
Unveiling Secrets: The Mysterious Painting of Plitvice Lakes

Aug 19, 2024 · 13m 36s
Unveiling Secrets: The Mysterious Painting of Plitvice Lakes

01 · Main Story

1m 42s

02 · Vocabulary Words



Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Unveiling Secrets: The Mysterious Painting of Plitvice Lakes Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Hr: Plitvička jezera su bila magično...

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Unveiling Secrets: The Mysterious Painting of Plitvice Lakes
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Story Transcript:

Hr: Plitvička jezera su bila magično mjesto.
En: Plitvice Lakes were a magical place.

Hr: Sunce je sjalo snažno tog ljetnog dana za Veliku Gospu.
En: The sun shone brightly that summer day for the Feast of the Assumption.

Hr: Posjetitelji su se divili prirodnim ljepotama parka.
En: Visitors marveled at the natural beauty of the park.

Hr: Luka, mladi vodič, sanjao je o učvršćivanju svoje reputacije.
En: Luka, a young guide, dreamed of solidifying his reputation.

Hr: Želio je postati poznat fotograf prirode.
En: He wanted to become a renowned nature photographer.

Hr: Blizu parka, u maloj galeriji, nestala je slika.
En: Near the park, in a small gallery, a painting went missing.

Hr: To je uzrokovalo pravu pometnju među posjetiteljima i lokalnim stanovnicima.
En: This caused quite a stir among visitors and local residents.

Hr: Luka je morao pomoći, iako je imao svoje obveze u parku.
En: Luka had to help, even though he had his own duties in the park.

Hr: No, slika je također bila šansa za njega.
En: However, the painting was also an opportunity for him.

Hr: Petra je bila povjesničarka umjetnosti.
En: Petra was an art historian.

Hr: Imala je poseban interes za sliku, vjerujući da skriva tajnu vezanu uz njezinu obitelj.
En: She had a special interest in the painting, believing it held a secret connected to her family.

Hr: Na neki način, bila je povezana s nestankom, ali nije željela govoriti o tome.
En: In some way, she was linked to the disappearance, but she didn’t want to talk about it.

Hr: Luka je slučajno čuo Petru dok razgovara s Ivanom, turistkinjom.
En: Luka accidentally overheard Petra talking with Ivana, a tourist.

Hr: Ivana je bila energična djevojka, željna pustolovina.
En: Ivana was an energetic girl, eager for adventure.

Hr: Govorile su o neobičnom susretu.
En: They were discussing an unusual encounter.

Hr: Luka im se odlučio pridružiti.
En: Luka decided to join them.

Hr: Svi troje slijedili su tragove koje su pronašli u parku.
En: The three of them followed the clues they found in the park.

Hr: Hodali su kroz guste šume i prelazili preko mostova gdje su slapovi bučali ispod njih.
En: They walked through dense forests and crossed bridges where waterfalls roared beneath them.

Hr: Došli su do skrivenog mjesta.
En: They reached a hidden spot.

Hr: Tamo je bila slika, ali i sumnjiva osoba koja je htjela da je uzme.
En: There was the painting, but also a suspicious person who wanted to take it.

Hr: Luka, Petra i Ivana nisu se dali smesti.
En: Luka, Petra, and Ivana were not deterred.

Hr: Brzo su reagirali i uspjeli spasiti sliku.
En: They quickly reacted and managed to save the painting.

Hr: Ubrzo, otkrili su povijesnu vezu između slike i parka.
En: Soon, they discovered a historical connection between the painting and the park.

Hr: Vratili su sliku na njezino mjesto u galeriji.
En: They returned the painting to its place in the gallery.

Hr: Luka je dobio pažnju zbog svoje uloge u rješavanju misterija.
En: Luka gained attention for his role in solving the mystery.

Hr: To ga je potaknulo da ozbiljno razmisli o karijeri fotografa.
En: It encouraged him to seriously consider a career as a photographer.

Hr: Petra je konačno otvorila svoje srce o svojoj obitelji, stvarajući snažnu vezu s Lukom i Ivanom.
En: Petra finally opened her heart about her family, creating a strong bond with Luka and Ivana.

Hr: Ivana, oduševljena avanturom, planirala je ostati dulje u parku.
En: Ivana, thrilled by the adventure, planned to stay longer in the park.

Hr: Svi su naučili nešto novo o sebi, zahvaljujući ljetu u Plitvičkim jezerima.
En: They all learned something new about themselves, thanks to the summer at Plitvice Lakes.

Vocabulary Words:
  • magical: magično
  • assumption: gospa
  • marveled: divili
  • renowned: poznat
  • gallery: galeriji
  • missing: nestala
  • stir: pometnju
  • residents: stanovnicima
  • opportunity: šansa
  • historian: povjesničarka
  • secret: tajnu
  • overheard: slučajno čuo
  • adventure: pustolovina
  • encounter: susretu
  • dense: guste
  • suspicious: sumnjiva
  • deterred: smesti
  • reacted: reagirali
  • connection: vezu
  • attention: pažnju
  • encouraged: potaknulo
  • consider: razmisli
  • career: karijeri
  • mystery: misterija
  • bond: vezu
  • thrilled: oduševljena
  • planned: planirala
  • learned: naučili
  • thanks to: zahvaljujući
  • forests: šume
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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