
Unveiling Secrets: Journey Through Pula's Ancient Ruins

Sep 18, 2024 · 15m 14s
Unveiling Secrets: Journey Through Pula's Ancient Ruins

01 · Main Story

1m 42s

02 · Vocabulary Words

11m 20s


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Unveiling Secrets: Journey Through Pula's Ancient Ruins Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Hr: Misteriozni povjetarac prolazi kroz stare ruševine...

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Unveiling Secrets: Journey Through Pula's Ancient Ruins
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Story Transcript:

Hr: Misteriozni povjetarac prolazi kroz stare ruševine Pule, šaptajući tajne drevnih vremena.
En: A mysterious breeze passes through the ancient ruins of Pula, whispering secrets from ancient times.

Hr: U zlatnom ambijentu jeseni, Ivana, Luka i Marko hodaju prema svojoj avanturi.
En: In the golden autumn setting, Ivana, Luka, and Marko walk toward their adventure.

Hr: Ivana je strastveni povjesničar.
En: Ivana is a passionate historian.

Hr: Luka voli sadašnji trenutak, a Marko sanja da postane pisac.
En: Luka loves the present moment, and Marko dreams of becoming a writer.

Hr: "Ivana, jesi li sigurna da je ovo sigurno?
En: "Ivana, are you sure this is safe?"

Hr: " pita Luka dok fotografira prekrasne jesenske boje oko njih.
En: Luka asks while photographing the beautiful autumn colors around them.

Hr: "Moramo dublje istražiti.
En: "We need to explore deeper.

Hr: Ovdje ima nešto važno," odgovara Ivana s žarom u očima.
En: There's something important here," Ivana replies with a spark in her eyes.

Hr: Marko, noseći bilježnicu, traži inspiraciju u svemu što vidi i čuje.
En: Marko, carrying a notebook, seeks inspiration in everything he sees and hears.

Hr: Kako ulaze dublje u ruševine, kamenje postaje neravno, a zidovi sve viši.
En: As they go deeper into the ruins, the stones become uneven, and the walls grow taller.

Hr: "Pogledaj ovo," kaže Ivana, pokazujući na stare natpise.
En: "Look at this," Ivana says, pointing to old inscriptions.

Hr: "Ovo bi moglo biti važno otkriće!
En: "This could be an important discovery!"

Hr: "Luka se mršti, zabrinut zbog sigurnosti.
En: Luka frowns, concerned about safety.

Hr: "Što ako se uruši?
En: "What if it collapses?

Hr: Trebali bismo se vratiti.
En: We should go back."

Hr: "Marko pogleda Ivanu.
En: Marko looks at Ivana.

Hr: "Možda bismo trebali slušati Luku," kaže tiho.
En: "Maybe we should listen to Luka," he says quietly.

Hr: Ivana oklijeva, ali njezina želja za otkrićem prevladava.
En: Ivana hesitates, but her desire for discovery prevails.

Hr: "Moramo nastaviti.
En: "We must continue.

Hr: Znam da ovdje ima nečega.
En: I know there's something here."

Hr: " Nastavljaju hodati.
En: They keep walking.

Hr: Put postaje sve zamršeniji, ali Ivana ih vodi kroz vijugave prolaze.
En: The path becomes more winding, but Ivana guides them through the twisting passages.

Hr: Na kraju nalaze skrivenu komoru, netaknutu stoljećima.
En: Eventually, they find a hidden chamber, untouched for centuries.

Hr: Unutra su artefakti, kipovi i natpisi koji pričaju priču drevne civilizacije.
En: Inside are artifacts, statues, and inscriptions that tell the story of an ancient civilization.

Hr: "Wow," kaže Marko tiho.
En: "Wow," Marko says softly.

Hr: "Ovo je nevjerojatno.
En: "This is incredible."

Hr: "Luka fotografira, sada zadivljen ljepotom i značenjem onoga što vidi.
En: Luka takes photos, now amazed by the beauty and significance of what he sees.

Hr: "Ivana, bio si u pravu.
En: "Ivana, you were right.

Hr: Ovo je neprocjenjivo.
En: This is invaluable."

Hr: "Odlučuju dokumentirati sve bez uzimanja ičega.
En: They decide to document everything without taking anything.

Hr: "Obavijestit ćemo lokalne povjesničare," kaže Ivana.
En: "We'll notify the local historians," Ivana says.

Hr: "Oni će znati kako pravilno istraziti.
En: "They will know how to investigate properly."

Hr: "Ivana, Luka i Marko izlaze iz ruševina, ispunjeni osjećajem postignuća.
En: Ivana, Luka, and Marko leave the ruins, filled with a sense of accomplishment.

Hr: Ivana nauči kako je vrijedno slušati druge.
En: Ivana learns that listening to others is valuable.

Hr: Luka sada cijeni prošlost.
En: Luka now appreciates the past.

Hr: Marko ima inspiraciju za svoju knjigu.
En: Marko has inspiration for his book.

Hr: Kako se sunce počinje spuštati, oni hodaju prema izlazu, okruženi zlatnim jesenjim lišćem.
En: As the sun begins to set, they walk toward the exit, surrounded by golden autumn leaves.

Hr: Njihova avantura završava, ali prijateljstvo i naučene lekcije ostaju urezane zauvijek.
En: Their adventure ends, but the friendship and lessons learned remain etched forever.

Vocabulary Words:
  • mysterious: misteriozni
  • breeze: povjetarac
  • ruins: ruševine
  • whispering: šaptajući
  • golden: zlatni
  • historian: povjesničar
  • inspiration: inspiracija
  • inscriptions: natpisi
  • collapses: uruši
  • hesitates: oklijeva
  • prevails: prevladava
  • winding: zamršeniji
  • hidden: skrivena
  • chamber: komora
  • untouched: netaknuta
  • artifacts: artefakti
  • statues: kipovi
  • civilization: civilizacija
  • accomplishment: postignuća
  • appreciates: cijeni
  • etched: urezane
  • venture: avantura
  • passionate: strastveni
  • uneven: neravno
  • valuable: neprocjenjivo
  • notifies: obavijestit
  • twisting: vijugave
  • guide: vodi
  • investigate: istražiti
  • significance: značenjem
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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