Helping People to Dream. Dare. and Dazzle their world. Empowering Leaders without title to enable their family, community and organisation to be Stronger. Smarter. Safer!

Episodes & Posts
9 FEB 2025 · Dramatic performance as well as engagement and satisfaction 'are within your grasp' when you have a clear and empowering Purpose.
Improvements of almost all types in organistions start with one word: clarity. It is used with respect to expectations, results, value, competencies, accountability, and what makes us feel alive and vibrant.
With clarity and focus come new insights, new strategies, and new behaviours that move individuals and organisations forward in exceptional ways. Let's explore....
1 FEB 2025 · If you want a flourishing business - one that has top-line growth, greater profitability, high levels of customer satisfaction, and top talent retention you must have flourishing relationships with your workforce, colleagues and customers.
In today’s world of work, the customer experience must be so compelling that customers wouldn't consider going elsewhere. This leads to a happy workplace where all srtive to be in 'top form', having fun in an empowering workplace.
Let's explore the principles.....
26 JAN 2025 · Designing for people is a design process that focuses on the needs and characteristics of the users or operators.
Good design takes into account how the operator is expected to interact with the workplace set up, the work equipment and how the work equipment fits into the system as a whole. As a result, facilities, hardware, systems, equipment, product tooling, materials, layout and configurations are adapted to human skills, limitations and anatomy.
The design process requires an analysis of the work tasks that operators have to carry out and the effect of any constraints that the design and its influence on the environment (e.g. noise, vibration) is likely to have on the operator’s health, safety and well-being.
Designin for performance
19 JAN 2025 · Let's look at leadership initially from a senior management level - having a duty of care to look after everyone within an organisation and all stakeholders.
Understanding what human factors are about, how it applies to your business and where you can get additional support. Having People, Processes and Plant/Equipment effective for the tasks, environment and people from a human and organisational factors perspctive. Enhancing the the health and wellbeing of all and protecting our environment.
Leadership is a philosophy. It’s an attitude. It’s a state of mind - it's about hearts and minds. And, it’s available to each one of us. In safety, we talk about leadership without title - we all can make a difference and influence others around us in a positive way. It can be as simple as uplifting someone by a smile....
Leadership for major hazards industries
Energy Sector Hearts and Minds
ZeLeadership Series
12 JAN 2025 · Human and Organisational Factors (HOF) on one level are 'straigtforward' on another, they are pretty complex with many factors 'in play' simultaneously. The key elements involved are:
- Leadership
- Designing for People
- Health and Safety Culture
- Fitness for Work
- Staffing and Workload
- Useable procedures
- Maintenance, Inspecting and testing error
- Training and Competence
- Safety-critical Communications
- Organisational Change
- Managing Human Reliability
- Accident Investigation Root Cause Analysis and Lessons Learned
Today we will 'headline' them giving a 'taste' for the future - let's explore.
5 JAN 2025 · This is an introduction to a series of podcasts on a Field Guide to Human and Organisational Factors that introduces, in a practical manner, the key principles and techniques to make our organisations and communities Stronger, Smarter and Safer.
These insights are from a career of 4 decades spanning the Globe from the Artic Circle to Auastralasia within the Oil and Gas, Petrochemicals, Aviation, Logistics and Maritime Sectors as a Chartered Safety Engineer, Leadership Coach, Business Consultant and Accident Investigation Team Leader.
Human and Organisational Factors (HOF) are about People who are involved in all aspects of work within our communites. These are all the key elements within workplaces in all Sectors that have an impact on the people who work there and the communites they impact that are fundamental in keeping everyone safe.
Human and organisational factors affect how effectively and safely people are able to do their jobs.
When managed well, human and organisational factors set people up for success. When they are poorly managed, or have not been considered, safety, productivity and wellbeing are compromised to the detrimment of everyone.
Over the next few months we'll introduce the key aspects of this empowering area in an ever changing world to help our communites be more resilent and grow to the wellbeing of all.
Dame Judith Hackitt, Safety Leadership – a moral and ethical imperative
Piper Alpha Tragedy
Grenfell Tower Disaster
Cardiac Journey
22 DEC 2024 · Let's explore resilient organisational cultures - my research and experience has identified ‘signalling channels’ that people use to pick up clues, cues, signs, and signals to determine ‘the way we do things round here’. (our culure)
These are 'leading performance indicators' that allow us to pick up through each of the channels if the organisational clues, cues, signs, and signals that we pick up are aligned and logical as opposed to misaligned, illogical or at cross purposes”?
This can help us identify if we have a resilient culture or one that is 'self- defeating"..... In which case we can look at 'nudging' our culture "back on track" ......
Intentional Revolutions - A Seven-Point Strategy for Transforming Organizations,
MIT, Ed Nevis, Joan Lancourt , Helen Vassalo
ISBN: 978-0-787-90240-7
15 DEC 2024 · Alone time in solitude can boost our weelbeing. This can be from relaxing and recharging to problem solving and emotional regulation.
Solitude can benefit personal growth, contentment, creativity and our relationships with ourselves and others.
Learning what makes us better at spending time alone can help us move to our best possible selves...
It's about being in the NOW...
Supporting Links
TED talk: How to Master the Art of being Alone
The Power of the Present Moment
8 DEC 2024 · Here are some peak perfromance insights Ive jotted down from my global Leadership coaching over many years....
Hope it helps - have fun exploring!
1 DEC 2024 · Let's explore the challenge of the so called 'Monkey Mind' and its relationship to Meditation. Some years ago I was curious about meditation and how to silence my 'manic maind' that was "all over the place".
My initial 'foray' into meditation was quite a revelation - I had no control over my 'Monkey Mind'. In fact, meditaion appreared to make it worse! Let's explore my insights after many peaceful years...
More to Explore
The Chimp Model
How to Meditate
Helping People to Dream. Dare. and Dazzle their world. Empowering Leaders without title to enable their family, community and organisation to be Stronger. Smarter. Safer!
Author | Jim Bennett Global |
Organization | Jim Bennett Global |
Categories | Self-Improvement , Management , Mental Health |
Website | www.facebook.com |
zest@jimbennett.me |
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