Zucchini Mix-Up: A Market Encounter

May 10, 2024 · 14m 11s
Zucchini Mix-Up: A Market Encounter

01 · Main Story

1m 40s

02 · Vocabulary Words

10m 24s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Zucchini Mix-Up: A Market Encounter Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/zucchini-mix-up-a-market-encounter/ Story Transcript: Sl: Bilo je sveže jutro in tržnica v Ljubljani...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Zucchini Mix-Up: A Market Encounter
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Bilo je sveže jutro in tržnica v Ljubljani je že brnela od življenja.
En: It was a fresh morning and the market in Ljubljana was already buzzing with life.

Sl: Ljudje so se sprehajali med stojnicami, kupovali sadje, zelenjavo in drugo blago.
En: People were strolling among the stalls, buying fruits, vegetables, and other goods.

Sl: Med njimi je bila tudi Ana, ki se je z nasmehom na obrazu podala na lov za svežimi sestavinami za svoj večerni obrok.
En: Among them was Ana, who set out with a smile on her face to hunt for fresh ingredients for her evening meal.

Sl: Prišla je do zelenjavne stojnice, kjer so se zeleni bučke lesketali na soncu.
En: She reached the vegetable stand, where the green zucchinis sparkled in the sun.

Sl: Ana se je sklonila, da bi prijela eno, misleč, da je kumarica.
En: Ana bent down to grab one, thinking it was a cucumber.

Sl: Ko je dvignila bučko, se je zmedeno obrnila na prodajalca.
En: When she lifted the zucchini, she turned to the vendor in confusion.

Sl: "Oprostite," je rekla z rdečico na licih, "sem mislila, da je to kumarica!"
En: "Excuse me," she said, blushing, "I thought this was a cucumber!"

Sl: Prodajalec, srednjih let z briljantnim smislom za humor, se je široko nasmehnil.
En: The middle-aged vendor with a brilliant sense of humor smiled broadly.

Sl: "Ah, gospodična, to je zmešnjava lahka. Poglejte, kumarica je manjša in bolj čvrsta," je razložil in ji v roke potisnil pravo kumarico.
En: "Ah, miss, it's an easy mix-up. Look, a cucumber is smaller and firmer," he explained and handed her a real cucumber.

Sl: Ana je podrobno primerjala obe zelenjavi in se zasmejala.
En: Ana carefully compared the two vegetables and laughed.

Sl: "Saj res, kako sem lahko bila tako nepozorna? Hvala, da ste tako prijazni."
En: "You're right, how could I have been so inattentive? Thank you for being so kind."

Sl: "Nič hudega," je rekla prodajalec, "zgodi se tudi najboljšim od nas. A imate morda recept za dobro jed z bučkami?"
En: "No problem," said the vendor, "it happens to the best of us. Do you happen to have a recipe for a good dish with zucchinis?"

Sl: Ana se je zasvetila. "Pravzaprav imam! Jih rada naredim na žaru ali pa jih nadevam s sirom in zelišči."
En: Ana's eyes lit up. "Actually, I do! I like to grill them or stuff them with cheese and herbs."

Sl: "Tole je namig! Zakaj ne vzamete te zamenjane bučke in še eno za zraven? Jih lahko pripravite nocoj," je ponudil prodajalec z naklonjenim nasmeškom.
En: "That's a great tip! Why don't you take this mistaken zucchini and another one for the side? You can prepare them tonight," the vendor offered with a friendly smile.

Sl: Ana je hvaležno prikimala in s še večjim smehom na obrazu sprejela njegovo prijaznost.
En: Gratefully nodding, Ana accepted his kindness with an even bigger smile on her face.

Sl: "Hvala, vaša dobrota me je resnično navdušila. Obiskala bom vašo stojnico še večkrat."
En: "Thank you, your kindness has truly made my day. I will visit your stall more often."

Sl: Oba sta se še malo pogovarjala o receptih in trikih za pripravo zelenjave,
En: They chatted a bit more about recipes and tricks for preparing vegetables.

Sl: Ana pa je s svežo zelenjavo in novimi prijateljskimi nasveti zapustila tržnico, ob tem pa se je z veseljem zahvalila za nenavadno a zabavno jutranje doživetje.
En: Ana left the market with fresh vegetables and new friendly advice, thanking them for the unusual but fun morning experience.

Sl: Zgodba o zmešnjeni bučki in kumarici je bila dokaz, kako majhna napaka lahko pripelje do prijetnega in toplega medčloveškega srečanja.
En: The story of the mixed-up zucchini and cucumber was proof of how a small mistake can lead to a pleasant and warm human encounter.

Sl: Ana je zakorakala proti domu, prepričana, da bo ta večer iz zmešnjave nastala okusna večerja in nov spomin za pripovedovanje.
En: Ana walked home, convinced that a delicious dinner and a new memory for storytelling would come out of the mix-up.

Vocabulary Words:
  • morning: jutro
  • market: tržnica
  • stalls: stojnice
  • sparkled: lesketali
  • vendor: prodajalec
  • cucumber: kumarica
  • mix-up: zmešnjava
  • firm: čvrsta
  • comparing: primerjala
  • attentive: pozorna
  • grill: žar
  • recipe: recept
  • stuff: nadevam
  • kindness: dobrota
  • encounter: srečanje
  • vendor: prodajalec
  • gratefully: hvaležno
  • chat: pogovarjala
  • tricks: triki
  • vegetables: zelenjava
  • unusual: nenavadno
  • fun: zabavno
  • small mistake: majhna napaka
  • pleasant: prijetno
  • mixed-up: zmešnjen
  • convince: prepričana
  • delicious: okusna
  • storytelling: pripovedovanje
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Author FluentFiction.org
Organization Kameron Kilchrist
Website www.fluentfiction.org

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