16 OCT 2021 · In the third installment we chat over the counter table top on a Sunday morning about how money affects people growing up, family values that are imprinted into an individual. When they should stop blaming it, and take responsibility of their life, characteristics and personalities. Is it possible to change from being a spoilt entitiled brat? Or change to be more selfish (self-loving) from someone too generous and always pouring out for others. Will money ruin families, or is it the lack of it that does so? Some poor families have 'everything': time, love, experience of fighting together (side by side) to survive. That rich families don't: absent parents always away on work, unloved, fighting together (at each other), etc. Some families got it together, no too poor to be without a bed and roof, but not too rich to not be able to love.
We also talk about confronting other people's values. How to talk in a way to be empathetic. Sensing when the listener is not ready, they will show signs of claming up.. running and hiding instead of facing the confrontation. Because it makes them feel uneasy. They 'pretend' to be busy doiing other things instead of dealing with the inner core. How irritating Socrates was going around asking people what was their life about and purpose and meaning.
Is life worth living with out money? Is life worth loving with too much money?
How to be grateful in the balance point.
How to respect other peoples view points and their desire to live the way they want to live life without bwing condescending as if pne way of living was bettet than the other.
To some have too much money is not a bad thing. God for them then. But what is the cost? What do they sacrifice in pursuit of it?
Can one be a lazy bum and not earn anything and still be happy? No, to feel fulfilled in life, one has to have a goal to strive for. A house, a family and home to come back to after a long days work. Nice hot meals. The feeling pf accomplishment that comes when finishing off a task.
Like making tbis podcast.