetapi juga menjadi saksi kegigihan dan kerja sama dua pemandu wisata yang hebat.
En: That day, Borobudur Temple was not just a historical site but also a witness to the dedication and teamwork of two great tour guides.

Vocabulary Words:
  • bright: cerah
  • enveloped: menyelimuti
  • magnificent: megah
  • shade: naungan
  • notebook: buku catatan
  • gradually: bertahap
  • reliefs: relief
  • interest: menarik
  • view: pemandangan
  • incredible: luar biasa
  • steep: terjal
  • dedicated: berdedikasi
  • strive: berusaha
  • enthusiasm: semangat
  • arrival: berdatangan
  • breathtaking: menakjubkan
  • golden rays: sinar keemasan
  • distance: kejauhan
  • awe: kagum
  • cultural heritage: warisan budaya
  • satisfied: puas
  • gratitude: terima kasih
  • escorted: mengantar
  • dedication: kegigihan
  • teamwork: kerja sama
  • greeting: menyambut
  • planning: merencanakan
  • explained: menjelaskan
  • history: sejarah
  • architectural aspects: aspek arsitekturnya
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