Viktor's Leap: Overcoming Fear in Bratislava's Eco-Park
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Viktor's Leap: Overcoming Fear in Bratislava's Eco-Park
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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Viktor's Leap: Overcoming Fear in Bratislava's Eco-Park Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: Mesto bolo plné života. En: The...
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Story Transcript:
Sk: Mesto bolo plné života.
En: The city was bustling with life.
Sk: Viktor prechádzal Urban Jungle eco-parkom v Bratislave.
En: Viktor was walking through the Urban Jungle Eco-Park in Bratislava.
Sk: Bolo skoro leto a príroda rozkvitala.
En: It was early summer, and nature was in full bloom.
Sk: Vzduch bol plný vône kvetov a čerstvého ovocia.
En: The air was filled with the scent of flowers and fresh fruit.
Sk: Viktor bol mestským plánovačom.
En: Viktor was an urban planner.
Sk: Mal rád trvalo udržateľný život a prírodu.
En: He loved sustainable living and nature.
Sk: Ale mal aj veľký strach z neúspechu.
En: But he also had a great fear of failure.
Sk: Viktor chcel kúpiť darček pre svojho mentora.
En: Viktor wanted to buy a gift for his mentor.
Sk: Jeho mentor mu veľmi pomohol s projektom.
En: His mentor had greatly helped him with a project.
Sk: Chcel mu poďakovať a požiadať ho o radu.
En: He wanted to thank him and ask for advice.
Sk: Ale mal obavy.
En: But he was worried.
Sk: Bál sa, že nenájde správny darček.
En: He feared he wouldn't find the right gift.
Sk: Mal strach, že ho jeho mentor odmietne.
En: He was afraid that his mentor would reject him.
Sk: Prechádzal sa trhom v eco-parku.
En: He walked around the market in the eco-park.
Sk: Vidí mnoho stánkov plných krásnych vecí.
En: He sees many stalls filled with beautiful things.
Sk: Farebné ovocie, čerstvá zelenina, ručne vyrobené výrobky.
En: Colorful fruits, fresh vegetables, handmade goods.
Sk: Zrazu uvidí stánok mladého remeselníka.
En: Suddenly, he spots a stall belonging to a young craftsman.
Sk: Na stole boli nádherné drevené sochy a dekoračné predmety.
En: On the table were beautiful wooden sculptures and decorative items.
Sk: Viktor sa zastavil a začal sa pozerať.
En: Viktor stopped and began to look.
Sk: „Dobrý deň,“ povedal remeselník.
En: “Good day,” said the craftsman.
Sk: „Môžem vám pomôcť?“
En: “Can I help you?”
Sk: „Hľadám darček pre svojho mentora,“ vysvetlil Viktor.
En: “I’m looking for a gift for my mentor,” Viktor explained.
Sk: „Niečo jedinečné.“
En: “Something unique.”
Sk: Remeselník ukázal na krásnu drevenú sochu.
En: The craftsman pointed to a beautiful wooden sculpture.
Sk: „Táto socha je ručne vyrobená z recyklovaného dreva.
En: “This sculpture is handmade from recycled wood.
Sk: Je to symbol trvalej udržateľnosti.“
En: It’s a symbol of sustainability.”
Sk: Viktor váhal.
En: Viktor hesitated.
Sk: Mal chuť kúpiť radšej niečo bezpečnejšie, niečo masovo vyrábané.
En: He was tempted to buy something safer, something mass-produced.
Sk: Ale cítil, že toto je správne.
En: But he felt that this was the right choice.
Sk: Rozhodol sa riskovať.
En: He decided to take the risk.
Sk: „Vezmem ju,“ povedal rozhodne.
En: "I'll take it," he said decisively.
Sk: Nasledujúci deň, Viktor nervózne čakal v centrálnom pavilóne eco-parku.
En: The next day, Viktor nervously waited in the central pavilion of the eco-park.
Sk: Jeho mentor prišiel a Viktor mu odovzdal darček.
En: His mentor arrived and Viktor handed over the gift.
Sk: Pozrel sa na sochu a usmial sa.
En: He looked at the sculpture and smiled.
Sk: „To je krásne, Viktor.
En: “This is beautiful, Viktor.
Sk: Je to jedinečné a osobné.
En: It’s unique and personal.
Sk: Veľmi ti ďakujem.“
En: Thank you very much.”
Sk: „Potrebujem tvoju radu na projekte,“ priznal Viktor.
En: “I need your advice on the project,” Viktor admitted.
Sk: „Bojujem s niektorými rozhodnutiami.“
En: “I'm struggling with some decisions.”
Sk: „Rád ti pomôžem,“ uistil ho mentor a začal dávať rady.
En: “I’d be happy to help,” his mentor assured him and began giving advice.
Sk: Viktor cítil, ako mu klesá kameň zo srdca.
En: Viktor felt a weight lifted from his shoulders.
Sk: Bol rád, že riskoval a vybral jedinečný darček.
En: He was glad he took the risk and chose a unique gift.
Sk: Jeho mentor bol spokojný a on získal potrebné rady a podporu.
En: His mentor was pleased, and he gained the necessary advice and support.
Sk: Viktor mal novú dôveru v seba.
En: Viktor had newfound confidence in himself.
Sk: Uvedomil si, že strach zo zlyhania mu bráni.
En: He realized that his fear of failure was holding him back.
Sk: Od tej chvíle sa rozhodol veriť svojim rozhodnutiam.
En: From that moment on, he decided to trust his decisions.
Sk: Vedel, že je to cesta k úspechu.
En: He knew this was the path to success.
Sk: A tak Viktor pokračoval vo svojej práci s novým zanietením a istotou.
En: And so Viktor continued his work with renewed enthusiasm and confidence.
Sk: Urban Jungle eco-park bol pre neho teraz nielen miestom oddychu, ale aj miestom, kde našiel svoju silu.
En: The Urban Jungle Eco-Park was not only a place of relaxation for him but also a place where he found his strength.
Sk: Koniec.
En: The end.
Vocabulary Words:
- bustling: plné života
- senct: vôňa
- sustainable: trvalo udržateľný
- failure: neúspech
- mentor: mentor
- advice: rada
- market: trh
- stalls: stánky
- handmade: ručne vyrobené
- goods: výrobky
- craftsman: remeselník
- sculptures: sochy
- decorative: dekoračné
- templed: chuť
- mass-produced: masovo vyrábané
- decisively: rozhodne
- central pavilion: centrálny pavilón
- struggling: bojovať
- decisions: rozhodnutia
- assured: uistil
- support: podpora
- newfound: nová
- confidence: dôvera
- enthusiasm: záujem
- trust: veriť
- path: cesta
- strength: sila
- eco-park: eco-park
- early summer: skoro leto
- arrival: príchod
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Organization | Kameron Kilchrist |
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